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Why Do People Throw Curve Balls? The Psychological Perspective


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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

科学の理論は、自然をその接合部で切り分けると言われます。 しかし、個々の科学は、自然を異なるレベルの分析で切り分け、異なるタイプの現象を説明します。説明するために、物理学者、生物学者、心理学者が、全員、同じ野球の試合を見に行ったと想像して下さい。 あるイニングで、ピッチャーは、カーブを投げて、バッターを三振に取ります。 もし誰かが、「なぜ彼は、カーブを投げたのか?」と尋ねたら、心理学者は、知識と願望と言った様な主流の心理学的構成概念を利用して、この質問に満足のゆく答えを提供することが出来るかもしれません。


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     In contrast, neither the physicist nor the biologist could provide a satisfactory answer using mainstream constructs from physics or biology. For example, the physicist would have to say something like ' Air currents operating over the laces caused the ball to curve........' Note that such answer tell us why the ball curves and how a human body can move to produce a curve ball. but the do not directly answer the question asked above.

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    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Work was carried forward and largely completed during the imperial period, substituting a superior material, limestone, for the volcanic tuff of the original project. What is striking is the piecemeal nature of the development, which produced facades on different alignments and plans with shifts of orientation. The Macellum, the principal food-market, at the northeast corner of the forum, is not securely dated and it too could belong to the Julio-Claudian phase. Although there had been an early attempt to build a colonnade round the piazza, dated, on the basis of an inscription, to the 8os BC, this may never have got much further than the southern end.

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    General assent to the Ptolemaic theories was made easier by two factors, both a reflection of "human nature: first, the system rested upon natural appearances, upon things as they were seen by any casual observer; and, second, they fed man's ego. How pleasing it was to believe that the earth was the center of the heavens, with the planets and stars revolving about it. The whole universe seemed to be made for man. This beautiful structure remained substantially intact until the coming of the great era of intellectual awakening in Europe-the Renaissance. Its destruction was the work of Nicolaus Copernicus, "a churchman, a painter and a poet, a physician, an economist, a statesman, a soldier, and a scientist" -one of the “universal men" for whom the Renaissance was celebrated. Copernicus' seventy-year life span, 1473-1543, was one of the most exciting and adventurous periods in Europe's history. Columbus discovered new continents. Magellan circumnavigated the globe, Vasco da Gama made the first sea voyage to India, Martin Luther waged the Protestant Reformation, Michelangelo created a new world of art, Paracelsus and Vesalius laid the groundwork for modern medicine, and Leonardo da Vinci, “that tremendous universal genius" flourished as painter, sculptor, engineer, architect, physicist, biologist, and philosopher. What a fitting age for another brilliant mind, Copernicus, to give the world a new system for the universe.

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    An English physicist, J.J.Thomson, used a cathode ray tube and his knowledge of electromagnetic theory to determine the ratio of electric charge to the mass of an individual electron. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

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    Southern Cross is close to Southern Cross is different from most schools To learn mathematics, students at Southern Cross To improve their language skills, students at Southern Cross The Southern Cross school wants students to Which of these is a kind of wildlife?

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    訳してみたものの、綺麗な日本語になりません! 参考にさせて頂きますので、 どなたか和訳の模範をお願いいたします。。。 (1)In another experiment, she found that when elders were presented with new computer exercises, they paused longer before reaching and took longer to complete the tasks, yet they made 50 percent fewer errors, probably because of their more deliberate. (2)Just as different parts of a person's body age at different rates, so do different parts of mind. As adults advance in age, perception of sights, sounds and smells takes a bit longer. and laying down new information into memory becomes difficult. The ability to remember something quickly also fails. And it is sometimes harder to concentrate and maintain attention. おねがいいたします。

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    ●日本語にしてください。 "Not since the days when Socrate strode the marketplace in order to alert this follows that the unexamined life is not worth living, and when Diogenes took up residence in a barrel in order to make a somewhat different point about the nature of the good life, had the world seen a philosopher so dedicated to his quest as *Spinoza." *スピノザ(オランダの哲学者)

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    Look around your classroom. Do you see students sitting at desks? Are teachers writing on a board and giving lectures? At Southern Cross School, near the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa, things are different. Here, nature is the classroom.

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    和訳お願いします。 2文です。 どなたか助けてください。 It is possible to work out a theoretical framework for gauging how effective different neural architectures would be at generating integrated information and therefore attaining a conscious state. This framework, the integrated information theory of consciousness, or IIT, is grounded in the mathematics of information and complexity theory and provides a specific measure of the amount of integrated information generated by any system comprising interacting parts.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! Immediately to the south of this was a large open space surrounded by a colonnade, perhaps to be interpreted as a gymnasium, and to the northwest was a small palaestra. Two blocks to the north, the Stabian Baths occupied a strategic position next to the intersection of two of the major arterial routes, the strada Stabiana and the via dell’ Abbondanza. Public baths were an amenity increasingly essential to the life-style of Campanian and other south-Italian communities, and a central location was advantageous at a time when very few private householders had adequate bathing facilities on their own premises. Apart from these buildings we can say little about the public landscape of the city before 80 BC. The arrival of the Roman colonists, however, led to a number of clear-cut developments: an influx of veteran soldiers with different social and cultural priorities demanded the provision of a number of buildings that were not previously available.