Living with Alcoholic Parents

  • Living with alcoholic parents can be extremely challenging.
  • My mom's behavior when she drinks is especially difficult to handle.
  • I have experienced instances of physical abuse from my mom because of her alcoholism.
  • ベストアンサー


Both of my parents are alcoholics. Every time they drink, they don't know how to act, especially my mom. She is the worst type of drunk a person could be; she urinates on herself, and she yells. There have been times when she has tried to put her hands on me for hiding the alcohol from her. urinates on herselfは「おもらしをする」でしょうか?あと、ここでの put her handsはどのよな意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"urinates on herself" 「自分に尿をかける」ですから「おもらしをする」でいいと思います。 "put her hands" 「(暴力をふるう目的で)手をあげる」でしょう。比ゆ的表現で以下の 3. に当たります。 "There has been times when she tried to put her hands on me for hiding the alcohol from her." 「お酒を隠そうとした自分に対し、彼女は何度か手をあげようとしたことがあった。」





  • 文法的解説と意味を教えてください

    I’m convinced that it’s healthy as can be for my kids to see their mom making time for herself, recognizing and taking care of her needs, fearlessly and unapologetically following her interests whether they happen to be socially acceptable or not. healthy as can beの文法的解説と意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • power of attorney

    My soon-to-be ex-wife and I live on the West Coast, while my 92-year-old mother lives in a senior facility in New York. She is happy there. She is still mentally sharp, but her body is starting to become frail. My wife has become the primary caregiver for Mom. She visits a few times a year and pampers Mom with pedicures, foot massages, etc. She also has Mom's power of attorney for her financial affairs, and hence the dilemma. power of attorney for her financial affairsとは簡単に言うとどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My sister-in-law says she is very allergic to cats. She lives six hours away from my Mom. My sister and I have cats and bring them with us when we visit our mom. My sister-in-law asked us if we could put the cats behind a gate or upstairs when she and my brother visit. We believe that our cats are our family members. We refuse to put our cats away just because someone wants us to. Because of this, our sister-in-law stopped visiting. Now she has a baby and this is the first grandchild in the family. She again asked if we would put the cats away while she visits so my mom can visit with her granddaughter. Again, we have refused to do this because our cats are just as important family members as her baby. We told her that she should drop off the baby with my mom, sister and me and that she can relax at the hotel while we visit. She has refused to do this, and now just doesn't visit. She tells my brother to visit whenever he wants, but that she and her baby will stay home. My mom cannot drive to their house, and now my mom has not seen her granddaughter at all. She is very upset. How do we fix this for our mom's sake, without giving up our principles? giving up our principlesとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • double down

    Q. Drunk Driving Prevention Ends Friendship: I threw a Halloween party this weekend, and my good friend Alicia came. During the party Alicia drank a lot and became very drunk. Even so, she wanted to drive home at the end of the night. I took her keys and refused to return them to her. I offered to call a cab or a sober friend to drive her home and offered to let her stay in my spare room. Alicia freaked out at me and demanded I return her keys to her. She said she was a grown woman and could make her own decisions. I still refused to give her the keys to her car, so eventually she called another friend to drive her home. The next day Alicia emailed me to demand the return of her car keys—I told her and her friend, when she left, that she could pick up her car as soon as she sobered up—and to tell me our eight-year friendship was over. She accused me of being controlling, disrespectful, crazy, and totally out of line. I am hurt by Alicia’s decision to end our friendship, but I don’t think I did the wrong thing by preventing her from driving drunk. What should I have done? Should I bother reaching out to Alicia and apologizing? A: An apology is owed here: Alicia to you. It would have been nice when she sobered up if she said she appreciated your saving her from killing herself or someone else. Instead she’s doubling down on her right to break the law and endanger the lives of everyone on the road. doubling down on her rightはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesから

    Coming to the edge of the lake we paused to look at our reflections in the water. It was then I recognized her from the past, her face looking up from the lake. She had not stopped talking.  I put on my dark glasses to shield my eyes from the sun and conceal my recognition from her eyes.  "Am I boring you?" she said.  "No, not a bit, Dr Gray."  "Sure?"  It is discouraging to put on sun-glasses in the middle of someone's intimate story. But they were necessary, now that I had recognized her, and was excited, and could only honourably hear what she had to say from a point of concealment. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 ●It was then I recognized her from the past, her face looking up from the lake. her faceは I recognized her face looking up from the lakeという繋がりですか? ●and could only honourably hear what she had to say from a point of concealment. ここの意味がよくわかりません。 隠蔽のポイントから彼女が言う必要があることを見事に聞くことができるだけでした? どういうことを言っているのでしょうか? from a point of concealmentは直前のsayにかかるのでしょうか? それともhearですか? 教えてください。お願いいたします。

  • 再帰代名詞とher ownの違い

    she decided to go into business for herselfのherselfのところが空白になっていて答えがherselfなんですが、選択肢の中にher ownというのがあり2択で迷いました。 回答には、for の後に再帰代名詞をつけると、独力で、自らとなる となっているんですが、 on her ownも独力でという意味になるようですが、これは for か onかの違いということですかね?

  • 英文を訳して下さい

    オズの魔法使いです。 She asked the Wicked Witch of the East to put some magic in my axe." "That was very bad of her," Dorothy said. 特にThat was very bad of herです。

  • cherry on top

    My daughter has been friends with “Eve” since kindergarten, they are now in third grade. She adores her friend and wants to see her all the time. They play great together and have play dates once or twice a week—always at my house. Eve’s mom never invites my child over, and my daughter has been in their house all of five times. It didn’t bother me at first but now it feels like a thorn in my side. Eve recently got a pet that my daughter wants to see. My daughter asked to see said pet and was “allowed” to go over one day after school for an hour. Eve’s mom has Eve’s cousins over all the time (same age) for play dates and never invites my daughter to join in. This is starting to piss me off. The cherry on top is that Eve’s mom regularly uses me as free “child care” if there are any issues in her personal life. The cherry on topは辞書には「色をそえるもの」とあったのですが、ここでは当てはまらないと思います。どのような訳になるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳してもらいたいです。

    Evelyn was born on a farm in Scotland. She began taking piano lessons at age eight. Later that same year, she began to notice that her hearing was gradually failing. “As I was losing my hearing, I tried hard not to be sad, but I was becoming a very angry person,” says Evelyn. “Then one of my teachers said, ‘Evelyn, put your hand on the copper ball of one of the timpani drums.’ I could feel the vibration. Then he tuned the two timpani drums to different pitches. I noticed the difference between the vibrations.” Evelyn gives a lot of credit to her secondary school teachers for encouraging her to take drum lessons at the age of 12. After just a few lessons, she seemed to have found the right thing for her. She soon began working with various percussion instruments, but it wasn’t long before she had lost most of her hearing. However, she simply refused to worry about it and continued to follow her dreams. What does Evelyn think about her success? She often points out, “I’m not a deaf musician. I’m a musician who happens to be deaf.” 問1、Who encouraged her to take drum lessons? 問2、Does Evelyn think of herself as a deaf musician? やってもらうと助かります。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Dear Annie: My adult daughter recently visited from out of state, and she has developed some odd and off-putting habits. I really don't mean to judge her, but I'd also like to help her. At the same time, if I said anything, she might run a hundred miles in the opposite direction. She has stopped showering every day. I'm not sure whether it's a "save the water" thing or what, but frankly, she smells like the zoo. No deodorant, either. Her clothes are dirty, as well. She has also dropped table manners. She frequently eats with her hands -- says it's what they do in other countries. Her open mouth chews away as she talks, with bits of food spraying all over. She burps freely, and it's not a health/indigestion issue. Her body language says "relax," no matter what position she's in -- slumped at the table, reclined on the couch, etc. I think she's trying to be as earthy as possible. Her husband is very similar, so at least they're not offending each other. -- Judgmental-ish Mom Dear Judgmental-ish Mom: It sounds as if your flower child has taken on a whole new look and smell, and she wants you and everyone around her to notice it. It is lovely that she has found a more relaxed state of living, but not at the expense of her own hygiene. The dirty clothing and lack of bathing will eventually catch up with her -- perhaps in the form of a rash or sickness, and that would take away from her and her husband's "relaxed" state. The dirty clothing and lack of bathing will eventually catch up with herの和訳をよろしくお願いします