• 締切済み



  • mamepm
  • ベストアンサー率15% (11/72)

I'm sure he'll make it.はいつかって感じで、他のみたいに特定の日とかじゃないのでいいんじゃないですか?



ありがとうございます。 まず、参考書ではwillを使っているのを見つけたことがまだないことと a native-siteで ”I never use this expression like ' you'll come~.' ’~ you're coming . ' is more natural." とかいうのを見たので、でも 意味はとおるだろうし、予定ならwill だってあるだろうし・・・・と思った次第です。 


  • 二文同意について教えてください

    He was a poet rather than a sholar. =he was not ( ) mush a scholar ( )a poet Iam sure that be will succeed, =I am sure of ( )( ) You will soon understand wha I'm saying =It will not be ( )( )you understand what I'm saying. It seems that he was late for the meeting. =He seems to ( ) ( ) Late foe the meeting. Do you mind if open the window? =Do you mind ( )( ) the window? お願いします!!

  • proud of動名詞 proud to不定詞

    (1)be sure ofは「主語が~を確信している」 He is sure of making it. = He is sure that he will make it. (=主語自身が、成功すると確信している) (2)be sure to 「主語が必ず~する」と話し手が確信している。 He is sure to make it.=I'm sure that he will make it. (彼は必ず成功する)と話し手である私が確信している。 という違いがあると教わりました。 (3)be proud of 動名詞 (4)be proud to 不定詞 (3)と(4)にも何か同じような違いがあるのでしょうか? 連続の投稿で失礼致しますm(_ _)m 通ってる学校の英語の先生では解決に至りませんでした。

  • seem lkeとseemの違い

    It seems like he'll be late.と It seems that he'll be late.の違いは何ですか? どちらも同じように訳せると思います。意味の違いがあるのでしょうか? また、It seems like we're lost here.と It seems that we're lost here. の違いも教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 進行形の理由

    英作文で、 I'm happy to hear that you come to Japan. と書いたところ、模範解答をみてもネイティブの先生の添削でも I'm happy to hear that you're coming to Japan. となっていました。 なぜ進行形にするのでしょうか? 現在形では変なのでしょうか。

  • 英文⇔日本文

    英訳を教えて下さい! ☆平和を築くのに女性がどれほど重要な役割を果たしてき たか、我々はその例を世界に見出す事が出来る。 ★彼はきっと喜んでそれを君に見せびらかすでしょう。 この英訳は、I\'m sure he\'ll get a kick out of showing it off to you. となるようなのですが、get a kickとout of はどういう訳にあたるのですか?  どなたか分かる方教えて下さい。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか よろしくお願いします By the way I have something for you! Actually it's my birthday gift. I'm sorry it was too late. I'll bring it next week so if you have time to drop by I'll make sure that you can pick it up. Well me, I'm getting better maybe! I don't want to mind it too much! Anyway...I'll keep it touch! Take care

  • 詞が把握出来なくて困っています。英語の得意な方、英詞の翻訳

    詞が把握出来なくて困っています。英語の得意な方、英詞の翻訳 お願いいたします。 Oh They tell me That in to each life Some rain has sure gatta fall They tell me He that every body Has sure nuff cried some time It know if some rain If some rain has gat fall Oh every body And I've had enough rain in my life And I'm sure glad like that I've got a little love around me To keep the rain off mine And I believe this And I believe because On the other night Tell lay sleeping I keep I held you I held you in my arms But when I woke up And found out I was mistaken You know that I,hung my Hung my he head and cried You are my sunshin You sure make me happy baby Oh when the sky'a are agray And you'll never know How much I need you I don't wont to take my sunshine You told me once you did that you really love me And no one else could ever come between But now you're thinking about leaving me For another Leaving if you do you know you're gonna shatter Everyone my dream Becouse baby! you're my sunshain You sure make me good and happy Oh when the sky's are agrey And you never know how much I need you I don't wan't to take my Baby don't take my You promise me that you never leave me You are gona might good light Don't never take it away

  • I'm nosure のうしろは if?

    I'm sure のうしろはthatですよね。 では否定文で、I'm not sure ... ならどうなるのでしょう。 検索したら両方出てきましたが、 I'm not sure if he can do it. と、I'm not sure he can do it. はどちらが正しいのでしょう。あるいはニュアンスが異なりますか?

  • この文法の意味を教えてください

    I am sure that he will help us. =It is certain(sureは×) that he will help us. =He is certain(sureでも○)to help us. I am sorry that I have kept you waiting so long ≠It is sorry that... =I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long この2つの文でどういうような文法がいいたいのでしょうか? ノートにはこれしか書いていなくてわかりません。 回答お願いします。

  • 次の文を和訳してください。

    (1)You're sightseeing, aren't you? (2)He's as big as a horse, isn't he? (3)I bet he needs a lot of exercise,doesn't he? (4)I know them all, don't I? (5)I'm cabbie, aren't I? (6)He's very good, aren't you, boy? (7)Still, it keeps me busy all this rain, doesn't it? (8)This time last year we had sunshine every day, didn't we? (9)They're everywhere, aren't they? (10)These days I'm getting all sorts in my cab with the rain, you know. 以上です。