• 締切済み


Read each conclusion below and write a deteil or event that supports that conclusion. 1.Galileo discovered the moon was different from what others had thought. 2.Galileo was like a pioneer at that time in history. 3.Galileo was worried people would think he was crazy because of his many ideas. 4.Galileo no longer cared or worried about the Churchs feelings toward him. 5.With the new Pope,the Church no longer supported Galileo. Apply What conclusion can you draw about how Galileo felt as he neared the end of his life? Give two details that support your conclusion above.


  • starflora
  • ベストアンサー率61% (647/1050)

    何を質問されたいのか分かりませんが、日本語の訳が欲しいなら、以下のエクサイトの翻訳サイトに英文を入力すると、かなりいい加減ですが、それらしい訳を出してくれます(この機械翻訳を、「翻訳」と称して、自分が訳したような顔で回答する人が最近多いです。     大体の処は、これは課題問題です。     下のガリレオについての記述を読み、そういう記述になる根拠を述べよ、という問題です。   1)当時の人が考えていたのとは違うことを「月」について彼は発見した。   2)彼は歴史上、当時のパイオニアの類だった。   3)彼はアイデア豊富で、その故、人々が彼を狂人と思わないかと気にしていた。   4)彼は、カトリック教会が彼をどう考えようと、もはや意に介さなくなった。   5)教皇が代わると、カトリック教会は、もはや彼を支持しなくなった。   などという内容です。この下に回答の注意や、追加の問いがあります。   自分で課題を解いてください。    



buji ni musume no syukudai mo owari mashita domo arigato gozaimsshita



  • 訳文の疑問に就いてのお答えを

    The teacher looked at his IQ scores and talked him about achievement,about doing what he was capable of doing, that he could become anything he wanted to become. 上記のThe teacherからcapable of doingまでを訳者は「知能検査の結果をみて、その割りに成績はよくないが、彼には能力があると言った」と訳しています。 about doinga what he was capable of doingが能力があるという意味なのでしょうか。 その辺が私には良く理解できませんので教えてください。

  • only if...or if..の構造

    defendant may be found not guilty by reason of insanity only if he was so severely disturbed at the time of his act that he did not know what he was doing, or if he did know what he was doing, did not know that it was wrong. 被告は有罪ではないと見出すだろう、精神障害という理由によって、自分が何をしているかわからないという彼の行為の際に、彼がひどく困惑する場合に限り…または、自分が何をしているか知っているときや、それが間違っていると知らないときに限り… or if~が、どういう繋がりになってるかいまいちわかりません。 構造は下記のような形だと思います。 defendant may be found not guilty by reason of insanity 【only if he was so severely disturbed at the time of his act that he did not know what he was doing】, or【if he (did know what he was doing), (did not know that it was wrong).】 only if~で、~の場合に限り、と条件付けが始まっていますが、 自分が何をしているかわからないという彼の行為の際に、彼がひどく困惑する場合に限り or 自分が何をしているか知っているとき、それが間違っていると知らないときに限り と訳すのでしょうか?文脈的に不適切な気がします。

  • こちらも書き換えお願いします

    次の英文を( )に当てはまるように書き換えてください お願いします こちらも至急です [1] He insists that they are innocent. → He insists ( )( ) being innocent. [2] He repents that he was idle in his youth. → He repents ( )( ) been idle in his youth. [3] He is ashamed that she ( ) her promise. → He is ashamed ( ) having broken her promise. [4] He was afraid that someone might oppose his plan. → He was afraid of ( )( ) his plan. [5] There was no doubt that he had heard the news. → There was no doubt of ( )( )( ) the news. [6] This bridge is not strong. The truck cannot cross it. → This bridge is not ( )( )( )( )( ) to cross. [7] They are discussing what they should do next. → They are discussing ( )( )( ) next. 基本的な問題ばかりですみません・・・

  • 翻訳

    翻訳お願いいたします。 some time later, when the new marriage had settled into a routine, people wondered if the piano tuner would begin to think about retiring. With a bad knee, and being sightless in old age, he would readily have been forgiven in the house and the convents and the school halls where he applied his skill. Leisure was his due, the good fortune of company as his years sipped by no more than he deserved. But when, occasionally, this was put to him by the loquacious or the inquisitive he denide that anything of the kind was in his thoughts, that he considered only the visitation of depth as bringing any kind of end. The truth was, he would be lost without his work, without his travelling about, his arrival every six months or so in one of the small towns to which he had offered his services for so long. No, no, he promised, they'd still see the white Vauxhall turning in at a farm gate or parked for harf an hour in a convent play-yard, or drawn up on a verge while he ate his lunch time sandwhiches, his tea poured out of a Thermos by his wife.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My brother is 30 years old and has a history of making bad choices, including a DUI and probation. After several years adrift, he finally seemed to be getting his act together. He got accepted to graduate school and did well enough that he was offered a teaching position upon graduation. However, I recently found out that my brother was accused of sexual assault by a female undergraduate student. The college rescinded his teaching contract, and basically told him that if he disappeared, no charges would be filed by the institution or the accuser. My brother didn't fight it or get an attorney, he simply packed up and left town. I talked to him about it briefly and he shows no remorse, regret, guilt, or desire to defend his name. In fact, his attitude was cavalier and entitled, as though he was baffled that anyone would make a big deal about it. While I have no proof, his attitude toward the situation makes me fairly confident that my brother is, indeed, a sexual predator of some nature. 1 なぜbad choicesにprobationが含まれているのでしょうか? 2 remorseとregretはなにが違うのでしょうか? 3 his attitude was cavalier and entitledの意味を教えてください。 4 of some natureの意味は何でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    There he was on the ground,in no condition to go on, and all of a sudden he was no longer in Poland.instead,he found himself imaging himself standing on a stage on postwar Vienna giving a lecture on The Psychology of Death Camps. Audience of two hundred listened to his every word. The lecture was one that he had been working out the whole time he had been in the death camp. He spoke about how some people seem to survive the experience better than others, psychologically and emotionally. It was a brilliant lecture, all taking place in his mind's eye and ear. He was no longer half dead on the field but living in the lecture. During the lecture, Frankl told the imaginary audience about the day he was in that field being beaten and was certain he didn't have the strength to get up and keep walking.    Then, wonder of wonders, he told his imagined audience, he was able to stand up. The guard stopped beating him and get began to walk slowly. As he was imagining describing this to his audience, his body got up and began to walk. He continued to imagine this lecture all the while he was doing the work and through the cold march back to the death comp. He collapsed into his narrow bed, imagining ending this brilliantly clear speech and receiving a standing ovation.

  • 分詞と動名詞について質問です。

    分詞の問題で There was no doubt that he had heard the news. =There was no doubt of his having heard the news. というのがあります。 二つ目の文章のof his having heard the news.の部分を文法上理解できないのですが、どうしてこのような形になるんでしょうか?

  • 非言語伝達についての文章でしょうか。

    Human beings learn to communicate with each other through nonlinguistic means as well as linguistic ones. All of us are familiare wih the saying, "it wasn't what he said; it was the way that he said" when , by using the word way , we mean something about the particular voice quality that was in evidence, or the set of shoulder, or the obvious tension in certain muscles. 第2文 の"it wasn't what he said; it was the way that he said" のところと by using the word way のところと that was in evidenceのところとthe set of shoulderのところがわかりません。わからないところだらけですが・・・おねがいします。

  • 英語の質問です!

    Fred thought he was a very clever man, and he was particularly proud of his skill in mathematics, ュ「but as often happens with people who have perhaps too high an opinion of themselves, he was impatient, and seldom listened to what others were saying. ュ」He was particularly bad about listening to his wife, and she often complained bitterly about this. お願いします!!

  • 再度モームのサナトリウムからの質問です

    Ashenden had the impression that she basked comfortably in his love as the patients on the terrace, facing the snow, basked in the hot sunshine; but it might very well be that she was content to leave it at that, and it was certainly no business of his to tell Templeton what perhaps she had no wish that he should know. Templetonとshe は恋仲です。Ashendenはその二人と病棟内での知り合いです。 leave it at thatが訳者の注で、今のままの状態にしておく、とあります。 で、私の質問は→what perhaps she had no wish that he should know. の構造がどうなっているのか分かりません。また訳はどうなりますか?what が分かりにくいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 学生が浜で財布を落とした体験談。
  • 37000円を無くしたことの悲しみと対処法を相談。
  • 交番に行くべきか悩む学生の苦悩。