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こんばんは >正確にはパンダの数は優に半数、いやむしろ半数を超えているわけです。 72は過半数を超えていないのでは ? 国語辞典確認しました。「過半数=全体の半分より多い数。」 以下引用します。 almost adv : (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; `near' is sometimes used informally for `nearly' and `most' is sometimes used informally for `almost'; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we're almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees" [syn: about, just about, most, all but, nearly, near, nigh, virtually, well-nigh] WordNet 2.0 2003Prinston University より almost:adverb Definition:nearly Synonyms:about, about to, all but, approximately, around, bordering on, close to, close upon, essentially, in effect, just about, most, much, near to, nigh, not quite, practically, pretty near, relatively, roughly, substantially, virtually, well-nigh Antonyms:certainly, definitely, exactly, surely 多分 dictionary.com より なので 皆さんの仰るとおり True で良いのでは ?



 「72は過半数を超えていないのでは ? 」「過半数=全体の半分より多い数。」 という点ですが、これは半数に向かってアプローチするその方向しだいですが、今回の件で言えば 72は半数を超えてしまっている、と思うのです。  まず、この文章のトピックは Pandas, which … were put on the endangered-species list in 1984, have been declining in population for decades.であり、後続のpassageの前提としてパンダの個体数が増えるのではなく「減る」とされています。145頭から85頭、さらには80…79頭へというように多い数から減っていく接近のしかたで「「到達点【この場合はありえない数ではあるが77.5頭】...の近くまではいっているが、まだ少し足りない」「9分通りまでいっているがあと1歩およばない」という状態【この場合には78頭にはいたらない頭数の場合】になったのときに”had become almost half”と言うのではないか、と考えるわけです。  別の言い方をすると、今回のように半数を超えて減ってしまった場合に「「到達点【この場合はありえない数ではあるが77.5頭】...の近くまではいっているが、まだ少し足りない」「9分通りまでいっているがあと1歩およばない」という「中核的意味」をあらわすalmostを用いて”had become almost half”と表現することに私は違和感をもつのです。


  • 述語動詞について質問があります

    以下の文の述語動詞がどれなのかわからないので教えていただけると ありがたいです! A survey in 1974 showing that pandas in the Wolong forest had dropped to an alarmingly low 145 prompted the government to set aside the 500,000-acre reserve . お願いします。

  • この英文を明日(6月10日)の13時ごろまでに日本語訳(翻訳)していた

    この英文を明日(6月10日)の13時ごろまでに日本語訳(翻訳)していただけませんか、よろしくお願いいたします!! Officials in Southwest China will give two giant pandas to representatives of the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Chinese officials say the male and female pandas will leave the Wolong Nature Preserve in Sichuan Province Wednesday. Officials say the National Zoo will pay 10 million dollars for the giant pandas. The zoo will keep the pandas for 10 years. Only about 1,000 pandas remain in the wild. Giant pandas are only found in protected areas of western and central China.

  • 10月1日付のThe Wall Street Jounalに掲載された

    10月1日付のThe Wall Street Jounalに掲載された日本の国勢調査に関する記事(Upside Down: The Population Pyramid Problem)中に、次の段落があります。最後のセンテンスのbreaking the figures down. . .periodと主節のthe population actually fell . . .のつながり具合や意味が不明です。分詞構文の破格用法なのでしょうか。ご教示頂けますならば幸甚です。 In the post-war boom years, Japan had a population pyramid that looked like Mt. Fuji, with a broad spread of younger generations at its base. Japan enjoyed a 15.3% increase in population from 1945-1950 and a virile average rise of 5.7% in every survey after that until 1980. By the time of the last census in 2005, Japan’s population increase had shriveled to just 0.7% over the five years from 2000-05 (to 127.77 million). But breaking the figures down by the year within the survey period, the population actually fell by 20,000 in the last year of the survey (2004-05), the first drop since the end of World War II. よろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • 補充問題についてです!!

    Chaina loans pandas to zoos in the U.S. and other countries to raise awareness of their endangered situation and to help scientists study them. 上の英文の awareness のところですが、なぜfundsではいけないのですか?? また和訳も教えて頂けると有り難いです(>_<)

  • Thatが指す意味

    下記英文についての質問です。 Never before in the history of mankind has a population had so many older people as that of the United States. この文の”That”はolder peopleを指しているで良いでしょうか?(populationを指しているようにも思えます) Thatが指している意味(単語)を解説して頂きたくよろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    1.His teaching was the most recent and complete in China. 「彼の教え」は中国において最も最近に完成したものだ。 2.His teaching that was the most recent and complete in China. 彼の中国における最も最近に完成した教え このようにthat is~の文とthatがないものでは違いがありますか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 正誤問題

    文法・語法上、間違った箇所を訂正する問題です。自分が少し迷ったものを挙げます。記号による選択式ではないので難しく感じました。お願いします。 1It has been more than ten years after John won the championship. 2The boy could never remember a word of that the tutor had said. 3Everyone will be greatly surprised if he will pass the exam. 4The each person may leave the house whenever he decides to do so. 5A pipe organ produces sound by making the air vibrates in the pipes. 6The soccer games are having televised all over the world this year. 7We have had scarcely no communication with them since WWII. 8I know you like cold pizza, but as far as I'm concerned, I prefer it is hot. 9Had you come on time, you'd heard of his adventure in the Philippines. 10I am very sorry for any inconvenient this unexpected delay has caused you.

  • 正誤問題

    お願いします。 ( )部分の用法が誤っているものを5つ選ぶ問題です。 1.There is little, if (any), hope of his success. 2.It's now three years (that) I came here. 3.The king wil reward (whoever) can do this. 4.She has been waiting for an hour, and so (have I). 5.The governor as well as his advisers (are) responsible. 6.Lots of wine (does) not hurt me. 7.He (writes not only) Russian well, but speaks it fluently. 8.He is (something) of a musician. 9.The examination begins (from) nine o'clock in the morning. 10.They won't return home until they (have seen) the whole country. 11.Michael found Carol constantly (occupied) with her work. 12.I'm sure I can make myself (understand) in English. 13.We don't have (much information) about what's going on.を選びました。 合っているでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 比較級のthat ofで

    ×The population of China is bigger than Japan. ○The population of China is bigger than that of Japan. というのは有名ですが、では Indian philosophy is more complicated than Greek philosophy. で2個目のphilosophyの繰り返しを避けるためにはどういえばいいでしょうか? 可算名詞だったらone/onesが使えると思うのですが、不可算には使えないのですよね。

  • どんな内容が書かれているか、教えていただけますか?

    Understanding the key role played by status in men's relations made it all come clear. Asking a boss about chances for promotion highlights the hierarchy in the relationship,reminding them both that the employee's future is in the boss's hands. Taking the low-status position made this man intensely uncomfortable. Although his wife didn't especially relish taking the role of supplicant with respect to her boss,it didn't set off alarms in her head,as it did in his. In a similar flash of insight, a woman who works in sales exclaimed that now she understood the puzzling transformation that the leader of her sales team had undergone when he was promoted to district manager. She had been sure he would make a perfect boss because he had a healthy disregard for authority. As team leader,he had rarely bothered to go to meetings called by management and had encouraged team members to exercise their own judgment,eagerly using his power to waive regulations on their behalf. But after he became district manager,this man was unrecognizable.He instituted more regulations than anyone had dreamed of,and insisted that exceptions could be made only on the basis of written requests to him.