• 締切済み



  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

スージーがもっと質問しようとする前にマーカス(マルクスかも)は彼らが駆け寄りました。 その隣の水の中にあるものはなんですか? それはあなたが投げたパンですか?


  • 英文和訳(科学論文)の添削をお願いします.

    QNo.6640883の続きです.英語を勉強していますが,なかなかうまくなりません.特に2文目のone,最後の文のwhich flower to go to or to avoidの訳し方に自信がありません.どなたか添削をお願いします.宜しくお願いします. Afterwards, we started asking questions about bees, and then more specific questions about seeing colour using the bee arena (figure 1). We came up with lots of questions, but the one we decided to look at was whether bees could learn touse the spatial relationships between colours to figure out which flowers had sugar water in them and which had salt water in them. It is interesting to ask this question, because in their habitat there may be flowers that are bad for them, or flowers from which they might already have collected nectar. This would mean that it is important for bees to learn which flower to go to or to avoid, which would need them to remember the flowers that were around it, which is like a puzzle. それ以後,私たちははハチについての疑問について,次にハチの活動の場を使った色を見ることについての疑問について質問しはじめた(図1).私たちは多くの疑問点が浮かんだが,その1つ(である) “ハチが,どの花が砂糖水(をもち、どの花が)塩水かを理解するために,色と空間の関係を使うことを学習するかどうか調べるために,我々は議論した.ハチ(彼ら)の生息環境において、ハチ(彼ら)にとって開花が悪いか、あるいは既に花蜜が収集されていると思われるので,この質問をすることは興味深い.これは,ハチにとってどの花に行き,避けるか学習することの重要性を意味するだろう.そして,それはハチ(彼ら)が,パズルに似ているあっちこっちの花を忘れないために必要だろう.

  • 和訳 教えていただけるとうれしいです。

    The question is whether anything could be done to make language even more effective than it already is. です。 お願いします。

  • 和訳 point was understood

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします。(外国人です) I asked a bunch of questions using Civil Procedure Act Article 149 to stress that Article 149 cannot be used to ask questions before court. I take it that my point was understood. That’s good. 民事訴訟法第149条を用いて、第149条を裁判前に質問することができないことを強調するために、いくつかの質問をした。 そのポイントは理解されたと思うだろう。それは良い。

  • 和訳助けてください!

    That relationship's basis what it is about dogs that allows them to live at ease with people is still little understood. とくにwhat~dogsの解釈がよくわかりません。 どなたかたすけてください!

  • ざっくり和訳していただけると助かります

    I love tracking and delivery confirmation, but signing in Chicago is problematic (work) and the post here is terrible to deal with...if a signature could be avoided but still have tracking and delivery confirmation I would really appreciate that. No problem if that isn't possible, but I figure it couldn't hurt to ask.

  • 和訳お願いします!!!

    至急お願いします。 ほとんど意味はつかめているので、きれいな日本語になおして頂きたいです。 Girls are taught early that the best way to to manage feeling is to to dredge them up and air them out. Boys are taught the value of suck-it-up silence. "Later in life," says psycholigist Paula Caplan of Brown University,"Women are thus more likely to come forward and ask for help." 自分で訳したものです↓ 女の子は早くから感情を抑える最善の方法は感情をさらけ出しぶちまけることだと教えられる。 男の子は黙って感情を抑えることの価値を教えられる。 「晩年において女性はより進んで助けようようとし、より助けを求めようとしそうだ。」とブラウン大学の心理学者のポーラキャプランは言う。 ・suck-it-up silenceのitの意味と全体の訳し方が分かりません。 ・thusのこの場合の用法が分かりません。 ・come forward とask forはどちらもhelpにかかっているのですか?

  • 和訳おねがいします!

     it is not teaching them to think in some scientifically sound way; it is persuading them to acquiesce. it is accustoming them to the presence of computers in every walk of life, and thus making them dependent on the machine's supposed necessity and superiority.

  • 次の和訳をお願いします。

    次の和訳をお願いします。 1.minako heard her neighbors shouting in the apartment next door. 2.the trouble is that yes/no questions are rarely useful. 3.to have a great dream is to make your life fruitful.

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします Owen and his collaborators repeated their fMRI experiment on 54 patients who had previously been classified as either vegetative or minimally conscious(a consistently respond to commands, but cannot communicate interactively). They found that five of these 54 patients responded to commands to imagine playing tennis or navigating thought a familiar house. Four of those five patients had classified as vegetative, but when clinicians repeated their assessment following the fMRI study, they found evidence that two of those four should instead have been classified as minimally conscious. One of the responsive patients, a 22-year-old man who had been diagnosed as vegetative for five years after a traffic accident left him with a traumatic brain injury, was selected for further study. Because it is difficult-if not impossible-to determine whether someone is thinking yes or no, the reseachers instead asked the patient to imagine playing tennis when the answer to imagine playing tennis when the answer to a question was yes, and to imagine walking through a house when the answer was no. Visualizing these two activities stimulates different parts of the brain that are easily distinguished using fMRI. They asked the patient a series of simple yes-or-no question pertaining to his personal history, such as Is your father's name Alexander? He answered five out of six question correctly. No brain activity was observed in response to the sixth question. The results suggest that fMRI could be useful in diagnosing unresponsive patients, says Owen. There are things that are just not going to manifest themselves in outward behavior , says Owen. This method can tell us which patients are aware, and it can tell us what they are capable of. For Naccache, it is the patient's ability to respond using the code suggested by Owen and his team that indicates he is truly conscious. When you are conscious, you have the ability to use an arbitrary code to communicate with somebody, he says. Parashkev Nachev, a neuroscientist at University College London who was not affiliated with the work, cautions that it is important not to over-interpret the results. The patient only answered a series of very basic questions, he notes, and the results in his view do not necessarily suggest that the patient is fully conscious or has the potential for recovery. There is no doubt that it does merit further research, he says, but I could not see using it as a clinical tool at this stage. As a next step, Owen and his colleagues intend to ask the patient a series of questions with unverifiable answers. For example, the technique could be used to ask whether they are experiencing any pain-a question that frequently troubles family members and hospital staff. But should a vegetative patient be asked whether they want to live or die? I think there's an enormous problem with that, says Owen. Just because a patient is able to respond with yes or no doesn't tell you if they have the necessary level of competence to answer difficult, ethically challenging questions about their destiny.

  • 英文和訳

    英文和訳 英語と日本語の得意な方に質問です。 It is important to recognize that one of the most remarkable things about the great philosophical books is that they ask the same sort of profound questions that children ask. この英文の和訳が 「哲学の名著について最も注目に値することの一つは、そうした名著は子供が尋ねるのと同じような根源的な問いを投げかけている、ということを認識するのが大切だ。」 となっているのですが、僕にはどうもこの日本語が正しくないような気がしてなりません。 「哲学の名著について最も注目に値することの一つは、そうした名著は子供が尋ねるのと同じような根源的な問いを投げかけていることだということを認識するのが大切だ。」 としないとおかしくないですか? 父親に聞いたらどこもおかしくないというのですが僕には理解できません。 英文は構造なども理解できているつもりです。 どうか頭の良い方、教えてください。