• ベストアンサー

和訳 no mention or suggesti

和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします。(外国人です) It states on page 16 that Plaintiff will donate the damages (to express his pure intentions), however there is no mention or suggestion that donations are being claimed. 原告は(純粋な意図を表すため)損害賠償を寄付することを16ページで述べているが、寄付に対する請求が実際に何も書かれていない。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

*「16ページで」→「16ページに」(語順も変える)。 *「寄付に対する請求が」→「寄付に対する請求があるとは」。 *「実際に何も書かれていない」→「実際に何も/どこにも書かれていない」。 ⇒原告は、16ページに(純粋な意図を表すため)損害賠償を寄付することを述べているが、寄付に対する請求があるとは実際に何も/どこにも書かれていない。



Damn you are good - your answers are ALWAYS the best !!! thanks a million :o)


  • 和訳 awarded damages

    Plaintiff intends to donate the court fees and the awarded damages to JFBA. So there is no question of Plaintiff’s intention, Plaintiff provides the Defendant with the authority to pay everything directly to JFBA. 原告は、訴訟費用および裁定が下され損害賠償を日弁連に寄付するつもりである。原告の意図を疑われない為に、原告は、全額を日弁連に直接支払う権限を被告に与える

  • 和訳 every last shred of

    外国人です。。。私の和訳はあっているでしょうか。添削をお願いいたします。 This time however to remove every last shred of creditability of the so called “court”, Plaintiff not only explained to the Judge that he was absolutely “not guilty” thirteen times, Plaintiff also explained three times that he was being “forced to plead guilty” or would not be released. 今回は、いわゆる「裁判」の信用度を一つ残らずために、原告は、裁判官に、原告が全く有罪ではなかったことを13回説明しただけでなく、原告は「有罪であると言わなければならない」と釈放することができないということ3回も説明した。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My partner and I have a disagreement about charitable giving. My partner says that it’s better to let money gain interest in your account and donate it all at the end of your life, whereas I say that in donating to the right causes yearly, your money “grows interest” in terms of how the recipients of your donations make use of it. It does not seem, however, that it’s easy to be confident in which approach yields a greater bounty. 全文の和訳を長いですが、どうぞよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳 brings this lawsuit

    正しい日本語に書き直すことをお願いします(辞書形) Plaintiff brings this lawsuit in effort to provide an understanding, and encourage discussion both domestically and internationally. 100% of damages from this lawsuit will be donated to the “Japan Federation of Bar Associations”, for their continued effort over decades, trying to get their government (police, prosecutors and judges) to obey and uphold the laws. 原告は、国内外での議論を促進し、理解を提供するためにこの訴訟を提起する。訴訟の損害賠償額は、政府(警察、検察、裁判)に法令を遵守させるために何十年もの努力を続けてきた「日本弁護士連合会」に寄付される。

  • 英文についての質問

    Currently, taxpayers can deduct the amount they donate to charity from their income tax bill, which provides an incentive for donations. This option would limit the deduction for charitable giving to the amount of contributions that exceed 2% of a taxpayer’s income. This would reduce the incentive for small charitable giving, but it would maintain incentives for people who give a greater portion of income to charity. ⇨前半で書かれていることは「慈善団体に寄付した金額を、所得税申告所に記入し、いくらか差し引くことができる。その控除額を2%に制限する」ということでしょか? 後半がよくわからないのですが、「慈善寄付団体に納税する人が減るかもしれないが、寄付し続けてくれる人のやる気?を維持する」ということでしょうか? こちらを訳してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    It is winter in the Cascade Mountains of the northwestern United States. Most of 16-year-old Rachael Scdoris' classmates are getting ready for a hight school dance,but Rachael has different plans. She is in the process of leading her team of 12 dogs through one of the more difficult dog sled races around - the 'Atta Boy 300'race. The Atta Boy is a Staged race that lasts for seven days and goes through the cascade Mountains. It is divided into seven timed legs, or sections, that total 300 miles. It is early morning on day five of the race. Rachael is getting ready for a long 35-mile run through the mountains. Being a dog sled competitor would be difficult enough for any 16-year-old. However, it is an even bigger challenge for Rachael is legally blind. 私は恥ずかしながら一切英語ができません。 頑張って訳そうとしても全く理解できません。 なので、和訳お願いします!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Additionally, with the Bolsheviks in power in Moscow, chaos spread in Persia, as the Russo-British favoring government of Ahmad Shah Qajar lost authority outside of the capital. In contrast, in Syria, the Ottomans were steadily pushed back by British forces, culminating in the fall of Damascus in October 1918. Hopes were initially high for the Ottomans that their losses in Syria might be compensated with successes in the Caucasus. Enver Pasha, one of the most influential members of the Ottoman government, maintained an optimistic stance, hid information that made the Ottoman position appear weak, and led most of the Ottoman elite to believe that the war was still winnable. Developments in Southeast Europe quashed the Ottoman government's hopes. The Macedonian Front, also known as the Salonika campaign, had been largely stable since 1916. In September 1918, the Allied forces (under the command of Louis Franchet d'Espèrey) mounted a sudden offensive which proved quite successful. The Bulgarian army was defeated, and Bulgaria was forced to sue for peace in the Armistice of Salonica. That undermined both the German and Ottoman cause simultaneously, as the Germans had no troops to spare to defend Austria-Hungary from the newly formed vulnerability in Southeastern Europe after the losses it had suffered in France, and the Ottomans suddenly faced having to defend Constantinople against an overland European siege without help from the Bulgarians. Grand Vizier Talaat Pasha visited Berlin, Germany, and Sofia, Bulgaria in September 1918. He came away with the understanding that the war was no longer winnable. With Germany likely seeking a separate peace, the Ottomans would be forced to do so as well. Talaat convinced the other members of the ruling party that they must resign, as the Allies would impose far harsher terms if they thought the people who started the war were still in power. He also sought out the United States to see if he could surrender to them and gain the benefits of the Fourteen Points despite the Ottoman Empire and the United States not being at war; however, the Americans never responded, as they were waiting on British advice as to how to respond that never came. On October 13, Talaat and the rest of his ministry resigned. Ahmed Izzet Pasha replaced Talaat as Grand Vizier. Two days after taking office, he sent the captured British General Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend to the Allies to seek terms on an armistice. Negotiations The British cabinet received word of the offer and were eager to negotiate a deal.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    The body is protected against attack from bacteria and viruses by the immune system.White blood cells, especially those known as T-cells, play a central role in this fight against harmful invaders. In rare cases, however, the natural action of the immune system can cause problems. One such case is organ transplantation, in which the immune system attacks the new organ and causes the body to reject it. In order to suppress this rejection, several types of immunosuppressant drugs have been used. However, the discovery of cyclosporine in 1976 has been unparalleled by any other breakthrough in the long history of tissuen and organ transplantation. This medication has had a revolutionary impact, enabling the graft survival rate of renal transplants to increase from 40 to 90 percent. It is safe to say that the drug has moved transplantation from the realm of miracle into routine therapy. Cyclosporine prevents organ rejection by blocking certain immune pathways that are activated when the body detects foreign cells. At the same time, however, this medication indiscriminately blocks other cellular signal pathways, causing serious side effects such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. These conditions can cause cardiovascular disease and kidney toxicity that may ultimately lead to organ failures. In addition, long-term cyclosporine use damages the body's immune system itself, preventing it from fighting off infections following transplant. Now, research is being done to develop drugs that can prevent rejection as effectively as cyclosporine, while avoiding its harmful side effects. One such drug is belatacept. This promising new immunosuppressant prevents T-cell activation by selectively blocking one of the two signals T-cells need in order to become fully activated and to initiate an immune response against a transplanted organ. By selectively blocking this co-stimulatory signal, the drug allows the body to continue fighting infections, while preventing organ rejection. Though further study and testing must be done before the drug can be recommended as a routine replacement for cyclosporine, belatacept could brighten the futures of many who suffer from chronic renal disease and other types of organ failure.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    After the Versailles conference, Democratic President Woodrow Wilson claimed that "at last the world knows America as the savior of the world!" However, the Republican Party, led by Henry Cabot Lodge, controlled the US Senate after the election of 1918, and the senators were divided into multiple positions on the Versailles question. It proved possible to build a majority coalition, but impossible to build a two-thirds coalition that was needed to pass a treaty. A discontent bloc of 12–18 "Irreconcilables", mostly Republicans but also representatives of the Irish and German Democrats, fiercely opposed the treaty. One block of Democrats strongly supported the Versailles Treaty, even with reservations added by Lodge. A second group of Democrats supported the treaty but followed Wilson in opposing any amendments or reservations. The largest bloc, led by Senator Lodge, comprised a majority of the Republicans. They wanted a treaty with reservations, especially on Article 10, which involved the power of the League of Nations to make war without a vote by the US Congress. All of the Irreconcilables were bitter enemies of President Wilson, and he launched a nationwide speaking tour in the summer of 1919 to refute them. However, Wilson collapsed midway with a serious stroke that effectively ruined his leadership skills. The closest the treaty came to passage was on 19 November 1919, as Lodge and his Republicans formed a coalition with the pro-Treaty Democrats, and were close to a two-thirds majority for a Treaty with reservations, but Wilson rejected this compromise and enough Democrats followed his lead to permanently end the chances for ratification. Among the American public as a whole, the Irish Catholics and the German Americans were intensely opposed to the treaty, saying it favored the British. After Wilson's presidency, his successor Republican President Warren G. Harding continued American opposition to the formation of the League of Nations. Congress subsequently passed the Knox–Porter Resolution bringing a formal end to hostilities between the United States and the Central Powers. It was signed into law by President Harding on 2 July 1921. Soon after, the US–German Peace Treaty of 1921 was signed in Berlin on 25 August 1921, the US–Austrian Peace Treaty of 1921 was signed in Vienna on 24 August 1921, and the US–Hungarian Peace Treaty of 1921 was signed in Budapest on 29 August 1921.

  • noだからorなんでしょうか?

    ふと気になったので教えて下さい。英文は以下の通りです。 Contains no A,B or C.(AもBもCも含まれていない) 最後のorが気になったので引いてみると、 否定文の場合andの代わりにorが使われるというようなことが書いてありました。だからここにorが出てくるんでしょうか。それとも他の理由ですか? でもわたしこういう形って、否定文じゃないと感じていたんですが。否定文ですか?(学生の時に手を抜けるだけ抜いたツケがきてるなー) ここでorじゃなくandを使ったら間違いですか? こんな質問ですのでお暇な折に答えていただければ嬉しいです。よろしくお願いしますm(__)m。