• 締切済み



  • lisa6708
  • ベストアンサー率30% (100/330)

「いぇい、誰か話しましょうよ! lol  私は忘れっぽくてね lol 、以前チャットした事あるんじゃない?」 良くある、スパムメールですね! 手を出さない事です。思わぬ落とし穴があると思いますよ。


  • 【緊急!】英語が得意な方お願いします!

    以下の文なのですが、この人だけ翻訳サイトを利用してもチンプンカンプンです。 本当に困っているので、宜しくお願いします。 「i dont know what to do but relist i thought you have bought off ebay before i never had this problem before its been over two weeks and you cant figure it out wish i could do more, but i sent you invoice the rest is up to you trust me i want your money lol but dont know why you cant get to my pay pal account let know thanks」

  • 英語が得意な方、教えてください。

    英語が得意な方いらっしゃいますか?恥ずかしながら不得意なため力を貸してください。宜しくお願い致します。 I have tried my best to be nice this year.Some of the great things I have done areの文にたいし『沢山ピアノの練習をしコンクールで銀賞をとった』と書きたいのですが英文ではどの様になりますか?また『I have a few Christmas wishes.』『I am very excited for your visit. I promise to leave out some ○○○ for your snack.(○の部分に何か書きます)』とはどういった意味でしょうか? 分かる方いらっしゃいましたら宜しくお願いします。

  • 6時半までに起きなければならないを英語で言うと?

    中2の子供がhave toを使って、家でのルールを書いていました。 その中の一文で「6時半までに起きなければならない」ということを We have to get up at six thirty before. と書いていましたが、なんか違うような気がしましたので 一緒に辞書で調べてみたところ We have to get up by six thirty every morning. かな・・・と話していたのですが、正しいでしょうか?

  • 英語が得意な方英文翻訳をお願いします。

    下記英文の翻訳をお願いします。 The discovery could lead scientists closer to creating “designer babies,” which refer to infants whose genes have been manipulated to ensure that they have desirable traits. また、which refer to infants の部分を明確に理解したく、類語での言い換えを文をいくつか頂けますと大変助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • どの英語の方がいいか教えて下さいm(__)m

    色々話をしていて.... 相手)I'm happy too:) You can come visit me anytime:p 私)Yippee! Thank you* When I have a chance to go to America, I will go to see you. And you can also come to my place whenever you like. 最後に相手から 相手)Yay Thank you :) I would love to go there.と来ていて, 面接などで色々忙しく返事ができていなくて、 やっと今返せる時間があるので返事を返したいのですが、 『忙しくて返事できなかった(>_<)ごめんね。 是非来てください♪ アメリカは大好きだけど、まだ一回も行ったことがないから 私も行ってみたいです* というか、いつか住みたい(笑)』 って言いたいんですけど、 どちらの英語の方が上の文章に近いですか? (1)I was busy so I couldn't reply. Sorry... Come and visit us, by all means. I love USA very much, but I have never been there. So I want to go there. Rather I want to live there someday:) lol (2)I was busy so I couldn't reply. Sorry... Come and visit us, by all means. I love the United States but I've never been there. I'd like to visit there some day. Well, I rather want to live there:) lol あと、 Yay Thank you :) I would love to go there.に、 (1)~(2)のような返事はおかしいでしょうか?

  • 「先週やったように」を英語で

    「先週やったように」を英語で言いたいです。 今日は何する?という提案で I have some ideas. First, we have a free conversation like we did last week. (先週やったようにフリートークをするのが一つ目の提案です) 的な感じで言いたいです。 *free conversation=フリートークとしました。 こちらでいいでしょうか?

  • 英語の質問

    Maybe you're open to keep us one or two nights in our house so we can have some time to search for a good hostel? これはどういう意味ですか?_

  • 大至急!英語の出来る方助けてください。

    DearOO Thank you for your email...... Our premium unit has already been reserved. We can show you the premium unit and if you would like to stay there, you would have to transfer before 08 Aug since this is the time it has been reserved. The cost is POOOO/mo + electricity. Meantime, we have our regular one bedroom unit at POOOOO/mo + electricity...... We can discuss this when you arrive here.... We have your reservation for OO Jul - OO Aug for one month stay for 2 adults in our one bedroom unit at POOOOOO/mo + electricity. Our front desk phone no. is OOOOO We welcome you and look forward to seeing you at OOOOOO この英文を日本語にしてください。よろしく御願い致します。

  • 英語が得意な方、問題をお願いいたします。

    ( )内に入る最も適当な語句を(1)~(4)から選びなさい。 また、完成した文を訳しなさい。 1. Taro was standing at the corner ( ) the people go by. (1)wathing (2)looking (3)watched (4)to look 2. A : How can I get to your house? B: Ah, it's easy. I'll ( ) you a map. (1)tell (2)inform (3)draw (4)teach 3. I don't want anyone to know. Can you ( ) ? (1)keep on a secret (2)keep it a secret (3)keep to a secret (4)keep a secret at it 4. I don't think we can come up with a solution to the problem, however long we spend ( ) it. (1)discussing (2)talking (3)to discuss (4)to talk 5. I object ( ) in such a rude way. (1)to being spoken to (2)to being speaking to (3)to be spoken to (4)to be speaking to 6. The catalog ( ) that this year's model is slightly cheaper than last year's. (1)says (2)speaks (3)talks (4)tells 7. Many wild animal species are being forced out of their current homes as the climate ( ) . (1)changes (2)will change (3)to change (4)changing 8. Can I ask you to lend me the magazine when you ( ) reading it ? (1)finished (2)have finished (3)will finish (4)will have finished 9. I have given up my apartment in Tokyo because I ( ) in the dormitory. (1)lived (2)was lived (3)had been living (4)am going to live 10. Look ! The river ( ) much faster than usual today. (1)flows (2)is flowinf (3)flew (4)will flow 11. Ten yaers ( ) since Professor Yokochi retired from his job at the university, but he still often visits the campus. (1)have passed (2)were passed (3)will pass (4)pass 12. When I went back to the village I ( ) ten years before, I found nothing changed. (1)had left (2)was leaving (3)have left (4)was left 13. Paula, you promised you wouldn't be late again, and here are, coming into class ten minutes after the bell rang. Really, you ( ) be late. It interrupts the class and annoys the other students. (1)don't have to (2)have to (3)must (4)must not 14. The English in this letter is too good. He can't ( ) it himself. (1)be writing (2)have to write (3)have written (4)write 15. She is one of those people you really respect but would ( ) time with. (1)have rather spent (2)not rather spent (3)rather not spent (4)rather than spending 16. When we arrived at the scene of the traffic accident, the cars ( ) the police. (1)were inspecting (2)had inspected by (3)had been inspected (4)were being inspected by] 17. I'm looking for Maya. She is ( ) to be around now. (1)supposed (2)participated (3)affected (4)removed 18. The man we interviewed for the new position was intelligent, but we we weren't very impressed ( ) his experience. (1)to (2)for (3)with (4)on 19. Companise should take ( ) of this wonderful opportunity to get new costomers. (1)merchandise (2)advantage (3)advice (4)industry 20. Nowadays, it is ( ) for granted that everyone has a number of rights and freedoms. (1)taken (2)gotten (3)given (4)thought 21. He decided to ( ) the rest of his life to helping young people in developing countries. (1)perform (2)promies (3)remain (4)devote 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。 間違いなどがありましたら、お知らせください。

  • イタリア美術館Web予約について、英語が得意な方にお聞きします。

    イタリアのウフイッツイ美術館の予約を「Weekennd in Florence」というサイトから予約を入れたのですが、なんとか予約し終わって、先方から送られてきたメールが、注文内容の控えメールであるはずが、以下の文章が帰ってきました。英語は得意でないので困っています。予約は取れているのでしょうか? 返信メールにはクリックするところも全然ありません。どなたかわかる方がいらっしゃったら、翻訳して下さい宜しくお願い致します。 This is just a note to let you know that your credit card number is fine. However, we will not charge your card until we actually either: 1) confirm your reservation ,if you have made one, or 2) ship your merchandise, if you have made a purchase. We will be getting back to you very soon!