• ベストアンサー


レストラン予約をしていて下記の返信がありました。 Confirm your reservation in case of changes or cancellations, please let us know also informs that in this day in the event of non-arrival on time tables will be given to other guests これは、変更やキャンセルが発生しない場合でも返信する必要ありますでしょうか? 了解しました。とか・・・ どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

句読点なしで文章が続いているので解りにくいですが、以下のようなことだと思います。 (We) confirm your reservation  あなたの予約を確認します in case of changes or cancellations, please let us know  変更やキャンセルの場合は、お知らせ下さい (This email) also informs (you) that in this day in the event of non-arrival on time tables will be given to other guests 当日、時間通りにいらっしゃらない場合、テーブルを他のお客様にお譲りすることも、お知らせします 返信は不要のような気がしますが、念のために以下の様なメールを返しても良いでしょう。 Hi, Thank you for your confirmation.  We (I) look forward to being there at 時間 on 年月日. Regards, (ご質問者の名前) (この後に、これまでのメールのやり取りを引用添付)



お、おお!なるほど!!! なかなか意図が読み取れず???でしたが、納得しました。 返信のテンプレもありがとうございます。 大変助かります(涙

その他の回答 (2)

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

英語がブロークンなので、何を言っているのか正確にはわかりません。 英訳を試みてみると以下のようになります。 「ご予約の変更または取消しの際には、ご確認(ご連絡)をお願い致します。時間通りに来店されない場合には、テーブルを他のお客様に譲って頂きます。」 ただし、前半部分は読み方によっては、 「(お店側の都合により)お客様のご予約内容に変更やキャンセルが生じる場合があるので、ご確認の連絡を入れてください。」 とも取れなくはないので、念のために当日、確認の連絡を入れておくことに越したことはないと思います。



回答ありがとうございます。 >英語がブロークンなので、何を言っているのか正確にはわかりません。 ポーランドのレストランなので、私もそうですが相手も英語が苦手なのかもしれません(笑) >念のために当日、確認の連絡を入れておくことに越したことはないと思います。 そうですね。一応再度連絡を入れた方が良さそうですね。

  • Cirq1646
  • ベストアンサー率38% (126/326)

in case以下の場合にはconfirmしてほしい + that in this day以下の場合も知らせてね、という意味ですから、特に変更やキャンセル、時間に遅れるということがなければ、予約した日時に赴けばいいと思いますよ。 このセンテンスの前か後に、「あなたの予約は希望どおり確かに受け付けました」という内容の文言があるはずです。 念のため、全文を確認してみることをおすすめします。



返信ありがとうございます。 文章ですが、これがすべてなのです・・ 始めこちらから予約のメールを送ったところ Confirm your reservation in case of changes or cancellations, please let us know also informs that in this day in the event of non-arrival on time tables will be given to other guests という回答がきました。(私は8時に予約を依頼) なので、7:30に変更させてくださいとレスしたところ、このような返信が来たところでございます。 ということは、ちょっと微妙なんでしょうか・・・



すみません。同じメールを張り付けておりました。 最初に来た返事は 31.12 The restaurant is open until 22:00, please let me know if this state is responsible です。


  • 英語メールに返事をしたい

    先日、海外のサイトでアクセサリーを購入しました。 注文受付確認のメールに、下記の内容がありました。 返信をしたいのですが、邦訳の確認と返答の英訳をお願いできませんか? Please let us know if you have a specific date for the arrival of the order. →商品到着の期限があればお知らせ下さい。 この解釈であっているとしたら「いつでもいい」旨を伝えたいのですが どのように返せばいいでしょうか? よろしくお願い致します!

  • 英語の訳!

    英文の訳をお願いします! A similar movement can be seen in other countries,too.In Australia, the native Aborigines are trying to preserve their languages and cultures. They have been discriminated against in society for a long time and the speakers of their native tongues are rapidly decreasing in numaer. A group of Aborigines have established a small publishing company. The reason is that they want to maintain their native tongue. This is also the case with the Ainu in Japan. Once the Ainu were not allowed to speak their native tongue or live in their traditional way. As a result, their language and culture were dying out. In order to preserve them, the Ainu have begun to teach their native tongue to their children and have built some museums of Ainu folk art. They have also started an Ainu speech contest and a conversation program in the Ainu language on the radio. よろしくお願いします!

  • デポジットについての英訳で困っています

    キャンセルポリシーのところに All reservations require an advance deposit. If you need to cancel your reservation, you must contact us and obtain a cancellation number at least 48 hours prior to the designated check-in time and arrival date to receive a refund of your deposit. If you made your reservation online, changes or cancellations should also be made online. とありましたが、予約の48時間前のキャンセルであれば、デポジットが返金されるという事なのでしょうか? 教えて下さい。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の訳です。

    such an understanding makes one wonder whether our DNA is the only way to create life. Is it possible that life could exist whitout DNA ? Certainly we have not discovered any forms of non-DNA life on Earth. However ,in different environments on other planets where itis extremely hot or cold , the chemistry may be unimaginable. この英文がいまいち訳せません。どなたかわかりやすい訳を教えてください。お願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします・・。

    経済英語なのですが、冷やかし無しでお願いします・・。簡単な感じでも大丈夫です・・。 At the same time, by carefully and explisitly comparing the separate chronoligical stories with one another and then with similar developments in other great industrial companies, these stories can become more than mere case studies in the meeting and solving of administrative problems resulting from growth. They can provide otherwise unobtainable information essential to the understanding of the history of one of the most significant of today's institutions. Such a comparative and institutional study of American business would seem to have some real advantages over the more traditional histories of individual firms or the more general surveys of the American business economy. Not only does it permit an analysis of significant decisions in far greater depth and detail than is possible even in a multivolume history of a single great company, but it also makes it possible to relate these detailed analyses more clearly and more precisely to broader historical developments. On the other hand, complex decisions, actions, and events are not taken out of context and presented as mere illustrations as they would have to be in a general history of American business or of the American economy. They are not used to illustrate generalizations; they are the date from which the generalizations are derived.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします。「〇〇~」について。

    「いついつ~」、例えば「来月からレッスンを始める」というような文章を巡って、以下のコメントが届いたのですが、文意がよく理解できません。 日本語に訳していただけますでしょうか。 "から" can only be translated "from" when there is also a "まで" phrase present. Otherwise, you need to use some form of "start" or "begin." Japanese is much more logical than English concerning this (as is often the case). Also, you cannot use both "begin to" and "starting"-- one or the other is fine, but in English saying both is redundant and awkward sounding. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文(現地の英語)を日本語訳にしてください

    綺麗な英語ではないかもしれないのですが 以下の英文を日本語訳していただけますでしょうか。 海外ショップからのメールになります。 50% in Advance.In the levels: 20% when you confirm the order 30% when you have the permits approved Balance of 50% after 5 days of receiving the books DOA are accepted within 24 hours upon arrival. All significant DOA should be proved by colour pictures send by e-mail Packing charges: $ 50 to 200 depends on the specie Export fee for one shipment - U$S 850-1500 以上宜しくお願いします。

  • チケット購入ランの英語の訳

    こんにちは。 海外(イギリスーロンドン)のチケットを購入したいのですが、英語訳がよくわかりません。 以下がその英文です。 Non-members can only purchase tickets in person at the box office and must be in possession of a passport or other photo ID. 自分で訳してみると、 「メンバーでない人はそれぞれボックスオフィスのみでチケットを購入することができ、パスポートや他の写真IDが必要です。」 となったのですが、これで良いのでしょうか? 間違っているなら、誤訳を教えていただきたいのです。 お願いします!

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Besides the mineral above, whole-grain foods have a higher amount of fiber than refined grain foods. These foods that contain a lot of fiber take longer to digest, which keeps you feeling full longer. Additionally, the dietary fiber in whole-grain foods protects you against high blood cholesterol.It may also reduce our risk of certain types of cancer. Next let's look at Table 1 from another view.Rice and bread can be compared.There is quite a difference in the calorie count between rice and bread.A calorie is the main unit of energy that food will produce.Bread has more calories than rice.Carbohydrates provide our body with heat and energy.It is contained more in bread. Fat plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin and hair, and body temperature.However, some kinds of fat are not good because they raise our cholesterol level and increase our risk of heart disease.

  • 英語の訳お願いします

    長文の訳お願いします。わからず困っています(~_~;) Judaism, Christianity and Islam were all born in the Middle East. a place of sand and rocks with few oases. All three religions venerate the Old Testament which begins with the book of Genesis containing the story of how Adam and Eve were driven from paradise for eating the forbidden fruit. Judaism recognizes the Old Testament as its Bible. Christianity venerates the Old Testament, but also believes in the New Testament, which tells the life story of Jesus Christ.Islam venerates both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and also believes in the Koran, a collection of revelations from God to the Prophet Muhammad. Christ, who was Jewish, is traditionally considered lo have been born in the year 1 A.D. However, based on research into contemporary natural phenomena and Christ's biographical records, it seems he was born between 7 and 4 B.C. His actual birth date is not recorded in the Bible. Until the 4th century, his birthday was thought to be either May 20 or January 6. December 25 was chosen as his birthday long after that. Japanese followers of Buddhism seem to love celebrating festivals, and so they also celebrate the birthday of the founder of a foreign religion. What are the food taboos of Christianity? The distinctions between pure and impure given in the Old Testament are not included in the New Testament. Christians believe God created all living things, and thus no food is considered impure, as long as we give thanks for what we eat. God has provided us with food for another day, and so we adopt a frame of mind in which we thank God for His Kindness. Unlike Islam, Christianity does not ban the drinking of alcohol. However, some Chrisdan sects take different views. For example, Protestantism entered Japan in the Meiji Period, and was strongly against the use of liquor and tobacco. This is good medical advice, and is easy to understand from a religious viewpoint. Broadly speaking, Christianity has had both rigorous and easy-going sects depending on the prevailing ideology of the age. The medieval monasteries of the powerful Catholic Church did not allow the monks to eat meat. One reason seems to be that, in the pre-refrigeration age, the black pepper used to preserve meat had to be imported from the Far East, and so was a real luxury. Black pepper was also thought to stimulate sexual desire, so it was not suitable for celibate monks. lt seems that monks were only allowed to eat meat when they were ill. It is easy to understand why monastery cuisine never became popular in meat-loving Europe. Conversely, Buddhist cuisine which also eschewed meat eating, was widely adopted in Japan because of Japan's long history of meatless cuisine. Many scholars of comparative culture believe thay, because Judaism in the time of Chirst had many strict rules in addition to dietary laws, it was difficult for it to become a broad-based religion with mass appeal. By decreasing the number of laws and taboos of its parent religion Judaism, Christianity opened the door to becoming a worldwide religion.