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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:大至急でお願いします 日本語訳でお願いします)

Are Email and Texting All Bad?



段落分けとか、コンマとかクォーテーションマークが若干おかしいように思いますが、意味が取れるように訳してみます。 しかし、Eメールやテキストメッセージは、すべて悪いのでしょうか? 「もちろんそうではありません。実際のところ、」ジョン・マックウォーター教授はニューヨークタイムズの社説欄のコラムでこのようにいっています。「書くという手段を使ったこれらの新しい手段は、私たちの共同体における新しい洗練性を示す徴候なのです・・・。 キーボード技術は、これまでのところ、人間性というものとは関わりを持たない、書かれた会話というものを認めています。また同時に、人が、言語の異なる多様な人々に働きかけることを可能にしています。 また、人は、いろいろな言語によって働きかけることもできます。」そして、多くの批判は、テキストメッセージやEメールが、伝統的な面と向かっての意思疎通において必要とされた信頼ではなく、オンライン空間におけるまちがったアイデンティティを作り出すことを助長する、と不平を表明している中で、 アメリカ国立科学財団によって行われた新しい研究は、これとは違った結論に達しました。 「少なくとも世論調査のような目的においては、」研究論文はこう言っています。「個人的で微妙な質問に対して自由で率直な回答を調査対象者から引き出すためには、テキストメッセージの方が、対面や電話でのインタビュー調査よりも、はるかに有効な方法である。」と。


  • 助けてください 日本語訳お願いします

    Texting in particular is coming under fire、and not just because in certain situations it is downright dangerous (many places have outlawed texting While driving because ,5 large number of accidents related to it) and bad for the health (too much texting can cause permanent damage to the thumbs). Texting, some say, causes our language skills to go downhill. For example, scienceDaily reports that new research conducted on the reading habits of university students shows that reading text messages not only has a negative impact on people’s ability to interpret new words, but it also makes them less accepting of new vocabulary. Reading print media, on the other hand, says ScienceDaily, “exposes people to variety and creativity in language that is not found in the colloquial peer-to-peer text messaging used among young people.

  • 大至急!!日本語訳お願いします

    Texting in particular is coming under fire,and not just because in certain situations it is downright dang erous (many places have outlawed textmg WhllC driving because ,5 large number of accidents related to it) and bad for the health (too much text‘mg can cause permanent damage to the thumbs). Texting, some say, causes our language skills to go downhill. For example, ScienceDaiIy reports that new research conducted on the reading habits of university students shows that reading text messages not only has a negative impact on people’s ability to interpret new words, but it also makes them less accepting of new vocabulary. Reading print media, on the other hand, says ScleneeDaily, “exposes people to variety and creativity in language that is not found in the colloquial peer-to-peer text messaging used among young people.

  • 大至急 日本語訳にしてください

    [2] A New York Times article by Patricia Cohen suggests that anatomy is a key factor in pushing people towards crime, just as it can be in determining a person’s chances for success in life. “A small band of economists has been studying how height, weight, beauty, and other physical attributes affect the likelihood of committing a crime,” She writes. Studying records from the 19‘“, 20‘“, and 21‘“ centuries, they found that shorter, obese, unattractive men end up in prison 20 to 30 percent more often than their taller, better-looking counterparts. This may sound like a “throwback” to biological determinism (or Social Darwinism), the movement of the late 18005 claiming that genetics predisposed people to antisocial behavior. But, says C are quick to distance themselves from such ideas.” I'll bet!

  • 至急日本語訳にお願いしたいのですが・・・

    至急日本語訳お願いします。長文ですみません。 It seems to be the case that sound changes not only spread from one person to another and from one style to another style,they also spread from one word to another.Sound changes spread through different words one by one.This is called lexical diffusion.When a sound change begins,all the words with a particular vowel don't change at once in the speech of a community.People don't go to bed one night using the sound [u:] and wake up using [au] in house, pouch,how and out.Instead,the sound change occurs first in one word,and then later in another,and so on.In Belfast,for instance,a vowel change affected the vowel in the word pull before put,and put before should.And in East Anglia the vowel in must changed before the vowel in come,which changed before the vowel in uncle ,although thy all started off with the same vowel,and they all ended up with the identical different vowel at a later point.In New Zealand a vowel change which is currently in progress is the merging of the vowels in word pairs like beer and bear,which used to be distinct.This change,too,seems to be proceeding by this process of lexical diffusion.A recent study suggested that the distinction had disappeared completely for most young people in the pair really/rarely,while fear and fair were still distinct in many young people's speech. This French example illustrates nicely that language change is more accurately thought of as an accumulation of changes in the speech of individuals,rather than something which occurs in the language independently of its speakers. 翻訳ツールは使わずにお願いします。よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してください

    日本語に訳せません(><;) 教えてください。 It says that the cost of living in London is becoming higher than in Tokyo. That's difficult for me to believe since Japan has always been regarded as the most expensive place to purchase a house and to go shopping. The next paragraph says that 500 people are leaving England each day to live abroad because of high prices.

  • 日本語訳 お願いします!!!!

    [3] One particularly disturbing aspect of society’s crime problem is the psychopath. a person who appears to lack any conscience and does indeed seem to be “evil incarnate" (though new studies show that such seemingly innate badness is usually due to abuse and neglect at a very early age). Spotting psychopaths is difficult because they can be cleverly manipulative and skilled liars. But a new Cornell University study says that psychopathic criminals‘ speech patterns frequently give them away. For example, they use the past tense more often than “normal” criminals, as if trying to separate themselves from their crimes. They also use more filler syllables like “uh” and “um” to make themselves sound normal. And they use more subordinate conjunctions like "because" and “so that.” which. suggests one researcher, “that psychopaths are more likely to view the crime as a logical outcome something that had to be done.” The results of the study, the researchers say, should prove useful in both crime investigation and crime prevention  helping to “spot” potential wrongdoers before they act.

  • 助けてください 日本語訳でお願いします

    More and more these days we are interacting socially through indirect contact using new technologies like email and instant messaging, or texting. Many psychologists, linguists, and sociologists have lined up to condemn this new kind of communication, primarily because, as the American philosopher and linguist Jerrold Katz once articulated it. “To type is not to be human, to be in cyberspace is not to be real; all is pretense and alienation, a poor substitute for the real thing." You can't get more emphatic than that! Skeptics of the new technologies also argue that they encourage isolation, making it difficult for us to form genuine friendships. As Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) psychologist Sherry Turkle wrote recently, “The little devices most of us carry around are so powerful that they change not only what we do, but also who we are We've become accustomed to a new way of ‘being alone together.

  • 日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。

    日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。 6月3日の昼過ぎまでによろしくお願いいたします。 (翻訳サイトなどを使用した訳はご遠慮願います) ↓↓ IN SCIENCE NEWS: A recent study has given strong evidence that all humans have a common African ancestor. The study says a common ancestor first appeared in Africa about 170,000 years ago. The study also says that humans left Africa to populate other parts of the world about 50,000 years ago. The study was done at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. Researchers looked at the DNA of 53 people from all over the world. The chief researcher of the study said looking at the DNA of each person permitted researchers to find their genetic ancestry.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    日本語訳をお願いします。 What impression do you have of homeless people? Dirty? If you had to sleep rough, you'd probably be dirty too. Lazy? If you can't find a job, it's hard to look busy. Dangerous? ((1)), homeless people are far more likely to experience violence than to farm others. For people who have never had to sleep rough or never been unable to find a job, it is (easy/hard) to feel sorry for the homeless. Yet (any/no) one of us could end up without a home. (Few/Most) people enjoy being homeless. If they are (able/unable) to receive social security payments, they have little choice but to beg for food. They get very little sleep each night, especially in winter. However, the biggest problem is their lack than anything else in this world, they (don't want/want) to be treated as normal human beings. ((2)), a new monthly magazine appeared on the streets of London. It was sold by homeless people who kept for themselves 60% of the sale price. This enabled them not only to wern a small income, ((3)) to make contact with people and Big Issue, ((5)), contains articles on social, political, and other topics. It has been (return to/stay away from) society, and is now sold in many other countries, including Japan. ((6)), don't just buy a copy and then walk away. (Talk/Tip) to the vendor: he or she values that more than your money. (1)~(6)に語群から適切な語句を入れなさい。 I:as the magazine is called II:in 1991 III:if you see it IV:on the contranry V:in fact, for many VI:but also (/)の適切な語句をどちらか選びなさい。 問題の方ももしできればお願いしたいです!

  • 至急、日本語訳お願いします。

    “Part of what gets muddled when you talk about gender differences is the skill of driving and risk-taking,” Ms. McCartt said. The bottom line, she said, is that “aggressive driving behavior is a bigger piece of the pie than skill” when it comes to serious crashes. “The evidence is really incontrovertible that men as drivers take more risks,” she said. The males of the species are not only more dangerous as drivers, they are more likely to be hurt while walking, the city’s study found. More men than women were killed or injured as pedestrians in every age group except among those over 64 (perhaps because women live longer and were overrepresented). Boys 5 to 17 years old ranked first in the absolute number of pedestrian deaths and serious injuries, with 785, more than twice the number of girls in that age range, though elderly people were more vulnerable as a share of the population.