• 締切済み


左右の奥歯が痛くて歯科医に通ったのだか、医者からは具体的には悪いところはないが歯の噛み合わせが悪いか、すり合わせを良くないので歯の表面を多少削ったほうが良いと言われ、歯の専門的な知識も特にないのでその 意見に従って数ミリほど削ってもらったがこの治療は必要だったのだろうか? 歯の炎症を抑えるために、消炎鎮痛剤(インドメタシン)を2日分処方をしてもらったがこの薬の処方は正しかったのだろうか? 私の下記を見て何か問題はあると感じるのだろうか? (歯石はあるが、すごく綺麗な歯だとは言われたが) デンタルケアカテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 My left and right back teeth hurt so I went to a dentist, the doctor concluded that there is not a bad place, but teeth engagement is bad, because it is not good to match, so it is better to scrape off the tooth surface somewhat We, because there is no special knowledge of teeth, that Depending on my opinion, I had it cut by a few millimeters, but was this treatment necessary? In order to suppress the inflammation of teeth, we had prescribing anti-inflammatory analgesic (indomethacin) for 2 days, but was the prescription of this medicine correct? Do you feel that there is something wrong with my review? (Although there are tartar, it is said that it is a very beautiful tooth) Dental Care Category All of you As you answered, We'll be expecting you.


  • ht1001
  • ベストアンサー率36% (4/11)

左右複数個所痛みがあったのであれば、歯ぎしりなどの「ブラキシズム」が原因の可能性が高く、歯を削る必要性は低かった可能性が高いと思われます。断定は出来ませんが。 処方については、妥当ではないでしょうか? If there was pain in the left and right multiple places, there is a high possibility that "bruxism" such as bruxism is the cause, it seems likely that the need to scrape the teeth was low. I can not conclude it. Regarding prescriptions, is not it reasonable?



ご回答のほど。 ありがとうございます。

  • edogawaai
  • ベストアンサー率22% (124/555)

私は痛いと 言って 歯医者から 麻酔をしているのだから 痛いはずは無いと 言われたことも有ります 他の医者に行って、私は知覚過敏と言われ 専用の歯ブラシと 歯磨きを教えてもらいました いくつかの医院に行って、知覚過敏を言われたことは 始めてです 知覚過敏に対する、歯ブラシ 歯磨きを 試してください



ご回答のほど。 ありがとうございます。


歯科医のスキルもいろいろです。 この画像だけでは限界がございます。 まず、セカンドオピニオンが先決です。 意外と頭痛から歯が痛いと感じることもありますので、このあたりも少し考慮に入れておいて下さい。



ご回答のほど、 ありがとうございます。



  • 英語で書いた感想文です。

    文法とかスペルに全然自信がなくて; もしよければ手伝って下さい。ほとんど間違えてると思いますが。 ソウルサーフとゆう映画映画の質問付の感想文です。 1, What have you learned from the movie? - i learned that when we think that life has ended, it is only just beginning. Everything in life has a purpose, a reason. There may be time that we think we want to give up, but that’s where you find real strength. Like Bethany, she is a very strong person. Terrible things happened to her even though it seems that she doesn’t deserve it because she is a very good person. But out of that terrible thing that happened, something good came out of it. She was able to overcame the problems she has faced. Anything is possible. All we need is faith, in God and in yourself. 2, How can you apply it in your life. 1, find something which is challenging for me. 2, Set a small goal. 3, get motivated 3, what have you felt when you try living with one arm? - I tried tying my hair with my one hand, and i realized that there is no way you can do that. how dificult it is to not be able to do something you normaly do everytime. お願いします。

  • Man 1 の最後の文を和訳してください。。

    Man1: This again? Son of a bitch. Taking my money like that, you cheating dogs. Why, the only reason you can even live here is 'cause of what I've done. I busted my tail to dig that gate. Man2: For criminy's sakes, you always say the same thing when you're losing. We all dug that gate together, and you know it. Man3: Yeah, we did. We worked like there was no tomorrow. Man1: And what have we got to show for it?!

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    1 Because they could create a good public image for themselves. 2 Because the design of seatbelts is not very important for selling cars. 3 Because it does not have any rhythm. 4 You may answer, “No, that one doesn’t, but the one next to it does.” 5 We do this because although the tooth is physically close to us, it is psychologically closer to the dentist when he is examining it.

  • 要約をお願いします☆

    Is very glad to see your letter today. When I receive it, on mine The person always a smile, and in my heart warmly. After all when I read yours Letters, I start to represent that you stand nearby and speak to me about It. I do not know that occurs, but for that time that we are familiar with You, I have very much changed. As soon as possible I always hasten to To the computer to read your letter. I have a such Feeling that I became a little dependent on you. Because for days on end I think only of you, I represent your life there, is far from me. As You think, what is it? I am afraid to tell it, but it seems to me that it Love. I am afraid of this loud word, but I tell you the thoughts. After all we have agreed with you that we will tell all secrets each other. I trust you and I hope that you as trust me. Recently I began to think of how would be much Remarkably, if could meet and learn each other better. That You think of it? I think, it is difficult to speak about something only through Letters and phone. I wish to have with you live dialogue. But I do not know, What your thoughts that I have now written to you. My dear, do not worry, we will necessarily speak on msn! ok!? We will necessarily speak in msn, I promise to you! :) "Do you agree?" Is such expression is available in Russia. I do not know, how To you it to explain. You trust in destiny? It means:"nobody knows, That the destiny has prepared for us ". Understand me? Now I will finish the letter and I will wait for your early reply.

  • 長文英語

    Philosophers' search for the truth resembles a detective story. Some think Andersen was murderer,(   ) think it was Nielsen or Jensen. The police are sometimes able to solve a real crime. But it is equally possible that they never get to the bottom of it, although there is a solution somewhere. So even if it is difficult to answer a question, there may be one ― and only one ― right answer. Either there is a kind of existence after death ― ( イ ) there is not. Philosophy has ウ( in / its origin / of / man's sense / wonder ). Man thinks it is so astonishing to be alive that philosophical questions arise of their own accord. It is like watching a magic trick. We cannot understand how it is done. So we ask : how can the magician change a couple of white silk scarves into a live rabbit? A lot of people experience the world with the same incredulity as when a magician suddenly pulls a rabbit out of a hat which has just been shown to them empty. In the case of the rabbit, we know the magician has tricked us. What we would like to know is just how he did it. But when it comes to the world it's somewhat different. We know that the world is not all sleight of hand and deception because here we are in it : we are part of it. Actyally, we are the white rabbit is that the rabbit does not realize it is taking part in amagic trick. We do. We feel we are part of something mysterious and we would like to know how it all works. 1.和訳をお願いします! 2.(  )と( イ )に適当な1語とウの(  )内の並び替えもお願いします! ◆補足◆ of own's one accord 自然に,一人で incredulity 疑う気持ち,信じられないという気持ち sleight of hand 手先の早業,手品

  • 2つ翻訳お願いします><

    2つ翻訳お願いします>< It was tired from love not fulfilled. There is a my present self because there are feelings to think of the other party. Is the love that dose to the point of telling a lie me? What do you want to do, and how do you want to be loved by you?

  • 分からない問題があります.

    こんばんは. 分からない問題がありました.よろしくお願いいたします. Q1.a small part of something that is checked carefully to discover what it is like という説明文が表している単語を答えるのですがなかなか見つかりません・・最初が[s]です. sample だと思ったんですがどうでしょうか. Q2,Do you know a good shop? We can get fresh seafood there. の2文を1文にするのですが分かりませんでした。 Do you know a good shop that we can get fresh seafood there? でよろしいでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳願います。

    It is not that I do not want to marry you, it would be a lovely dream to do so, I think. I do not think that we have this path ahead of us... but I want to have you in my life always, somehow. Duty as a man? To stand and hold the load, to carry it forward. To move and put the wants of man away. 宜しくお願いします。


    <CHEMICAL SECRET>  CHEMICAL SECRETの冒頭部分の文章です。どう訳していいかいまいちわからないので教えてください。機械翻訳はご遠慮ください。  There are two ways of committing a crime. You can do it with your eyes open, or you can do it with your eyes closed. Not many of us intend to do wrong, but all most all of us close our eyes to certain kinds of crime. But what is a crime? Is it something that the law tells us is wrong, or something that we know in our hearts is wrong? There are many kinds of crime - crimes of greed, of violence, of anger and hate. But there are also less obvious crimes- the ones that we commit against the world: against the sky, the sea, the land. They are the crimes that we commit against the future and against our children- by closing our eyes and pretending that we cannot see. John Duncan is a biologist. When he took the job at the chemical factory, he thought he was protecting his children. He wanted to buy them the good things of life: a big house, a boat, exciting holidays... But what kind of future was he buying them?  

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    I'm sorry but we have no dealers in the US that stock this sink that you need. The best I could do is give you list of our other dealers in the San Francisco area (see link below), but it would still take 8-12 wks to get to the US. You might want to contact our main office in Germany, so that you could check the possibility of going through a dealer there and having it exported from Germany.

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