• 締切済み




His desire to please her is easy to read for us. He wears his heart on his sleeve. wear one's heart on one's sleeve ~は明らかだ、バレバレだ。 という表現をうまく使ったら先生はびっくりしますよ。


  • 高校英語  名詞構文で質問

    選択問題です His ( ) me with the work greatly disappointed me. 1.refusal helping 2.refuse to help 3.refusing of help 4.refusal to help 文の意味はわかります。前置詞のあとは 動名詞なので3は違うとおもいます。  どう考えたらいいですか? 名詞になってる 1か3だとおもうんですが?? 教えてください。

  • 入試問題2問お願いします(英文法)

    1週間前に同じことを質問しましたが 納得できる回答をもらえなかったので、再度お願いします。 名詞構文の分野で2問質問お願いします。 1.His ( ) me with the work greately disappointed me. a.refusal helping b.refuse to help c.refusing of help d.refusal to help a か dだと思いますが どう考えたらいいですか? 2.英作文  彼が彼女を喜ばせたがってるのは我々だれの目にも明らかであった。   {(His desireで初めて)(我々全員に)と考える。} His desire to please her made clear to all of us. うまく書けません 特に動詞の部分がーー?添削お願いします。 =over=

  • 私の英作文を見ていただけませんか?

    英作文を作らなければならず、考えたのですが自信がないので添削していただけないでしょうか? He was curious and explored the mysteries of the universe and black holes. For him, the black hole was a subject of study for many years. His name was spread around the world by the theory of specificity.He continued to announce new discoveries in physics until his death.He contributed greatly to science. He won numerous prestigious awards.

  • 自由英作文の添削してください !

    自由英作文の添削してください ! テーマ(自分の人生を変えた出来事) I have been to the US and the experience changed my view of the world. As you know, they speak English fluently: the sound of the language is cool even if the speaker is Japanese. That’s why I got to be interested in foreign languages. But that’s not all. What is more important for me is an American attitude: they are seemed to like to tell his thoughts to others and can express his own opinions positively, unlike the most of Japanese. These experiences showed me attraction of studying abroad.

  • 英作文

    彼は目を細めて私に ''あなたが今しなきゃいけないことは私がgood methodsと呼ぶ物をすることだ''と彼女は言った。 with his eyes narrowed he said to me ''now all you have to do is to do what i call good methods'' これで問題ありませんか?? with his narrowed eyesのほうがいいのかな…… すいませんが教えて下さい

  • 英語の名詞構文・無生物主語構文の問題です。

    語句補充問題と、並び替え問題ですが、名詞構文・無生物主語構文がいまいちです。困っています。語句補充問題のほうは、参考に日本語訳をつけてもらえるとうれしいです。問題集に答えがついていないのでお願いします。スペルミス等があったらすみません。問題数が多いですが、早めの回答をお待ちしています。 語句補充問題 1 I was informed that he had failed the examination.   I was informed()his()in the examination. 2 He complained that he was unfairly treated.   He complained of()(). 3 He said to me,“Do you know how high the mountain is?”   He asked me the()of the mountain. 4 Though he denied the rumor frequently,nobody believed him.   ()his frequent()of the rumor,nobody believed him. 5 I insisted that he attend the class.   I insisted()his()at yhe class. 6 These two are widely different from each other.   There is a()()between these two. 7 If you have a good sleep,you will feel better.   A good sleep will()you feel better. 8 He was too proud an accept the offer.   His pride did not()him to accept the offer. 9 ()did he reject the plan?   What()him reject the plan? 10 After walking a few minutes,we came to the station.    A few minute´s walk()us to the station. 11 We were surprised to learn that he was unable to understand even simple French.        His()to understand even simple French surprised us. 12 Because she worked hard,she succeeded in discovering redium.    Her hard work()her to the discovery of redium. 13 Since it gegan to rain suddenly,I couldn´t go to the party.    The()rainfall kept me()going to the party. 並び替え問題 1 彼はビンを軽く振った。   He(slight,the,shake,gave,bottle,a). 2 アンはどのように脱出したかを説明してくれた。   Ann(an,gave,how,of,account)she had escaped. 3 私がその試験に落ちたので、がっかりしたと彼は言った。   He expressed(my,disappointment,in,failure,at,his)the test. 4 これらの写真をちょっと見せてください。   (have,let,at,look,me,a)these photos. 5 テレビのおかげで、私たちは今日起こっていることを知ることができる。   (us,is,what,enables,know,TV,to)happening today. 6 恥ずかしがっていると英語の上達は難しい。   (it,makes,shyness,to,difficult,master)English. 7 コンピュータを使うと人間は自分で考えることができなくなるかもしれない。   Computers might(humans,for,from,thinking,prevent)themselves. 8 自分の犬のことを思っただけで、彼女の眼は涙でいっぱいになりました。   Just thinking(filled,of,her,eyes,her,dog,with)tears. 9 驚きのあまり話す力がなくなってしまいました。   Astonishmant(me,of,of,my,deprived,speech,power). 10 最近外車の数が非常に増えました。    The number(increase,imported cars,shown,of,has,a,remarkable)recently. 11 彼がうそつきでないことは、少し考えればわかるでしょう。    (thought,tell,moment´s,you,a,will)that he is not a lier. 12 通りの騒音で昨夜は眠れませんでした。    The(awake,kept,on,me,the street,noise)last night. 13 脂肪を余分にとらなければ、美しいスタイルが保てます。    (fat,you,help,aboiding,will,excess)maintain a good figure. 14 この列車で行けば半分の時間でそこへ行けます。    This train(get,half,in,the,there,time,will,you).

  • 構文問題

    無生物主語・SVC・SVOC構文についての問題です。問題を解いていて自信の無かったものを挙げます。解説お願いします。 1His call ( ) me the trouble of e-mailing him. アmade イhelped ウsaved エgot 2His serious illness ( ) him in the hospital for 2 months. アstayed イlet ウmade エkept 3The big earthquake ( ) serious damage to the central part of Niigata. アcaused イgot ウmade エcame 4This book is ( ) to us. アof no use イof no useless ウof not useless エof not useful 5He wanted to find out ( ) happy. アwhat to go for her イwhat was made for her ウwhat would go for her エwhat would make her 6It is necessary to make the fact ( ) to everyone. アknow イknown ウknowing エto know 7The doctor told me ( ) so much. アto stop from drinking イto stop to drink ウto stop drinking エstopping to drink

  • 物主構文の問題教えてください

    物主構文の問題教えてください 1和訳 What made her think of him so suddenly? どうして(   )突然彼女は彼のことを(      )? 2目的語を主語に書き換え 2-1The idea of his going to America made his mother feel uneasy.    His mother (    ) uneasy (                   ) of going to America. 2-2What has made those girls leave the town ?   why those girls (    )the town? 3主語を目的語に書き換え 3-1The door will open if you push it slightly.   (   ) slight push will make the door (  ) open. 3-2They couldn't carry out their plan because they didn't have any money.   (         )privented them from carring out thier plan. 4物主構文を使っての英訳 4-1トムを見ると彼の父親を思い出す   (       )remids me of his father. 4-2彼女は突然歯が痛くなったので、買い物に行けなかった   (              ) kept her from going shopping. よろしくお願いします

  • 前置詞 to,for の使い分けについて

    前置詞 to,for の使い分けについて ex) He showed me his passport. ↓ He showed his passport to me. このような文の書き換えを行うときに追加する to や for の使い分けがいまいちよく分かりません。 ご回答をよろしくお願いします。

  • 文法

    2つわからない文章があります。 (1) His reading is of a wise range. どういう意味でしょうか?またofはどのような働きをしてるのでしょうか? 前置詞句の叙述用法でしょうか? (2) His uncle who lived in New York asked him to come and help him in his big store there. 最初のhisとhelpのOのhimは同一人物ですよね?? おかしくなりませんか??