• ベストアンサー

he enjoys this parの訳し方



なので、彼はこの仕事上のディナーを楽しんでいます。 とかではどうでしょうか? この部分っていうところが日本語ではあまり使わない言い回しなので、そこを具体的にしたほうが自然なような気がします… でも、受験とかだとこういう訳が可能なのかはわからないので、 テスト勉強だった場合は先生などに聞いてみてください


  • よろしくお願いします

    I’m the executive director of a tiny nonprofit and have an employee I dislike. The problem is that everyone else thinks this person is great and can’t see his faults. He does about 95 percent of his job very well and often goes beyond the call of duty. He’s excellent with clients and co-workers but makes careless mistakes. Several times he’s circled the wrong number in a document or left extra spacing letters. he’s circled the wrong number in a document or left extra spacing letters.の和訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 何故、この和訳になるのか

    In another sense man is,of course,himself a part of Nature. But he is also in so many ways so unique that it is convenient to speak of man's relation to the rest of this Nature of which he is also a part. But以下の和訳で 「しかし、人間はまた非常に多くの点できわめて独特なので、人間と自然、特に人間もまたその一部であるこの自然の人間以外の部分と人間との関係というふうに言うのは都合が良いことなのである。」 この「人間以外の部分と人間との関係」というところで the restが「人間以外の部分」と訳出されるみたいなのですが 何故the restがそのような訳になるのか理解出来ません。 教えて下さい。

  • of 所有格 +own +動詞ing構文について

    名詞 + of one's own ~ing 「…自身が~した-」という構文の中で使われている of は、「性質・特徴のof」と呼ばれ「~の性質を持つ」の意味を表します。 (参照:of 性質・特徴 [of + 抽象名詞]) 所有格のone's は動名詞の意味上の主語「(人)が」であることを理解しておけば、a picture of his own painting →「彼自身が描く性質を持った絵」→「彼自身が描いた絵」という解釈が自ずと生まれてきます。なおこの構文は、名詞 + which + S + V + -self と関係詞を使った節に言い換えられます。 This is a mistake of his own making. [ = This is a mistake which he made himself.] 「これは彼自身が犯した間違いだ」 This is a job of my own choosing. [ = This is a job which I chose myself.] 「これは私自身が選んだ仕事です」 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ という参考書文で 勉強しました。 This is a ~の 文の左側が現在形で of 以降右側が過去の he made himself の内容で時制があってないのに、 of his own making と 分詞?のみで 表すのは、 having made とかとちゃうの?と疑問を持っている当方です。   構文であるから 暗記! というだけのモノなのでしょうか? 忘れたころに試すと having を入れてたくなる間違いをすることがあるので しっかり勉強したいので宜しくお願いいたします。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    After many hours of crying and shouting he admitted to me that he and this person have engaged in sexual contact. I'm crushed! This is the love of my life! I would never have suspected cheating from him! He said he had to get his curiosity out of his system before he asked me to marry him this summer. get his curiosity out of his systemとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • on whose behalf he is negotiating

    on whose behalf he is negotiating A purchasing manager negotiates regularly with suppliers on behalf of his employer. He acts as the employer's agent but, unlike the lawyer described earlier, is part of the organization on whose behalf he is negotiating. という文があります。この文の後半 on whose behalf he is negotiating.の意味なのですが、文脈からは何となく分かるのですが、文法的に良く理解できません。どなたか、訳と併せてご教示いただければ幸甚です。

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    But what about Stockton? How is he doing? Well, his chances of becoming a detector dog look very good. He is progressing faster than some of the other dogs at the training center. He also seems to have the right kind of nature and character since he is a meek, or gentle,dog. Heldt explains why the beagle may be doing so well: “His demeanor is really meek; he just rolls along kind of like a tortoise.” According to Heldt, Stockton is also good at his job because he is so calm and he likes what he is doing. “Nothing fazes him,”says Heldt, “He loves working. It's a game to him, which is really important.” As stockton finishes a training exercise in which he has performed particularky well, Heldt picks stockton up into his arms and continues to encourage him. “Good job! Good job, very good!”he says as he rubs the dog's head and smiles. When the two partners are working together, it is easy to see that it is not only stockton who loves his work! 訳してみてもあまりうまく訳せなかったのでよろしくお願いします。

  • 文法解説をお願いします

    A man is a laborer if the job society offers him is of no interest to himself but he is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living and supporting his family. the job society offers him この目的語の欠落の部分ですが、これは文法の種類でいうとなんなんでしょうか。 それとあとa man から himの完成した文?のあとにいきなりisがくるのはなんなんでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • ヤフーで変に訳される英語;;

    簡単な英文なんですが・・・急いで訳さなければいけないので、ヤフーの通訳をさっき使いました・・・;;けど変んな日本語に訳されてしまいます; よかったら、訳してほしいです・・・;;; You are very kind to lend me this book. It very kind of you to lend me this book. The train ran over a man and his horse that were just crossing the trank. Each of the boys gets a prize. We should keep in mind that man is a part of nature. I might have visited the museum If I had gone to Chicago last week. The teacher enjoys working with his students. She told me that her uncle was coming the next day. You are taller than I by two inches. He came along with his hands in his pockets. 本気でおねがいします・・・・;;

  • 翻訳、よろしくお願いします。

    When is a person really special? A person is special if everything he does is for other people. A person is special if he never thinks about himself. And a person is surely special if he is well remembered after his death. 翻訳、よろしくお願いします_(._.)_

  • 英語の文法ミス指摘してください

    I like this story because there are many points, which makes me thinking about what human-being happiness is many times. Even though, Robert has a physical disability, he enjoys his life more than me. He did not imply negative contents of his physical disability. On the contrary, he has great pride in himself. For example, when the wife offered him to move his staff to his room, he said, “it can go up when I go up”. He declined her gentle offer because he wanted to do whatever he could do it by himself because of his pride. Also, he alway tries enjoying his life. When the husband offers blind man to smoke together, he accepts that offer, and he said, “There is a first time for everything”. Although it was a first time to smoke, He didn't to hesitate to do it. He likes doing new challenge, which is worth doing. That is why he enjoys his life.