Conflicted Feelings: My Parents' Reaction to My Gender Identity

  • Being a 15 year old trans guy in high school comes with its challenges, especially when it comes to my parents' acceptance of my identity.
  • Despite coming out to them and explaining the importance of using my preferred name, my parents still insist on using my birth name, causing me a great deal of distress.
  • Similarly, my parents have been resistant to using my correct pronouns, even after multiple corrections.
  • ベストアンサー


I'm a 15 year old trans guy in high school. I came out to my parents earlier last year (which was unbelievably terrifying) and they seemed okay with it at the time. Except, well, now things are a bit different. First off, when I first came out to them they refused to let me go by a different name, since my birth name is technically unisex. Even after I explained to them that since it's only ever been used femininely for me and therefore causes all sorts of bad feelings, they wouldn't budge. I figured, whatever, I can deal with it until I get my name officially changed. Their pronoun usage has been... questionable. They still won't use my actual pronouns for more than a sentence even after I correct them. Their pronoun usage has been... questionable. They still won't use my actual pronouns for more than a sentence even after I correct them. の意味と解説をよろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4129/5365)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 Their pronoun usage has been... questionable. They still won't use my actual pronouns for more than a sentence even after I correct them. の意味と解説をよろしくお願いします  男性なら he、 his、 him、女性なら she、 her、 her を使います。ところが下記のようだ、と言う意味でしょう。  「彼らの代名詞の使い方は妙だ、私が間違いだ(例えば he でなくて she だ)と直しても、一文章先ではまた元に戻って、私の正しい代名詞を使おうとしない」




その他の回答 (1)


あなたのHNにはなんだか見覚えがあるのですが,いつも風変わりな英文について尋ねてませんか(笑)? trans guy の意味がちゃんと取れてますか? 英語版Wikipedia の説明を引用すると:A trans man (sometimes trans-man or transman) is a man who was assigned female at birth. 出生時は外性器形状から女性とされたが,中身は男性。trans は transgender の略です。だから,友人たちが自分を代名詞 he で呼ぶか,she で呼ぶか混乱しているということ。





  • DANIEL POWTER の"Free Loop"の歌詞の和訳お願いします

    DANIEL POWTER の"Free Loop"の歌詞で I've been fabulous through to define my tattered name. I've been fabulous through to fight my town a name. の意味を教えて下さい。I've been fabulous throughはイデオムですか?

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My parents were raised dirt-poor. They popped out baby after baby even though they couldn't afford to feed or properly house us. My folks had numerous opportunities to improve our lot in life and passed them all over. 最後の文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • had been playing tennis?

    【設定】  I met Pole and Kathy yesterday as I was walking through the park.☆1)They had been to the Sports Center where they had been playing tennis.  They were going to a cafe and invited me to join them, but I had arranged to meet another friend and didn't have time. ☆1)の文の~where they had been playing tennis.がわかりません。  I met them yesterday as I was walking ~. なので theyがそれより前に the Sports Centerに行って帰ってきた 大過去で『had been to 場所』なのは、わかります。 その場所 the Sports Center whereで 大過去で play tennis を公園で会う前にもう済んでしまっていた。わけなら  ~where they had played tennis. では、ないのでしょうか? 完了進行形にする意味がわかりません。 『そこでその頃~していたのでした。』なら進行形もわかるのですが・・・・。 すみません、宜しくお願い致します。

  • もっとも口語的表現は?

    even について実用練習をしてます。   発音ストレスのおき方でもevenが何を強調しているのかを表せる や、基本どこにおいてもいい。(強調したい語がはっきり表されれば)という解釈で学びました。 しかし口語でよく使われる方と、短縮形(これも口語でよくしゃべられるかをも教えてもらいたいですが)を教えてもらいたいです。  1 I can't remember anything about him. +her name を含めて会話を完成させましょう。  1-a) I can't remember anything about him.--not even his name.  1-b) I can't remember anything about him. I can't even remember his name. 1-c) I can't remember anything about him. I can't remember even his name. 2 They didn't say anything to us. + hello 2-a) They didn't say anything to us.----not even hello. 2-b) They didn't say anything to us. They didn't even say hello. 2-c) They didn't say anything to us. They didn't say even hello. ちなみに短縮形は短くて良さそうなので、ぜひともしゃべりたいのですが、合っているかの自信がありません。これも確認したいのです。 前置詞ぬきだろうが 目的語を強調する だろうが とにかく not even を強調したい語の前につけさえして 前文の後に言えばいいと思っています。(でも even in Japanみたいに 「~では ね。」という 範囲や場所や時間の一点を感じさせたい時には前置詞入りでしゃべろうと思っています。  よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    I doubt if there is my life that I regret more bitterly than I do my frequent failure as aboy to bring delight to my parents by showing them how pleased I was. Time after time, I realize now, I must have brought them bewilderment, dismay, and aching disappointment, by failing to respond adequately to some treat they planned for me. できるだけ詳しく教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

  • なぜtheyか

    I have been dating a person for a few years on and off. I also struggle with alcohol abuse. A few months ago, I had what I consider to be a rock-bottom moment: I showed up quite drunk to a dinner date with my partner and behaved awfully, then broke down and laid out a plan to get sober. The next day, I checked into a detox and have been sober since. That night, my partner told me they loved me, and after they left they told me they would see me soon. なぜtheyとなっているのでしょうか?誰のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • keep me on the hook

    My in-laws last year asked if I could babysit their 11-year-old this April so they could go away for a weekend, which they never get to do. I agreed and told them I would just need a few weeks’ notice to organize my own child care around it. Well, it’s April, and they still haven’t picked a date. I haven’t been able to make any plans of my own for weeks, and as we get closer to summer, the heat affects my health condition and puts me at a higher risk for seizures. My in-laws definitely need the time on their own and don’t have other child care options (my niece-in-law is poorly behaved), so I would feel like a bit of a jerk withdrawing my offer. But I feel like they’re not being very reasonable. Is it fair for them to keep me on the hook, or should I tell them I’ll no longer be available? keep me on the hookはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どう口語表現しますか ? お助け下さい。

    どう口語表現しますか? 「今の私を愛して欲しいけど、私の過去も知ったあとですら愛して欲しい」 1: I want you to love what I am today but also I want you to love me even after you know my past. 2: I want you to love me just the way I am regardless of my past. 3: I want you to love me even after you know my past. どちらが良いでしょうか。 ご教授頂けませんか。

  • 和訳をお願いします!For the first time in my life

    For the first time in my life, I know less about a subject after it has been explained to me. So they put me in to bat. スポーツ(野球?)のルール説明を聞いた後の文です。 宜しくお願いしますm(_ _ )m

  • where to stick it

    I’m (over)due with my second child, and I am not looking forward to the “help” that will come when she is born. When my son was born, my in-laws came for a week. They helped by holding my son, soothing my son, playing with him—all the things I wanted to do. To be fair, they also cooked and cleaned a bit, but I had no idea how to tell them to let us bond. My in-laws are coming again this time around, from what I understand. My husband insists they are helpful, but all I feel is that they are intrusive and disrespectful of my boundaries. My own family is popping in too, for just a few days, but I have no qualms about telling them where to stick it if they overstep! telling them where to stick it if they overstepの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします