• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • komaikel
  • ベストアンサー率50% (2/4)

(1)は この猿のデザインを簡単にすることはできますか? (2)は 深く考えずに自由に私に相談しなさい。多くの事柄と考えは、それを人に話してそれから捨てるものだと思うから。 つまり、相談してからどうするか考えればいい、ということじゃないでしょうか



助かりました。すぐ回答できそうです。 有難うございました。


  • 次の英語は日本語で何といいますか?

    次の英語は日本語で何といいますか? What do I think about the future? Tough question. I don't know because it's a mystery. I hope to have good health, nice job and kind wife. But those are all mysteries too. I just need to be happy now. That's hard sometimes too. よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英語は日本語で何といいますか?

    次の英語は日本語で何といいますか? What do I think about the future? Tough question. I don't know because it's a mystery. I hope to have good health, nice job and kind wife. But those are all mysteries too. I just need to be happy now. That's hard sometimes too. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    次の文を和訳して、解説して欲しいです。 When it’s you and me we don’t need no one to tell us who to be.

  • anybody's business

    I have recently accepted that I'm bisexual. It's not something I feel the need to come out about because I am happy with my boyfriend and frankly don't feel that who does or doesn't turn me on is anybody's business. anybody's business=nobody's businessでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 This weekend I went shopping for clothes ... maybe you like that ... but I'm not really enjoying it. It's too difficult, too many choices. And suppose I choose something other people don't like ... Anyway I'm finished now and I have what I I need to have. Hmmm Italian food. Do you like Italian food a lot? As for the chopsticks ... it's not really strange for me. Personally I use chopsticks to cook pasta. It's easy to stir and take some spaghetti out to see if it's cooked enough. But eating ... I use fork :)But when I went to an Italian restaurant in Osaka they also gave chopsticks. Can you eat pasta with a fork? Or you think it's easier with chopsticks? Don't worry ... we won't be having pasta when you're in Belgium. About the chili oil. It's me that needs to thank you. You gave it to me and you introduced me to this chili oil. It's really nice on salad. Without you I would never know it can be so nice. If you bring some to Belgium you can bring your favorite brand. It doesn't need to be specifically this one. I like to know what you like. Don't worry if it's spicy ... I can take very spicy food. But are you sure it's not too much trouble? ... maybe you don't like it. Actually it looks more like what a horse would eat ... hahaha. You can try ... but we should have something more authentic (Belgian) for you. And also as a backup ... because I really don't think you will like it :)

  • 日本語の意味を教えてください

    Julia Childという人の言葉らしいのですが 意味を取れずに困っています。 Too many cooks may spoil the broth,but it only takes one to burn it. この文なのですが、どのような訳になるのでしょうか?

  • 長文を日本語に訳してください!(1)

    わからないとこが多いので全文日本語にお願いします。 Human beings crave intimacy, to love and be loved. Why then do people feel isolated in their intimate relationships? Four researchers and clinicians, Ayala Malach Pines, Shirley Glass, Lisa Firestone and Joyce Catlett, discuss the alienation that affects so many people and how to overcome it. We need to be close to other people as surely as we need food and water. But while it's relatively easy to get ourselves a good meal, it is difficult for many of us to create and maintain intimacy with others, particularly with a romantic partner. There are many variables that affect the quality of our relationships with others; it's difficult to pin it on one thing or another. But in this article, based on a symposium held at the 2000 American Psychological Association convention in Washington, D.C., four mental health professionals discuss their ideas about how we sabotage our intimate relationships--and what we can do to fix them.

  • 英訳

    私は寝過ぎてしまいました、だいたい16時間ねました。そして今朝は学校に行きたくない気分です。 I slept too much. I had been asleep for 16 hours and I don't feel like going to school this morning.これであってますか?? 教えて下さい

  • 翻訳(和訳)をお願いします

    “Maybe you’re looking at this being like, 'Jennette, you look fine.' First off, you can't tell from an Instagram photo… ‘You have great skin’ and I’m thinking, ‘No, I don’t. I know how to put makeup on my face. I know how to find a good foundation shade and the right application." “I'm considering posting a picture but I'm too insecure to do do it. It's interesting to me because I can access vulnerability so easily in so many ways, but with my face, it's hard. Like with my words, I can. With my face, I don't think I can." She continues, “And I wish it didn't matter to me. I wish that I could be past caring about my acne, just go 'Oh, it's whatever. It's just a thing that I have, you know, who cares?' "But I care so much, I just wish my skin was smooth," she shared. "I feel like, dirty, because of my acne. It makes me sad that I feel that way about myself.” “I've tried everything. And the only thing I haven't tried, I guess, is just accepting it and owning it. And maybe the reason that’s the only thing I haven’t tried is that’s the hardest thing to try.” ニキビに悩んでいる女性の文章です。 比較的簡単な単語が使われていますが、翻訳サイトを使っても何となくしか意味が理解できません。

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    To be honest, I have Todd, but I don't have too many other friends that I can talk to openly. I think having a penpal alleviates some of the concern of things you say being passed to other people, and I think it also alleviates the fear of judgement. いつもお世話になっています。アメリカ人からのメールです。 I think having a penpal alleviates some of the concern of things you say being passed to other people, and I think it also alleviates the fear of judgement. この部分をうまく訳せません<(_ _)>誰か手伝っていただけないでしょうか??being passed なんてどう訳していいか全くわかりません。お願いします。