• ベストアンサー

when か which か

次のような英文がありました。 Last night, Cindy told me about her new job in Tokyo, ( ア ) she appears to be enjoying very much. 質問(1) ; 模範解答では、(ア)にwhichが入るとなっていました。whenでもいいのではないでしょうか。 質問(2) ; 過去の話なのに、なぜappears というように現在形になっているのですか。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。模範解答では、(ア)にwhichが入るとなっていました。whenでもいいのではないでしょうか。  enjoy という他動詞の目的語に which はなり得るが when は、ならないからでしょう。 2。;過去の話なのに、なぜappears というように現在形になっているのですか。  話をしたのは過去ですが、その喜びは今もある、これは彼女が喜んでいる状態が過去で終わっていないで、今も続いているからでしょう。




    Last night Cindy told me about her new job in Tokyo, ()she appears to be enjoying very much. のような文でどうして()にwhat を入れてはいけないのでしょうか? 解説文だと、enjoyingの目的語がきていないからであるというような説明になっていますがそれだったら Do you know ( ) i said.のような文だって i saidの目的はきていないからwhichになるか?というと ならなくてwhatになりますよね。 また、”,”がはいっているという非制限用法ということが関係しているのでしょうか?”,”がはいってなければ答えは変わってくるのでしょうか?宜しくお願いします

  • 困っています。。。

    英語の関係詞の問題をやっているんですが、分からなくて困っています。だれか教えてください。 一応、自分の解いた答えを載せとくので、間違っていたら、直してください。 Q空所に入れるのに最も適当なものをそれぞれ(1)~(4)から1つ選びなさい。また、訳もしてください。 1.Thank you, Hiromi. This book is exactly (  ) I wanted. (1)what (2)which (3)of which (4)that 自分の答え→(3) 2.How can you do (  ) you know is wrong? (1)that (2)what (3)why (4)when 自分の答え→(2) 3.Christmas Day is (  ) everybody feels happy. (1)why (2)when (3)what (4)that 自分の答え→(2) 4.Last night Cindy told me about her new job in Tokyo, (  ) she appears to be enjoying very much. (1)which (2)where (3)what (4)when 自分の答え→(2) 5.This is the boy (  ) I am sure will win first prize. (1)who (2)whom (3)whose (4)what 自分の答え→(2) 6.I enjoyed talking to the man (  ) I sat next to on the plane. (1)where (2)which (3)whom (4)whose 自分の答え→(3)

  • that/which/whoについて

    1,Do you know anyone who/that speaks French and Italian?と、 2,John who(not THAT) speaks French and Itarian, works as a tourist guide.でなんで2は、THATを使ってはいけないんですか? (1),Barbara works for a company that/which makes washing machines.と、 (2),Brad told me about his new job, which(not THAT) he`s enjoying very much.の違いも教えてください

  • 英語

    1There are few places downtown for parking, ( ) is really a problem. アwhat イwhere ウwhich エwho 2Last winter I went to Korea, ( ) as warm as I had expected. アwhen wasn't イwhere it wasn't ウwhere wasn't エwhich it wasn't 3Last night Nancy told me about her new job in Tokyo, ( ) she appears to be enjoying very much. アwhich イwhere ウwhat エwhen 4We have two washing machines, ( ) are broken. アwhich of both イwhat of both ウboth of which エboth of what 5In the middle of the town, there stood a house, ( ) roof was brightly painted. アwhich イwhat ウof which エwhose 6Many people criticized me, but I did what ( ). アI thought I was right イI thought it was right ウI thought was right エI was thought right 7Yuriko is known for always saying ( ) comes to mind. アanymore イanything ウeveryone エwhatever 8It's not only her friends that Ms.Kimura is kind to. She helps ( ) needs her help. アwhatever イwho ウwhoever エwhom 9The hotel is really nice. Food is quite good and, ( ), the staff is friendly. 大体の問題は解答の目星がついていますが、4と7だけ、迷いました。4はwhichかbothか、7は何か決まり文句があった気がします。googleで調べましたら、whatever comes to mind があったので、解答はwhateverでしょうか。

  • 関係代名詞についていくつか確認

    関係代名詞について、以下のような理解で正しいでしょうか? She works for a company that makes this washing machines. 目の前にある洗濯機を作っている会社は1社しかありえないので、the company としなくてはいけない。 She works for a company that makes a wide range of household appliances. 関係代名詞以下が一社に限定する程の文章ではないので、a company のままで良い。 This washing machine is made by the company that she works for. the company, which she works for と絶対に変えなくてははならない。 Speaking of her, the company that she works for began to make washing machines. she works for は the company を特定するものなので、, which とする必要はないし、してはならない。 the company employed the woman who is one of my friends. 女性はすでに特定されているので、 who の前にコンマを挿入しなくてはいけない。 She told me about her new job which she's enjoying very much. new job は普通1つと思われるので、which の前にコンマを挿入しなくてはいけない。 She told me about her new work which she's very enjoying very much. この場合、work は1つとは限らないので、制限用法のままでも良いし、非制限用法に変えても違いはない。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 関係形容詞whichについて。

    She was told not to leave her house late at night, WHICH advice she followed. このwhichなのですがなぜwhoseがダメなのか分かりません。 She was told not to leave her house late at night, and she followd its advice. ならば自然ではありませんか? ※She said she could play the piano, which was a lie. ならば、She said she could play the pian, but IT was a lie. となりますよね。 ご教示、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 関係詞の英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします

    1)The woman,(what) we believed was in her thirties,had three grandchildren. 2)(Whoever) you'd like to follow,you have to listen to me. I'm the boss. 3)I threw away a pair of glasses,(of which color) I didn't like. 4)The meeting will start at 10:00,at (what) time today's agenda will be announced. 5)A large proportion of (which) English-speaking people watch on TV is of American origin. 6)That's the reason (why) made us change our plan. 7)Sydney is the city (where) has the largest population in Australia. 8)The salesperson (told you) your size probably thought you wanted to try on the coat. 9)Last night Cindy told me about her new job in Tokyo,(which) she appears to be enjoying very much. 10)He is married to a singer of (whose) you may have heard. 11)Shakespeare lived in the 17th century,(whose) plays still enjoy fame in the 21st century. 12)In November or December,(where) the air becomes cold and dry,Mt.Fuji is visible more often than in any other month. 英文が多くてすみません。 ()内の添削をお願いします。 現在参考書が手元に無い環境なので間違いが多いかもしれません(汗 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳して下さいm(_ _)m

    That's good, seems you love shopping very much? Tell me about it, hope you're enjoying your day:) 和訳して下さいm(_ _)m

  • 答え合わせお願いします。2文を1文に。

    The man is sitting over there. He wrote that best-selling novel. The man who he wrote whom best-selling novel is sitteing over there. The book is for the students. Their native language is not English The book is whose native language is not English for the students She showed me the letter. She received it from her boyfriend. She showed me the letter which she received from her boyfriend. The bed wasn't very comfortable. I slept in it last night The bed in which I slept last night wasn't very comfortable. The bed which I slept in last night wasn't very comfortable.

  • 文法があってるかチェックしてもらってもいいですか?

    I am so sorry to be late to say thank you about yesterday. Ive been bit tight for the couple of days... Anyway, thank you very much for coming see us! i enjoyed seeing you again. also very happy that you kindly told me about job information! hope you had a great time here and Nagoya~

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