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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:わからない個所を教えてください。)

The Dandelion clockの一節についての質問



こんばんは。 ‘Look, Max – I’m not sure—’のlookはおっしゃるとおりで、注意をひく呼びかけといったことです。下記のような解説にもあるとおりです。 会話中のlook http://www.alc.co.jp/speaking/article/question/070620.html Get you some more sales. Get me some more commission. Please all of the people all of the time.’ これは、直前の  I think it would do us a lot of good. から考えて、 It would get you more sales. It would get me some more commission. It would please all of the people all of the time. 「この件はあんたにもっと売り上げをもたらす、俺にもうちょっと手数料をもたらす、あんたも俺もふくめて、さいしょからさいごまでみんなを満足させる」 つまりplease は「どうぞ」じゃなくて、「満足させる」という動詞です。もうすこしこなれさせると、 「この件であんたにはもっと売り上げが入る、俺にはもうちょっと手数料が入る、あんたも俺もふくめて最初から最後までみんな満足ってわけだ」 というような意味でしょう。 It’s got complicated this end. ですが、思い浮かべてください、遠く離れた場所で国際電話してるんですよね?this endは、「電話のこっち端」とか「海のこっち側」ということです。 「こっちはめんどうな話になってるんだ」 という意味でしょう。 There is a sharp silence. のsharpというのはどういう意味か。私自身もsharpのこういう使い方にあまりなじみがないのですが、辞書を引いてみましょう。 sharp http://www.dictionary.com/browse/sharp 語義4 abrupt、語義7 distinct などとあるように、つまりsharpは縁とか境目がはっきりしてるってことなんですね。それを考えると、sharp silenceというのは、電話の向こうにいた相手Maxがそれまで機嫌良くまくしたてていたのが、ここで突然黙り込んだ、ということなのじゃないかと思います。 There is a sharp silence. 「突然沈黙が訪れた」 「(機嫌良くしゃべっていた)Maxは突然押し黙った」 といった意味じゃないでしょうか。 ‘Alex, how long are you talking about? The weekend?’ これは口語ならではということでしょうが、「どのくらい話してる?」のように、話してる時間を質問してるのじゃありません。その直前に主人公が、 I may have to stay a while longer.(もうちょっと長くいなくちゃいけないみたいなんだ)と言ってます。how long というのは、「それはどのくらいなんだ?」と聞いてるわけですね。 「あんたの言ってるもうちょっと長くってのはどのくらい長くのことなんだ?この週末ぐらいまで延びそうってわけ?」 ということです。 こういうのは答えから逆に考えてゆくとよいかもしれません。 「僕が言ってるもうちょっと長くいなくちゃならないみたいだというのは、あと三日のことなんだ」という文章を考えると、 I am talking about 3 more days when I say I may have to stay a while longer. これの 3 more daysが分からなくて質問するとすると、 「あんたがもうちょっと長くいなくちゃならないみたいだというのは、さらにどのくらいの日数について言っているわけ?」 3 more daysを how many more daysに置き換えて文頭に出して、be動詞と主語をひっくり返して疑問文を作りますから、 How many more days are you talking about when you say you may have to stay a while longer? となります。 そのhow many more daysをくだけて言えば、how longになるので、 How long are you talking about (when you say you may have to stay a while longer)? という言い方になるという理解でいかがでしょうか?いずれにせよこの最後の文は日本の学校で答案に書いたら正解にはしてもらえない可能性が高いと思います。 But let’s not cut things too close here. これですが、cut things close という決まった言い回しが辞書に出てきます。 cut it [things] close [fine] http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/edc/14000311900/meaning/m0u/ 「すれすれ[ぎりぎり]で間に合わせる,どうにか帳尻を合わせる」といった意味です。 ちょっと話の流れが見えないですが、今進んでいる企画は良いチャンスなんだから、あまりぎりぎりでやっとこさこなすのじゃなくて、きちんとしっかり対応しないともったいないよ、というようなニュアンスで、 「ここはあんまりぎりぎりの間に合わせでやらないようにしようぜ」 といったことを言ってるように思います。 以上参考になればさいわいです。



こんばんは。 先日は、締め切った質問に大変丁寧にコメントで解説をいただいてありがとうございました。 今回も大変丁寧に詳しく解説をいただいてありがとうございます! ‘Alex, how long are you talking about? The weekend?’のところは簡単な単語が並んでいながら意味がとれませんでしたが、文の成り立ちがよくわかりました。 また、いろんなサイトのリンクを付けていただき、それぞれわかりやすく訳していただいてありがとうございます!


  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    There is a sharp silence. At last he says, ‘Alex, how long are you talking about? The weekend?’ ‘Maybe,’ I say. ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Well, that’s all right – just. But let’s not cut things too close here. This is the big one, remember?’ ‘Sure,’ I say. (前回の終わりの部分です) Suddenly he laughs. ‘You really hate all of this, don’t you?’ he says. ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if the house was perfect and you were inventing rising damp so you can sit in the sun and keep out of my way.’ ‘Actually, it’s been raining,’ I tell him. ‘Whatever. Look, enjoy yourself, all right? Have some beers in between fixing up builders and all that. When things are sorted out, give me a call. I suppose we’ll all survive without you for a few more days.’ ‘OK,’ I say. ‘And don’t forget to think over those ideas Julia came up with. They’ve got to go to press by the fourteenth at the latest, and she’ll need some time before that to put it all together.’ ‘I will. I’ll call you, Max.’ ‘Bye, Alex,’ he says, still sounding amused, and the line goes dead. ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if the house was perfect and you were inventing rising damp so you can sit in the sun and keep out of my way.’ がどういうことを言っているのかわかりません。Alexは自分の家を修理しなければならない状態でいたのですが、the houseというのはAlexの家のことを言っているのか。。。 you were inventing rising damp so you can sit in the sun and keep out of my way.の部分が意味不明です。rising damp=上昇水分??(湿気?) keep out of my way=? Whatever. Look, enjoy yourself, all right? のWhateverは何かの略なのでしょうか?それとも単独で何か意味があるのでしょうか? They've got to go to press by the fourteenth at the latest, and she'll need some time before that to put it all together.' のThey've got to go to press はto不定詞が2つつながっているのでしょうか?  the fourteenthは14日? she'll need some time before that to put it all together.のthat とitは何を指しているのでしょうか?(thatはto put~以下、itはthose ideasですか?) ‘Bye, Alex,’ he says, still sounding amused, and the line goes dead.のsounding amusedの表現がどういう感じなのか掴めません。おかしそうに鳴り響いている? the line goes deadは、電話線が意に反して切れてしまった、ということなのでしょうか? *(ここでAlexとMaxの電話は終わります) ほとんど読めていなのですが、教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    "It's Alex," I say. "Alex. How's Italy?" His voice sounds very far away; a bad connection, perhaps. "It's fine." "And the house and so on? Everything sorted out all right?" "Well---" I say. "Not yet. I mean, there's---" "Is it legal stuff?" he breaks in. "You don't need to worry about that kind of thing. You've seen the attorney there?" "Yes," I say. "I got the key from him yesterday. I was going to call in again on my way back. But it's not that. It's--- the place is really run down, Max." I grope for a way to explain it to him. "I mean, it's a terrible mess. I don't think anyone would touch it the way it is at the moment." "Oh," he says. "Yes. I see. Are there structural problems?" "I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, the verandah--the one my mother had---well, that's all rotted at one end. And the chimney's broken loose. From the stove. I think a storm did that. I've hardly had a proper look---I'm going to do that today. There are bound to be other things as well. I mean, there's a window broken in the room where I slept, and the garden's---the garden's awful. It needs work doing on it, that's all. It's mostly small things." ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 "I got the key from him yesterday. I was going to call in again on my way back. But it's not that. It's--- the place is really run down, Max." のBut it's not that. は、Alexが帰りの途中で代理人に電話をしなかった(いまだにしていない)、ということですか?itとthatの代名詞が使われていてよくわからなかったのですが。 "I mean, it's a terrible mess. I don't think anyone would touch it the way it is at the moment." のat the momentは、「今の所は」という意味だと思うのですが、 I don't think anyone would touch it at the moment.とすると 全体の意味が変わってしまうのでしょうか? the way it is at the moment.の個所について、なぜthe way it isが入っているのかがわかりません。 最後の方にあるIt needs work doing on it, that's all.のon itは庭で、ということですか?workは単に作業の意味でしょうか?修理ですか?that's allとありますがthatはAlexが話した家の壊れた個所のことですか?それですべてだよ、みたいな。 たくさんになってしまいましたが、教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    ~Think you can come up with something for her?' In my head there is a ghost of a voice: my voice, lodged somewhere out of sight in a different time. It's still a crap joke, Jamie, I hear myself saying; and a moment later, there is the ghost of Jamie's voice also: All the best ones are. I say, ‘I'll try.'(前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Good. I’ve been up to look over the gallery. Paul Horshot’s in charge. It’s going to be tremendous, Alex. There’s advance publicity coming out right now. Deborah’s working the press for us, and we’ll probably do a preview showing the day before it opens – get the reviews out on the day, which should be good. And Alan Harper wants you to say something at a kind of drinks and vol-au-vents bash, which I know isn’t your kind of thing, but would be very good for the momentum of it all. It’s – wait a moment – it’s two days before, on the twenty-second. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Alex? Alex, are you there?’ ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 And Alan Harper wants you to say something at a kind of drinks and vol-au-vents bash, which I know isn’t your kind of thing,~で、I know isn’t your kind of thingの個所がわからないのですが、”drinks and vol-au-vents bashについては君のわからない分野だと思うけど”、みたいなことを言っているのでしょうか? It’s – wait a moment – it’s two days before, on the twenty-second. で言っているのは、a preview showingがthe galleryがオープンする2日前に開かれる、ということですか?on the twenty-secondというのは22日?secondのところがわかりません。22日はtwenty-twoですか? It shouldn’t be too difficult.それは難しすぎる・・・shouldn't beの意味の取り方がわかりません。またitが指しているものはa preview showingですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    ‘Are you sure you can remember all this?’ ‘You have to concentrate, Alex,’ my father is saying. ‘How can you remember things if you don’t concentrate?’ ‘I try,’ I say. ‘Well, try trying a bit harder.’(前回の終わりの部分です) ‘Alex?' ‘I'll remember,' I say again. ‘Well, it doesn't matter if you don't. I can give you a copy on Thursday. Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?' I can tell he's joking. ‘Yes,' I say. ‘Fruit segments, sometimes. Some other stuff.' ‘Really? I didn't know that. Well well. And last of all – there are others, like I said, but these are the ones she's keenest to get you to talk about –starbursts and seedheads; dandelions particularly, apparently, and motifs with the same shape-patterns as dandelion seedheads. So. Think you can come up with something for her?' *【In my head there is a ghost of a voice: my voice, lodged somewhere out of sight in a different time. It's still a crap joke, Jamie, I hear myself saying; and a moment later, there is the ghost of Jamie's voice also: All the best ones are.】 I say, ‘I'll try.' ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 *【】の個所は、以前質問させていただいた部分です。 Well, it doesn't matter if you don't. のyou don'tのところは動詞が続いていないのですが、「君(Alex)が僕(Max)の言ったことを忘れないなら問題ないよ」という意味になるのでしょうか? I can give you a copy on Thursday. Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?' I can tell he's joking. で、I can tell he's jokingと言っているのはどういうジョークをMaxが言っているのでしょうか?(どの部分がジョークと言えるようになっているのでしょうか?そもそもDid you know there were~と聞くこと自体がナンセンスみたいなことなのでしょうか?) Did you know there were trilaterally symmetrical forms in your paintings?' ‘Yes,' I say. ‘Fruit segments, sometimes. Some other stuff.' ‘Really? I didn't know that. Well well. And last of all – there are others,~ ここのやり取りの内容が掴めないのですが、三辺が対照的な形が果物の部分にある、という事をAlexが答えていて、本当に?それは知らなかった、とMaxが言っている感じみたいなのですが、ジョークをジョークで返した?ということなのでしょうか?? sometimesはときどき、たまには、という意味ですか? たまに、果物の部分に三辺が対照的な形があるよ、ということですか? Think you can come up with something for her?の個所は、本来はDo you think~なのでしょうか?Thinkが前に出て来ているのはなぜなのでしょうか?(命令形?) 意味は、「彼女に何かを示すことができると思う?」ということですか? たくさんの質問になってしまってすみません。 教えてください。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。その1

    There are bound to be other things as well. I mean, there's a window broken in the room where I slept, and the garden's---the garden's awful. It needs work doing on it, that's all. It's mostly small things."(前回の終わりです) ↓(続きです) ‘You slept there?' he says, sounding incredulous. ‘Yes, of course. It was too late by the time I'd –when I'd finished looking round.' ‘Well, at least it doesn't sound like it's falling down,' he says cautiously. ‘You'd expect a little work to be necessary after –how long has it been?' ‘Eight years,' I say. ‘Well, quite.' There's a pause. ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 :主人公のAlexと知人と思われるMaxが電話で話している場面です。 ‘You slept there?' he says, sounding incredulous. ‘Yes, of course. It was too late by the time I'd –when I'd finished looking round.' ‘Well, at least it doesn't sound like it's falling down,' の会話の個所ですが、it doesn't sound like it's falling downと言っているのは、「眠れなかったように思える」、というような意味ですか? ‘You'd expect a little work to be necessary after –how long has it been?' ‘Eight years,' I say. の個所のやりとりがわからないのですが、a little workというのはちょっとした仕事、という意味ですか?after –how long has it been?のafterはどういう意味になるのでしょうか? You'd はYou wouldで推量になると思うのですが(あなたはちょっとした仕事が必要だと思っているでしょう?)、その後でhow long has it been?と聞いて完了形を使っているのが分かりません。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    ‘I do. It’s flying. I hate flying. Excellent – they’ve given us towels.’ She’s going round the room inspecting things. ‘And a writing-desk. That’s nice. I had the most awful flight. You should have seen who I had to sit next to.’ (前回の終わりの部分です) I think briefly. ‘Not – an old woman who fell asleep and kept blowing bubbles?’ She stops in her pacing of the room, looking at me quizzically. ‘No. You say the weirdest things sometimes.’ As she talks she goes round to her bed, sits down, pulling off her trousers. ‘No – it was this business-man type, maybe forty. Such a letch. I thought I was going to get groped for sure.’ ‘Did you?’ ‘No. Spineless. I kept the second half of my Coke ready, though, so I could chuck it over him when he did. That’s probably why I’m so dehydrated.’ ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。幼なじみのAnnaとAlexがホテルで会話している回想シーンだと思われます) ‘Not – an old woman who fell asleep and kept blowing bubbles?’このセリフはAnnaのことを言っているのでしょうか?寝てしまい、泡を吹き続けている年をとっていない女性??意味が全然わからないのですが。bubbleは泡という名詞なのでしょうか?はしゃぐ、という意味の動詞なのでしょうか? She stops in her pacing of the roomは、部屋を歩き回ることをやめた、みたいなことですか?in her pacingの意味がわかりにくいです。 ‘No – it was this business-man type, maybe forty. Such a letch. I thought I was going to get groped for sure.’このセリフもわからないのですが、Noと言っているのはどういう意味ですか?(これはAnnaのセリフ?)this business-man typeとは?どういうことを言っているのでしょうか? ‘Did you?’とは、I was going to get groped for sureに対しての問いですか? ‘No. Spineless. I kept the second half of my Coke ready, though, so I could chuck it over him when he did. That’s probably why I’m so dehydrated.’の最初に Spineless.と出てきますが、いくじなし、という意味ですか?それからコカコーラの半分を投げることができた?たぶんそれがとても脱水症状になる理由です?全体をまとめるとどういうことを言っているのでしょうか? 会話の部分がとても難しいです。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない箇所を教えてください。

    As she talks she goes round to her bed, sits down, pulling off her trousers. ‘No – it was this business-man type, maybe forty. Such a letch. I thought I was going to get groped for sure.’ ‘Did you?’ ‘No. Spineless. I kept the second half of my Coke ready, though, so I could chuck it over him when he did. That’s probably why I’m so dehydrated.’ (前回の終わりの部分です) She stands up and pulls her shirt off over her head. I look quickly away, pretending I haven’t noticed. I know she doesn’t care – wouldn’t mind me seeing her standing there in her underwear – but I’m not sure I can carry off the pretence that I don’t care. It’s easier to look away. She says, ‘Not a bad view either. There’s a little square down there, and a tree. I think that’s a church. You know all this stuff better than I do. You’ll have to tell me about it later.’ ‘It’s a deal,’ I say, looking fixedly at the writing-desk in the corner. I hear her walk over to where the towels are laid out, bare feet padding on the stone. ‘I’d say I won’t be long, but I probably will be,’ she says, a smile in her voice. I risk looking up. She has a towel wrapped around her, and I am able to pretend that, as far as I’m aware, this is how it’s always been. ‘There’s no hurry,’ I say. ‘Take as long as you like.’ ‘Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit.’ She closes the door after her and, a few moments later, there comes the first hiss of water from the shower, and somewhere far off the rumble and clang of air through the plumbing of the old building. I am left lying on my bed, staring at the wall, trying to keep the thought of her out of my head. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。she(Anna)はAlexの幼なじみです。(Annaとの回想シーンだと思われます) ‘Not a bad view either. There’s a little square down there, and a tree. I think that’s a church. You know all this stuff better than I do. You’ll have to tell me about it later.’ のNot a bad view either.がよくわかりません。悪い眺めではない。両方とも??all this stuffのstuffとはどういう意味ですか?You’ll have to tell me about it laterのitはa churchのことですか? I’d say I won’t be long, but I probably will be,の意味は、長く生きていないでしょうと言っていました、でも多分生きます、という意味ですか?それとも長くはいないと言っていました。でも多分長くいます。という意味ですか?beの意味が漠然としててよくわかりません。 She has a towel wrapped around her, and I am able to pretend that, as far as I’m aware, this is how it’s always beenのI am able to pretend that~のところがわからないのですが、(文をつなげると、I am able to pretend that this is how it's always beenだと思うのですが)、私はこれがいかにいつものことだというふりをすることができる?という意味ですか? I am able to pretendと言っている意味がいまひとつわかりません。 ‘There’s no hurry,’ I say. ‘Take as long as you like.’ ‘Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit.’ のセリフについてですが、彼女がシャワーを浴びていて、急がないから好きなだけ浴びてていいよ、と主人公が言って、彼女がちょっとしたら(シャワーから出て)会いにいきます、と言っているシーンですか? 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    I look up at the sky again. It’s not the time of year for the shooting stars yet; a few months must pass before the Perseids wash through the Earth’s orbit and burn briefly through the high atmosphere. Jamie tells me all about them. We watch them together.(前回の終わりの部分です) ‘There’s one – over there.’ I turn my head a fraction and catch the last dying trace of light as the star burns out. ‘That’s fourteen,’ I say. ‘They’re great, aren’t they?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘People say you should wish when you see one.’ ‘We should do that.’ ‘OK. On the next one.’ ‘We could have had fourteen wishes by now,’ I say. ‘Do you believe in all that?’ ‘All what?’ ‘Wishes and stuff.’ I think about it. ‘I don’t think so,’ I say at last. ‘Me neither.’ I can hear the grin in his voice as he adds, ‘But let’s do it anyway.’ We wait until the next star cuts across the sky. ‘What did you wish for?’ I ask. ‘It’s a secret,’ he says. ‘You have to keep them a secret if you want them to come true.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘They aren’t really stars, you know,’ he says. He speaks quietly, almost dreamily. ‘They’re pieces of rock. Meteors. They drift through space, and once a year this big sort of cloud of them – it’s called a swarm – comes. They go round the sun, you see, like us, only we only catch up with them once a year. And then they burn up.’ ‘Why do they burn up?’ ‘Because of the air.’ ‘Rocks don’t burn,’ I say. ‘Yes they do. Look at volcanoes. That’s rock.’ ‘Oh, yeah,’ I say. He’s right. ‘Why does the air make them burn?’ ‘There’s another.’ ‘I see it. Sixteen.’ *************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに帰ってきています。 Alexと幼なじみのJamieが話しているシーンです。(子供の頃の回想シーン?) ‘Do you believe in all that?’ ‘All what?’ ‘Wishes and stuff.’ このセリフの中のstuffは何を意味しているのでしょうか?漠然としたもの?? They drift through space, and once a year this big sort of cloud of them – it’s called a swarm – comes. They go round the sun, you see, like us, only we only catch up with them once a year.この英文のonly we only catch up with them once a year.の個所がよくわからないのですが、 私たちだけが一年に一度それらに追いつくだけです?onlyの意味するところがよくわかりません。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    I can make a start with the window. I have to start somewhere, after all. I tell myself that I will think about the exhibition, and the paintings, while I work; and this sounds so convincing to me that I almost start to believe it. (前回の終わりの部分です) Chapter Three I do get to the paintings eventually. In the afternoon, I buy what I need to mend the broken pane, and more besides; heavy bags of tools and materials for which I am bound to find a hundred uses. I buy house paint, too: emulsion for the walls, to get them back the way they were – the way they should be. I set out all I have bought on the sitting-room floor, and go to work to fix the window. All through the afternoon, in the easy rhythm of working with my hands, the past comes, floating up around me and threatening to engulf me; and I fight it back, trying to stay in the here and now, trying to gain control. Sometimes – most of the time – I manage it. I can’t understand why this is happening to me now; and why so strongly, so – insistently. Jamie and Anna. I tell myself that it must be inevitable that being back here again would stir up memories of them. It’s natural; this was their place, of course, as well as mine. It’s no surprise that they’re here in my thoughts so much. But it has been so long since I’ve thought of them, and these aren’t just memories – these are fragments of reality, snatched from the past and creeping up around me in the present. It’s something I’ve learnt to live without all my adult life, and now it’s here, it’s back, and I can’t even control it. I might have expected to think of Jamie and Anna once or twice while I was here – but not this, not this. ****************************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。Jamie and AnnaはAlexの幼なじみです。 It’s something I’ve learnt to live without all my adult life, and now it’s here, it’s back, and I can’t even control it.という英文が最後の方に出てくるのですが、itが何を指しているのかよくわかりません。 it’s hereそれはここにあり、it’s backそれは戻り、I can’t even control it.私はそれを支配することさえできない。。。Jamie and Annaとの思い出みたいな感じでしょうか? I might have expected to think of Jamie and Anna once or twice while I was here – but not this, not this.のbut not this, not thisというのは、どういうことを言っているのでしょうか?これではない、これでは。。?? 質問の英文が長くなってしまいましたが、教えてください。お願いします。

  • わからない個所を教えてください。その2

    (その1からの続きです) Then he says, ‘Oh, listen, Alex. There's something I meant to say to you before you left. You know Julia Connell?' ‘Of course,' I say. ‘She's got this idea for the catalogue; a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist. She wants to meet up and talk to you about some of the paintings –hang on –I have it right here—' ‘Max?' I say. ‘Max, can you hear me?' There's a moment's pause, and then, ‘Yes,' he says. ‘Have you got a bad line?' ‘I don't know,' I say. ‘You just sound –very distant.' ‘Oh. I'll try to speak up. Yes –it says here that she wants to cover themes in your work, and she's listed a few. She wanted me to ask you if you can think these over and come up with some ideas –you know, why they feature, what significance they have for you, symbolism, all that. Then she'll talk to you and turn it all into some kind of stream-of-consciousness thing. I think –yes, she says she wants to run it along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pages, with the pictures and the notes on them above. Can you visualize that? Alex?' ****************************************** ‘She's got this idea for the catalogue; a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist. She wants to meet up and talk to you about some of the paintings –hang on –I have it right here—' ここでthis idea=a kind of overview of your work in conversation with the artist.ですか? I have it right here—のitは何を指しているのでしょうか? rightは「ちょうど」、という意味ですか? Then she'll talk to you and turn it all into some kind of stream-of-consciousness thing. I think –yes, she says she wants to run it along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pages, with the pictures and the notes on them above. の中にある turn itと run itのitはthis ideaですか? along the bottom third of some of the catalogue pagesの中のthirdは三番目という意味でしょうか?カタログページのいくつかの三番目の底に沿って?ですか?意味がとれないのですが。。 三分の一という意味ですか? 最後のwith the pictures and the notes on them aboveのon themはthe catalogue pagesにという意味だと思うのですが、最後にaboveがついているのがわかりません。 細かくなってしまいましたが、教えてください。お願いします。