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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳をお願いします(リンカン大統領の言葉))



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1861年12月3日の議会への教書(?)ですね。 訳は、難しいですね。南北戦争が始まって混乱の中にある合衆国(北部)において、南部連邦の支配下にある地域を含めての公正の実現を図るにはどうしたらいいか苦悩するリンカーンの姿が浮かびます。^^;;) 議会の強硬な姿勢、性急な法制化による兵力の展開よりは穏健な法による対応を目指すように読めます。 (戦争は続いている。)反乱を鎮圧するために導入する政策を考えるにあたり、私は、この目的のための不可避な衝突が、暴力的で無慈悲な革命的闘争に悪化しないことを望み、かつ注意してきた。(それゆえに私はあらゆる状況において、・・・・合衆国の一体化の維持が当然の帰結であると考えた。) 「・・・・」も大事なとこなんですが、省略しました。 「この目的」は「反乱を鎮圧するため」あるいはそのための法制化まで含むのかな。 後者は、要するに政治的な衝突が、破壊的な軍事的な衝突にならないように、ということではないでしょうか。





  • 次の英文、直訳して。

    誰か、これは以前に質問出した「ローリングス社」のヒストリーなのですが、 全部英文でわかりません。是非、直訳してください。 1887  George and Alfred Rawlings announce opening of       retail sporting goods store in downtown St. Louis. 1920  Rawlings introduces historic Bill Doak glove.       This revolutionary glove featured a multi-thong web       laced into the first finger and thumb with a        natural formed deep pocket.       Becomes the prototype for all-purpose gloves        of the future.       

  • 翻訳をお願いします(リンカン大統領の言葉)

    いつもお世話になっています。次の1862年12月にリンカン大統領が言った言葉の翻訳をお願いします。 The North shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best,hope of earth. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Early in the history of the country,the Japanese developed an amazing talent for saiku or"delicate craftsmanship".As the Japanese became more skilled at this talent,it branched out into other parts of Japanese life and turned into a powerful impulse to reduce things down to their essence―not just as miniatures that could be viewed and admired,but as fully functioning accessories and devices.It evenaffected the language.Overall,this reduction,born from saiku,moved toward increased convenience and usefulness. 長めですが翻訳お願いします。 サイトは使わないで:

  • これはなんと訳せばいいのでしょうか?↓

    これはなんと訳せばいいのでしょうか?↓ By from and for what purpose was this city built? 分かる方おねがいします。

  • 個人輸入の翻訳お願いします。

    発送のことでの翻訳お願いします。 I have an important question to ask, and I hope you’re able to help. We are considering switching our shipping service to UPS – UPS offers a lot more favorable benefits for our business but I am worried about what they will charge for duty/brook age/and other fees to our customers. Do you have any experience with receiving boots from USA by UPS? Any information will be helpful and taken into consideration. The bottom line is we are looking out for our customers, and if this transition isn’t favorable to our customers, we are going to continue using USPS like we have always done.

  • 契約書英語

    1. The purpose, and only purpose, of this joint venture shall be the purchase, ownership, and resale for development purposes of the real property in the County of _________________, State of Virginia, described as follows: _________________ [insert single-spaced legal description of real property]. --------------------------------------------------------- 1 "The purpose, and only purpose, of this joint venture" は、"本合併の唯一の目的は" で良いのでしょうか?それとも、onlyと共にpurpose が繰り返されているニュアンスをもっと出すべきなのですか? 2 "purchase, ownership" は、"買い入れ、所有"であっていますか? 3 "resale for development purposes of the real property" は、"不動産開発目的の転売"ですか?何かしっくりこないんですが・・・。 スミマセンが分かる方お願いいたします。

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです

    以下の文章を翻訳していただけますか? All the details given in the Soul Mate Charts are always between ninety and a hundred percent correct of the man that you will meet. If you meet a man and its less than that, then however much you wish it he is not the man, whom fate intends for you, though he may have some other special connection, and his destiny may be linked with yours for a different purpose. The reason that the odd detail may not fit, is that Astrology is still a rather mysterious and mystical art, that reaches into the shadows of the unknown, and much as we know about it, we don’t know everything.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Austria-Hungary formally sent an ultimatum to Serbia demanding a full-scale investigation of Serbian government complicity in the assassination, and complete compliance by Serbia in agreeing to the terms demanded by Austria-Hungary. Serbia submitted to accept most of the demands, however Austria-Hungary viewed this as insufficient and used this lack of full compliance to justify military intervention. These demands have been viewed as a diplomatic cover for what was going to be an inevitable Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Initially, Lenin and his ideas did not have widespread support, even among Bolsheviks. In what became known as the July Days, approximately half a million people came out onto the streets of Petrograd in protest, including soldiers and sailors; Lenin was unable to direct them into an organised coup. The demonstrators, lacking leadership, disbanded and the government survived. However, the Provisional Government considered it a Bolshevik coup attempt and issued arrest warrants for prominent Bolsheviks. Lenin fled to Finland and other members of the Bolshevik party were arrested. Lvov was replaced by the Socialist Revolutionary minister Alexander Kerensky as head of the government.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Bulgarian high command however refused to give permission for the attack. This hesitation allowed the British to consolidate their positions on the left bank of the Struma around the village of Karacaköy on 30 of September. On 3 of October the 10th (Irish) Division attacked the Bulgarian positions in the village of Yenikoy that were defended by the 13th Rila Regiment of the 7th Division. The battle lasted for the entire day and the Bulgarians reinforced by the 14th Macedonian Regiment and 17th Artillery Regiment twice retook the village after fierce bayonet struggle.