• 締切済み

win withって成句的表現?


  • Riverview
  • ベストアンサー率63% (227/355)

回答が入りませんが、引用文が長すぎたからでしょうか。 win withですが、分かりやすい例を見てみると You can’t win an argument with women. あなた、女性と議論して勝てるわけがないでしょ。 ご質問の部分もほぼ同じようなニュアンスでしょう。 こんな風に訳せると思います。 男の人には勝てないわ、そう思わない。だって、男の人って、女が自分たち以外の人のことを話せば陰口をたたくというし、自分たちのことをしゃべればジコチュウだという。





  • 付加疑問文

    CathyがSimonに買い物を頼んだのに、Simonは会社の同僚と飲みに行って買い物をしなかった場面の会話です。 Cathy: Darling, there's no butter or yoghurt in the fridge. Simon: Sorry,love. I didn't go shopping yesterday. Cathy: But I asked you to go to the supermarket after work. Simon: I know, but I didin't leave the office until nine. Then I went for a drink with some of the guys from work. Cathy: You didin't go to the Red Lion, did you? Simon: I'm afraid I did. But I only had a few drinks, honestly. I had a little that foreign beer called “cognac”. そこで質問です。付加疑問文は「~ですね。」という意味で使われると思いますが、Cathyの“ You didin't go to the Red Lion, did you?”のセリフは主節が否定形なのに明らかに、Simonが飲みに行ったことを半ば確信していて、その上で確認するような言い方ですよね。こういう言い方って普通なのでしょうか? また、Simonの“I'm afraid I did.”の “afraid”は Simonが買い物を頼まれたのに仲間と飲みに行って してこなかったことの気まずさを表していると思うんですが、これはどう訳したらいいでしょうか?

  • この英語表現は正しいですか?

    書く英語 基礎編のLesson 178 練習問題5の解答によれば、 あなたが彼女に会うことはそんなに(so)大事なことだったのですか Was it so important that you had to see her? となっていました。しかし、これは、 Was it so important that you see her? と書くべきではないのですか? 何だか腑に落ちません。

  • strained

    Many years ago, I was in the U.S. military. I was sent to Southeast Asia and served three six-month tours. On my last tour, I suspected my wife had an affair, but I had no proof. While I was in training for a job after I was released from active duty, I heard that my wife had spent the night with one of the men from the base. I confronted her, but she lied to me; her good friend eventually told me the truth. I believe she was faithful to me after that for maybe 15 years. But our relationship was strained. strainedは辞書にそれらしい意味がなかったのですが、どのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語

    you are in love was not interested in girl I was in love with her then,and I'm still in love with her today you smile like an angel your smile is a bad enemy was my beautiful angel mad? I want you to love me I wanted to scream,but no wards came true love waits これって訳せますか? それ以前に文法的にあってますか?

  • 何故こういう訳になるのか?

    フィリップロスのさようなら、コロンバスからの一節です。 She was wearing her Bermudas and her white polo shirt which was unlike Brenda's only in that it had a little dietary history of its own. had 以下の訳が、「体つきがちょっと違った」となっています。この英文からどうしたらそのような訳が出て来るのでしょうか? SheはBrendaの妹で10才前後と思います。Brenda は20才前後で、よくバミューダパンツと白いポロシャツを着ています。そして今、妹も同じ服装をしているわけです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    Q. Help is not needed: I recently tried to assist a disabled person getting out of an SUV onto a wheelchair. At the time, it seemed like she had trouble controlling the chair, and I rushed to help. She was brought to tears as she tried to get me to move away. But then she seemed like she was about to fall again while trying to sit in the chair. In retrospect, I think I might have overreacted. But, again, she insisted that I did not help her. I see that person more or less every day, and I am uncomfortable about the right thing. I don’t know if apologizing will make things worse. Is there anything to do to make this right or less awkward? A: You say the woman in question seemed “about to fall again” but not that she ever actually fell, a detail I believe you would have included had it actually happened. she insisted that I did not help her.は「彼女は私を助けないでと主張した」でしょうか?あと、 not that she ever actually fell, a detail I believe you would have included had it actually happenedのeverはどのような役割でしょうか?また、had it actually happenedは仮定法でしょうか?not that以下の全体の訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • free with praise

    When I was a freshman in high school, I became friends with "Agnes," who was (like me) something of a social outcast. Agnes still considers me to be her best friend. That was 10 years ago. We have both grown up to be very different people. I am repelled by Agnes' lifestyle of promiscuity and high-risk behaviors. Although she is free with praise and is loyal in an odd sort of way, she is incredibly narcissistic and often condescending. free with praiseはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この歌の発音?教えて下さい

    Anna: Okay, can I just, say something crazy? Hans: I love crazy! Anna: All my life has been a series of doors in my face And then suddenly I bump into you Hans: I was thinking the same thing! 'Cause like I've been searching my whole life to find my own place And maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue Anna: But with you Hans: But with you Hans: I found my place Anna: I see your face Both: And it's nothing like I've ever known before Love is an open door Love is an open door Love is an open door Anna: With you Hans: With you Anna: With you Hans: With you Both: Love is an open door Hans: I mean it's crazy Anna: What? Hans: We finish each other's Anna: Sandwiches Hans: That's what I was gonna say! Anna: I've never met someone Both: Who thinks so much like me Jinx! Jinx again! Our mental synchronization Can have but one explanation Hans: You Anna: And I Hans: Were Anna: Just Both: Meant to be Anna: Say goodbye Hans: Say goodbye Both: To the pain of the past We don't have to feel it any more Love is an open door Love is an open door Life can be so much more Anna: With you Hans: With you Anna: With you Hans: With you Both: Love is an open door Hans: Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me? Anna: Can I say something even crazier? Yes! Read more: Kristen Bell - Love Is An Open Door Lyrics | MetroLyrics

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    日本語訳がわかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)My mom says it felt as though someone tapped her on the shoulder, but when she turned around no one was there. (2)It was then that she noticed I wasn't in sight. (3)She saw me in the pool, kicking and waving my arms in the air, trying to keep my head above the water. (4)She held me in her arms and thanked God that I was all right.

  • bad with my phone

    (彼女と一夜を共にして、そのあと無視されたという文脈)I sent her a text saying, “I had hoped this could be more than one random hookup. But you don’t think I deserve anything more than being ghosted? I want you to be honest and just tell me that night was meaningless to you.” She responded within the hour and said, “Whoa, I’ve been out of town until last night. I’m really bad with my phone. Not just with you but with friends and family. bad with my phoneとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします