• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

>a period of residence in a corrective institution, medical treatment, a foster home for the youth, probation (continued supervision by the court). a period of residence は a corrective institution medical treatment  a foster home for the youth probation のそれそれにかかると考えていいんでしょうか? >パッと見た感じ全部ばらばらだと思います。直前の文とのつながりはないのでしょうか。


  • 細やかな日本語訳を、よろしくお願いいたします。

    学長から推薦を頂きました。 できるだけ美しい日本語で、細やかに、最大に誉めて翻訳して頂けますと、たいへん助かります。 どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 This is to certify that Ms ○○ is a regular student of the (学校名), where she just entered the 3 years long Bachelor program with piano as main discipline. Ms.○○passed a very demanding entrance examination with severe selection, and is now studying in one of the most wanted piano classes of our institution. I am confident she will be very successful in her studies and it is my pleasure to recommend her for a (機関).

  • この英文の訳を教えてもらえますか(Although,の構文)

    Although a valuable tool, these agents in and of themselves characteristically provide a level of disease control that is inferior to that achieved in the source compost. Although以下が完全な文ではないので混乱しています。a valuable tool=The source compost としてよいのでしょうか・・。

  • 私の訳あってますか??

    Part of the reason for the difference is that humans have larger brains than animals、 allowing them to store more information and process it more quickly. 相違の理由の一つは、人間は、動物より、多くの情報を蓄え、そしてより速く情報を処理することを可能にする、大きな頭脳を持っている という事である。 でいかがでしょうか? part of ~の一部分を 「~の一つ」として allowing ~の部分は、付帯状況の分詞構文と解釈しました。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Falkenhayn wrote in his memoir that he sent an appreciation of the strategic situation to the Kaiser in December 1915, The string in France has reached breaking point. A mass breakthrough—which in any case is beyond our means—is unnecessary. Within our reach there are objectives for the retention of which the French General Staff would be compelled to throw in every man they have. If they do so the forces of France will bleed to death. — Falkenhayn The German strategy in 1916 was to inflict mass casualties on the French, a goal achieved against the Russians from 1914 to 1915, to weaken the French Army to the point of collapse. The French Army had to be drawn into circumstances from which it could not escape, for reasons of strategy and prestige.

  • 英文の訳お願いします

    デザイナーに関する本を読んでいるのですが、この辺りが訳せなくて困っています。お時間のある方、よろしければ日本語訳お願いします。 From the beginning,Jean-Paul Gaultier has enjoyed a reptation as the enfant terrible of fashion. It is a subversive and yet strangely innocent image that he has always been keen to live up to. Of all the top designers,he is the most marginal,but also the best at incarnating the aesthetics,attitudes,desires and ambiguities of a whole generation of young people,not only in France but on an international level.The high level of recognition that Gaultier has achieved in London and New York is reinforced by the success of his perfume.

  • 経済英語なのですが、訳をお願いできますか?

    下の部分の訳を教えてください。お願いします・・・。 Using these data, I have attempted to say something about the history of the large industrial enterprise as a basic, modern American institution. In so doing, this book also provides information about the history of business administration in the United States and about changes in the larger American economy. It tells still more about the history of the individual companies examined. The book attempts to provide this information by focusing on the innovation and apread of the modern "decentralized" form of organization in American industry. The major portion of the work is devoted to the administrative histories of the four companies that first created the new form.

  • 訳が分かりません

    訳がわからないので、教えて頂けましたら助かります。 The main reason for this use of informal language in workplace e-mail is that a lot of young people have always communicated with others on the Internet一especially using e-mail一in a relaxed and friendly manner. For many, online communication outside of work involves talking with others in chat rooms, posting on message boards, and sending e-mail to friends一all for fun. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    I am about to marry the love of my life. We badly want for things to last. But we also live in a contemporary climate where love’s chance to last, monogamously and constructively, is pretty compromised. we also live in a contemporary climate where love’s chance to last, monogamously and constructively, is pretty compromised.の訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語の訳をお願いします。

    One of the purposes of this new system, beyond allowing researchers and scientists to talk to each other, was the creation of a communications network that the government hoped would be secure in case of nuclear or other emergency. 訳をお願いします。

  • 訳おねがいします

    The chief attraction slang has for people is novelty. It is fun to hear an idea phrased in a new, unusual way. But after hundreds of repetitions, the novelty wears off: the slang loses freshness and sparkle. The history of most slang expressions is that die an early death. (A)That is one reason why slang is often ineffective in speach and inappropriate in writing that is meant to last for some time. Then, too, a great many siang expressions are so general that they hardly have any meaning at all beyond a vague indication of approval or disapproval. Using such words adds no more to your speech or writing than dose calling everything you like "wonderful" and everything you dislike "awful". Words like "dreamy" and "crummy'' are slang of this kind and add little to style or meaning. Slang should be used with caution. A safe prescription is this: in conversation with friends, use it, but in small doses. Use it even less frequently in informal writing, making sure that what you use is appropriate to the subject and will not annoy readers. Never use it in formal speech or writing. If you read a great deal and listen with interest to the speech of people who use language well, you will gradually develop a reliable judgment about the appropriateness of slang. Then, when you feel sure a slang expression is effective, you will probably be right. (A)thatが何を指しているのかもお願いします。