• ベストアンサー


You know what? Long time no see you, don’t you think so? I wanted to see you,but I didn’t have enough time. Do you remember me? No? Sometimes I come to here. Last time I came to here....When was it? It was about 10days before. Then my dad got out of the hospital. Thank you, dad is getting better day by day! BTW, I love flowers very much! Last fall I planted a lot of bulbs, about 150 of tulips and daffodils.(この言い方では約150のチューリップと<数は、わからない>水仙を植えたとなりますか?合わせて150のチューリップと水仙と言いたいのですが...)Now I can see their heads.(g) Everyday I say them in my heart “Good morning! I am waiting for your flowers will bloom , I love you!” In April I will see a lot of flowers of tulip and daffodil.(tulips and daffodilsとするのでしょうか?) 一生懸命書いてみました、語るかけるように書いたつもりですが、どうでしょうか?よろしくお願いいします。


  • ベストアンサー

Gです。 こんにちは。 お久しぶりです!  明日までまだ24時間あるわけですけど徹夜してしまったようです。<g> いつまでも一日36時間の生活をしているわけには行かないですよね。 仕事をしながらグーでは何か書けることがあるかななんて時々見ています。 丁寧に書くことだけが英語でない以上、今回のように話しかけながら るんるん気分をちょっと出した文章は大変よく書けていると思います。 では、ご質問の部分をやってみましょうね。 >BTW, I love flowers very much! Last fall I planted a lot of bulbs, about 150 of tulips and daffodils.(この言い方では約150のチューリップと<数は、わからない>水仙を植えたとなりますか?合わせて150のチューリップと水仙と言いたいのですが...) 普通でしたら合計150とみてくれるでしょう。 しかし、その確率を100%に持っていきたいのであれば、Last fall I planted a lot of bulbs, totally about 150 of tulips and daffodils.とかLast fall I planted a lot of bulbs, about 150 of tulips and daffodils all together.と言う表現が出来ます。 >Now I can see their heads.(g)  かわいい表現です。 私は良いと思います。 their heads coming up from the ground.ともう少したしても良いですね。 >Everyday I say them in my heart “Good morning! I am waiting for your flowers will bloom , I love you!” say to them silently from my heartと言う表現をして、せっかくのハートと言う表現を「だまって」というin my heartではなく、ハートをこめて、ハートからと言うフィーリングをI love you from my heart.で言うように使えるわけです。 say themもいいですがちょっとごろが悪いので、say to them "xxxx"と言う表現に変えています。 I say to my love "Forever".と言うようにですね。 >In April I will see a lot of flowers of tulip and daffodil.(tulips and daffodilsとするのでしょうか?) see a lot of blossoms from the tulips and daffodilsと言う表現が使えます。 前にも気がついていたのですが、単なるタイプミスなのか分からなかったですが、カンマと前にある単語とはスペースを置かないようにしてくださいね。 つまり、 will bloom, I love you"と言う感じです。 また日記を書いてください。 これでいかがでしょうか。 分かりにくい点がありましたら、補足質問してください。 



☆丁寧に書くことだけが英語でない以上、今回のように話しかけながらるんるん気分をちょっと出した文章は大変よく書けていると思います。 いつもありがとうございます、”大変良く書けて....”何て言っていただき嬉しくなりました。るんるん気分が通じたんですね。そんな書き方が、私には合ってると思っていますので、こんな感じに、もっともっと頑張りたいと思います! 一日は24時間です、どうぞお体大切に。


その他の回答 (3)

  • akijake
  • ベストアンサー率43% (431/992)

おはようございます。 頑張ってますね。こういう日記って人によって表現の仕方が色々あると思いますので、私も自分なりにやってみようと思います。 他の回答者さまと重なる部分があるかと思いますが…。 Long time no see you, don’t you think so? long time no see にyou はつけませんので、 Lon time no see, don't you think? とか It's been a long time, hasn't it? 「久しぶりだね!」と言う表現を良く使います。 I wanted to see you,but I didn’t have enough time. Do you remember me? No? I wanted to see you but really no time... Do you still remember me? 口語調なので、文をしっかり書くより自然な感じになるかなーと思って、no timeにしてみました。 still を入れると「まだ覚えてるかな?」という感じが出ると思います。 Sometimes I come to here. Last time I came to here....When was it? It was about 10days before. ここは、 Sometimes I come here but don't remember when was the last time. mmm... when was it? I guess it was 10 days ago. I came to hereが2度続くので、最後はいつだったっけ?と言う感じで言った方が良いのかなー? 何日前、と言うときは大概10 days agoを使います。 Then my dad got out of the hospital. Thank you, dad is getting better day by day! Thenの繋がり方がちょっと不明確な気がします。 Now, my dad is out of hospital. Thank god! he is getting better day by day! thank youの捉え方が判らなかったのですが、これはお医者様かお父様のお世話をなさったお母様などに対する言葉ですか? 私は「よかった!」とか「ありがたい!」の意味かな、と思いThank god!にしました。 Last fall I planted a lot of bulbs, about 150 of tulips and daffodils.(この言い方では約150のチューリップと<数は、わからない>水仙を植えたとなりますか?合わせて150のチューリップと水仙と言いたいのですが...) この表現でちゃんと合わせてと取られると思います。 Gさんと同様、最後にall together や in total などをつければ安心ですね。 Everyday I say them in my heart “Good morning! I am waiting for your flowers will bloom , I love you!” In April I will see a lot of flowers of tulip and daffodil Every morning, I talk to them in my heart, "good morinig! I am awaiting for you all to bloom! I love you, my flowers!" ここでは、私は say よりも、相手に語りかけるイメージのtalk to の方が適切かと思います。say だとただ言っているような感じがします。 また心の中で語りかけるのか実際に語りかけるのか、によってin my heart をつけるかつけないか決めます。 最後はちょっと感情を込めて「愛してるよ、私のお花さんたち!」としてみました。 I'm waiting より「心待ちにしている」感情が入る「awaiting」を使うかなぁ・・・。 In April I will see a lot of flowers of tulip and daffodil. ここは質問者さんの文とちょっと変わってしまいますが、 Oh, I cannot wait to see flowering tulips and daffodils in April... なんても言えるかな、と思います。 感情を込めて日記書くのっていいですよね。 これからも頑張って下さい。



<おはようございます。頑張ってますね。> こんな風に言われると、頑張らないと!と思います、丁寧にありがとうございます、又”自信:なし”ですか?(g) これからも頑張りますので、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • taked4700
  • ベストアンサー率37% (777/2050)

>Everyday I say them in my heart “Good morning! I am waiting for your flowers will bloom , I love you!” forの後は、句が来るのが原則です。よって、 your flowers to bloom のようにしましょう。




  • CoCo753
  • ベストアンサー率35% (5/14)

こんにちは♪ 御大Gさまの補足のような形で。 状況がわかっていない私なのですが・・・ 会うことが叶ったのならいいのですが I wanted to see you,but I didn’t have enough time. そうでなければI want to see you but I haven't got ehough time. とか? (still now, even now とか入れると文章が生き生きする感じですが) Do you remember me? No? Don't you remember me ? でNoを抜く感じでも。 冒頭より短く(気持ちそっけない)文章が来ていてNoで自身がっくり来た感じだったもので。 (語りかけるにしても”唐突”な感じかなあ、全くの個人的印象です) Sometimes I come to here. I come here 方が違和感ない感じです。 Last time I came to here....When was it? Last time(?),when was it ? 最初の?入れても入れなくても。 もしくは一発でWhen was the last time ? come to hereの2連発投入はここではきつい。 When...が説明文的になるのなら問題ない感じですが。 なにやら重箱になってきました、すいません。 この場合10days ago の方が適当では? Then my dad got out of the hospital. theがない方が明確になると思いますが。 ・・・今辞書を見たら・・アメリカ英語はこういう場合もtheがつくみたいです・・・うろこ・・・ Everyday I say them Gさまの仰るとおりでしょう。 これがどういう行為かは定かでありませんが、 whisper などというかわいい単語もいつか使うのも手です、いつか使ってみてくださいね。 I love you!と元気だからここでは当てはまりませんか・・ waiting for your flowers will bloom ここは個人的に一番の難所です。 最初読んだときわかりませんでした。 私の中で既にyour=flowerだったのでyour?誰?って感じで。 flowerを全体のものとしてみるか、花の部分だけで見るかの問題でしょうか? わたしならfor you will bloomとしているかもしれません。もしくは for you, flowers will bloom. budを使えば一番はっきりするかしら?どうでしょう・・ 問題ないとは思いますが一応Gさまご意見伺いしたいところですよね? (印象の問題かな、詩的センスとかw ?(私が添削される必要がありそうです(笑) ただときどき英語は日本語とは違った”ある部分”にこだわり”が、あったりするもので。。 興味深かったのでちょっとお邪魔してしまいました。 失礼いたしました♪






  • 一週間に一度は書きたい日記です、添削お願いします。

    Hi, Crystal! It’s after dinner. As you can see, I’m writing again! I have a story that I want to tell you about. You know what? Do you remember that I said to you “In April I will see a lot of blossoms from the tulips and daffodils.” As you know I planted them last fall. Now, I can see a lot of blossoms from them. Every morning I say to them silently from my heart “Good morning! You are all so beautiful, pretty, gorgeous and cute! I love you!” I want you to see them. Crystal, would you like to come to my home(house)? Wow! I am glad to hear your “Yes!” I and my flowers are waiting for you.<g> BTW, do you like a cheese cake? If you come to here, then I will make it for you. Sorry, tomorrow is not my day off, so I have to go to bed, good night my Crystal!

  • 日記風に書いて、ここgooだけで英語の勉強をしています。添削をお願いしたいのです、よろしくお願いいたします。

    Hi, my Crystal! What are you doing now? I came here again because I wanted to talk with you. Do you have time now? I talked about my miniature rose. Then she was very weak, but now she is better than before. I am very glad she becomes well. Now she has a lot of new leaves and buds! In this morning I saw two flowers blooming, they were so cute! Every morning I say to her silently from my heart “Good morning! You are so beautiful, pretty, gorgeous and cute! I love you!” And sometimes I kiss her. I want you to see her someday. Crystal, thank you for your time. Now I am feeling a little sleepy because this morning I woke up 5o'clock. So I say to you “Good night, my Crystal.”

  • 日記に、名前を付けました。もっと頑張りたいと思います。

    昨晩、寝る前に書きました。又添削をよろしくお願いいたします。うまく書けてるかな..... Hi, my Crystal! Yes, from now I call you like this. Do you like this name? I hope you like it. As you know I like flowers very much. Last November I bought 120seedings of pansy and I planted them in flower pots. Now they are a little weak. Do you know why? Yes, this winter is so hard for them. Everyday was so cold!! Now it becomes a little warm day by day. Every morning I say them “Spring is coming to you! You will get spring at soon!” BTW, which season do you like best? Me? I like spring best. A lot of flowers bloom anywhere in the world. Sorry, Crystal! Tomorrow is not my day-off, so I have to go to bed, good night my Crystal! See you later.

  • 久しぶりに、日記風に英作文を書きました、添削お願いします。

    おはようございます、いつもここgooで勉強しています。ここ2ヶ月ほど、その勉強をサボっていました。その結果は、以下の文章を書くにも、とても時間がかかりました。"自分のせいでしょう?"と自分に言っているなさけない自分がいます。もう一度頑張る!と決めました。以下の文章は、私の言いたいことが伝わるでしょうか?英文だけを書かせていただきました、よろしくお願いいたします。 Hi, my Crystal! I am so sorry, because I have not been here for a long time. Last time I came here, it was on May 21th! Meanwhile, I did not think anything in English. As you know, I have a dream and you helped me a lot with it. Now I say it to you、again. “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday.” I could hear you said “Rose-crystal! You have to study hard and see me more and more. I can see you anytime you want.” Thank you! Crystal! Thank you, again! I will study English with you. BTW, did I say about “goo”? “goo” is very good place for me to studying. It is on internet and there are many people who help me a lot. Every time, when I wrote my diary I had it corrected from them. Of course, this one, too. Sorry, Crystal! Tomorrow is not my day-off, so I have to say you “Good night, my little sweet Crystal!”

  • 日記風に、誰かに話しかける感じで書きました。添削お願いします。

    ここgooだけで勉強していますが、暫らく英文を書かなかったので、英語の文章が中々出てきません。再度、勉強をしなおさないとだめかと思っています。短い文章ですが、書いてみました。 Hi, my Crystal! The first, I must say to you “ I am so sorry! I haven't came here for a long time.” Did you worry about me? I have been well. How about you, Crystal? Sometimes I thought of you, but I couldn’t think and feel in English. I know I have to learn English day by day. Now my brain said to me “You can!" I should believe myself. I have you and you help me a lot for it. Crystal, I promise you that I will be learning with you. And someday I want to talk with you and my friends in English. Crystal, I have to make breakfast. So I say to you “Have a nice weekend!”

  • 日記風に、語りかけるように書きました。私の気持ちは通じますか?

    19年間一緒だった、猫のタマが死んでしまいました。気持ちを英語で書いてみました。添削をお願いしたいのです。 Hi, my Crystal! I did not come here for a long time. Do you get angry? Crystal, please listen to my story. I didn't remember, but did I talk about my Tama? Tama was a female cat. Her body was white like a snow. And her long tail and nose was black. Could you image her? She was very cute and liked to take a nap in my lap. Last Sunday, Tama passed away. At that time all of my family was around her. I was sad, because I could not do anything for her. We only kept watching her. She was 19 years old. If she was a human, she was over 100 years old. Last night, when we ate a dinner I felt something different. It was air, color, voice, degree or…….I could not explain my feeling. I buried her in my garden. Now there are a lot of flowers blooming there. I want to plant many flowers in all seasons. Tama! You will be in our heart forever! Crystal, I wanted you to see Tama. If I have a chance, I will send you a picture of Tama. Now it is 11:30pm. I have to say to you "Good night, my Crystal"

  • 久しぶりに日記風に英作文を書きました、表現が解らない所を含め、添削をお願いしたいのです。よろしくお願いいたします。

    Hi, Crystal! What are you doing now? Are you cleaning up your room? Me? Yes, I already did it. I am waiting for you while writing my diary as usual. When you will finish it, please call me, OK?  Today is our day-off. Did you know why I said “our day-off”. Because today is a public holiday in Japan. Not only today, from today to the day after tomorrow, these 3 days are public holidays! And this Saturday will be my day-off. So I am out of work these 5days! Tomorrow, I am going to see my parents and to have a lunch at the hotel. I am looking forward to see them. Other 4 days, I don’t have a special plan. I am going to spend relaxed.(のんびりと過ごすつもりです…..と言いたいのですが。) Did you call me, Crystal? You finished to clean up your room, didn’t you. Good! Please read my diary. While then, I go to my garden and snip off flowers of Pansy. See you later,Crystal!

  • 日記風に、昨日の事を英語で書いてみました、添削をおねがいしたいのです。

    Hi,Crystal! Sorry, I did not come here for a long day. I know I have to talk with you everyday for my dream. You know my dream, don't you. Everyday I say in my heart like this, “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday!”This is my dream. You help me a lot about it! I have been thanking you, Crystal! BTW, yesterday was the special day for me. Do you want to know what was the day yesterday? It was the wedding anniversary. I could hear “Congratulations!” Thank you, Crystal! Yesterday was day-off for me and my husband. So we played golf in Gunma prefecture. It was far a way to my home. But I could see mountains with snow and mountains covered with new green leaves. And cute and beatiful flowers! Everything were so beautiful! I wanted to show them to you. We touched a lot of natures not only played golf. It was a nice and special day. I have been thanking that we are well. I hope it will be forever. Wow,It is 11:55. I have to prepare a lunch for my family! Have a nice Sunday, Crystal!

  • Crystalに話す日記です、気持ちが伝わるでしょうか?

    Hi, Crystal! When last time I saw you, I said to you “I want you to come here.” Do you remember it? I and my flowers will be waiting for you like giraffe.〈g〉 BTW, do you like reading a book? Me? Yes, I do! If someone asks me “Which one do you like better reading a book or learning English?” my answer like this, “Both of them are so important in my life!” 〈Learning English〉is that I can be with you forever, right? 〈Reading a book〉is that I can take a lot of thing to my life from reading. Now I am reading a book that is written about the life(命と言いたいのですが…). I know my life(人生と言いたいのですが…)is only one time! So I want to try to do many things. I will do my best with everything! I never want to give up. Crystal, you help me a lot and I am thanking you. Don't forget this thing,OK? From now I take a bath and go to bed, so I say to you “Good night, My Sweet Little Crystal!”

  • 至急英訳お願いします><

    Look good though. Aulani was nice to see for its Christmas decorations but I got lost in downtown here last week and it was even better. I hear at the Sheraton and Hilton here they have built some giant gingerbread that you have to see. If I can get some time off, I'll go down there and snap a few photos of them. Hope life is treating you well. よろしくお願いします

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