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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を日本語訳して下さい。)

The Battle of Wood Support Trench: A Turnaround in the Western Front

  • The Battle of Wood Support Trench was a significant event in the Western Front during World War I. This battle saw the British forces facing difficulty in advancing and losing contact with their rear due to fire from Quadrangle Alley.
  • Despite the setbacks, the British forces managed to bring back the barrage and send reinforcements to the front lines. With a Stokes mortar bombardment, the German battalion headquarters was captured, leading to the collapse of the German defense.
  • The British forces received further reinforcements and, with the help of the 50th Brigade of the 17th Division, successfully captured Wood Support Trench. However, machine-gun fire and a defensive line inside the wood prevented further advances.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10069/12615)

>On the left flank, fire from Quadrangle Alley stopped the advance and contact with the rear was lost, amidst the tangle of undergrowth and fallen trees. The barrage was eventually brought back and two battalions of the 115th Brigade were sent forward as reinforcements. The Hammerhead fell after a Stokes mortar bombardment and a German battalion headquarters was captured around 2:30 p.m., after which the German defence began to collapse. ⇒左翼側面で、周囲壁付き中庭路地からの砲火で前進が止められ、下生えの藪草や倒木の中に縺れ込んで、後部隊との接触が失われた。しかし結局、集中砲火は押し戻され、第115旅団の2個大隊が増援として前方に送られた。「ハンマーの頭」はストークス迫撃砲による爆撃の後に陥落し、ドイツ軍の大隊本部が午後2時30分ごろに攻略された。そして、そのあとでドイツ軍の防備軍の崩壊が始まった。 >More British reinforcements arrived and attacks by the 50th Brigade of the 17th Division on the left flank, helped capture Wood Support Trench. The advance resumed at 4:30 p.m. and after two hours, reached the northern fringe of the wood. Attempts to advance further were stopped by machine-gun fire and a defensive line 200 yards (180 m) inside the wood was dug. ⇒英国軍のさらなる増援が到着し、第17師団所属の第50旅団による左翼側面での攻撃は、「森林支持付塹壕」を攻略する助けとなった。進軍は午後4時30分に再開して、2時間後に、森の北部周辺に到着した。より遠くに進む試みが機関銃砲火によって食い止められたので、防備線が森林の内側200ヤード(180m)地点に掘られた。




