• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)



  • 和訳して下さい(長いですが・・・)

    You must somehow be exposed to reading early enough in life to have it become a part of your daily routine,like washing your face or breathing . Many child in our highly seasoned, electronic, picture-conscious age has never been exposed to the reading habit and cannot,therefore,read without effort . There's a certain sadness in rializing that a large part of the exploding new teen-age generation never really needs anything. 「本を読むことが、顔を洗ったり息をしたりというような日々の習慣の一部となるには、十分早いうちからなんとかして生活を読書に触れさせなければならない。だから、とても電気的刺激の強い映像を意識した年代の、不運な小学校の子供の多くは、読書の習慣に触れることはないし、努力せずに本を読むことはできない。広い範囲で増加している一部の新しい十代が、実際に決して何も読まないとわかるのは、少し悲しみが残る」と訳しましたが、特に、第一文の構造がよくわかりません。have it become a part of your daily routineのhaveは、使役とかなのでしょうか?

  • この英文の読み方を教えてください

    My elder sister is learning the PC at the university. to which it learns of what? The elder sister is learning the programming of the PC. The problem that the elder sister is doing seems to be difficult. The elder sister likes game. The elder sister is always playing a game when there is time. Therefore, it is a dream in the elder sister to do the programming of the personal computer game. I am supporting such my elder sister. の読み方をどなたかカタカナか平仮名で教えて下さい! お願いします!

  • よろしくお願いします

    My wife is borderline addicted to "Words With Friends" (an app game similar to Scrabble), and it's causing me concern, in addition to creating some strife within our marriage. It would be one thing if she were only playing with other female players, but she also has an ongoing game with a former male classmate, which I consider to be a form of online flirting. she also has an ongoing gameは「彼女は(最近)ゲームをしている」でよいでしょうか?she plays a gameというのとは違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I was playing a card game with a bunch of friends recently, and I was eliminated early and so started observing the hand and play of one of the friends sitting next to me—which was known to him (via my clear body language). During continued play, another player requested to pick a card from this friend’s hand (allowed by the rules) in an attempt to get a really valuable card. The expectation is that it is a blind pick (by rule) with the informal expectation (of card games everywhere though not explicitly written into the rules) that one would make available for picking, by fanning them out for display by your opponent, every card in your hand. The friend I was observing however arrayed his cards in the customary fashion with an exception: The most valuable card in his hand was held below the level of the arrayed “fan” so it was not visible for selection by his opponent. During continued play以下の和訳を長いですが、どうぞよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳がしっかり出来ているかチェックお願いします

    この英文を訳しました。きちんと和訳出来ているか知りたいです。 変だな?と思う部分がありましたらどう訳せば良いか教えて頂きたいです。 If you've seen Mikhail Bryshnikov dance on television or in a movie,you've seen a superbly trained body that combines strength with suppleness.He can lift a ballerina into the air.Yet his body can bend,twist,and stretch with ease.Or picture Dr.John the basketball court. Hetwists and bobs and pivots with speed and grace. Suppleness,or flexibility,is the quality of muscles,bones,tendons,and ligaments that permits your joints afull range of movement.You may be supple in some joints but not in others. You may even find that the joints on one side of your body are suppler than the same joints on the other side. Many people,for instance,have a greater range of movement in one shoulder than the other. You can improve suppleness by doing bending and stretching exercises.By keeping supple,you reduce the risk or injury.When a person who is out of snape does an unusual activity-for example,playing in a Sunday volleyball game or moving furniture-he or she may strain or pull a muscle. As people get older,they tend to lose flexibility.Their joints get stiff. Someloss of flexibility is inevitable with aging,but regular exercise will slow this aging process.  もし、あなたがテレビや映画でミハイルバリシニコフのダンスを見たら、柔軟さと力を結合し見事に訓練された体を見る事が出来る。彼は空気中にバレリーナを持ち上げる事が出来る。さらに彼の体は楽々と伸ばしたりひねったり曲げたり出来る。また写真はバスケットコートにいるジョン医師だ。彼は、速くしなやかにひねったりはねたり旋回する。  しなやかさや柔軟性、あなたの関節に一連の運動を可能にさせているのは筋肉や骨、腱そして靭帯の質である。あなたのいくつかの関節は柔軟かもしれないが他はそうでない。あなたの体の片方の関節は違うほうの同じ関節より柔軟だと分かるかもしれない。例えば、多くの人々は、片方の肩はもう片方より素晴らしい運動範囲を持っている。  あなたは、屈伸運動をする事により、柔軟性を向上させる事が出来る。柔軟性を持続させる事によって、怪我のリスクを減らせる。体調の悪い人が異常な運動をする、例えば、日曜にバレーボールゲームをする事や家具を動かす事で、これにより彼らは筋肉を痛めたり筋肉が張ったりするかもしれない。  人々は年を取ると、柔軟性を失う傾向がある。彼らの関節は固くなる。柔軟性の多少の低下は老化により避けられないが、定期的な運動でこの老化現象を遅らせられるだろう

  • 和訳お願いします

    Differences in cultural values, logic, and thought patterns are often reflected in the very different ways Americans and Japanese organize and present information, ideas, and opinions.These differences lie at the root of many communication problems and exert a powerful influence on the process of of persuation negotiation and conflict resolution. The rules of logic established by the Greeks and Romans are widely accepted in Western cultures, but this Western logic is by no means universal.Logic is a product of culture, and many Asian cultures such as the Japanese operate under different logical assumptions. When Americans get confused and frustrated listening toJapanese, they often complainthat the Japanese "just are't logical" and seem incapable or unwilling to use traditional Western logic. This impression is largely due to cultural differences in reasorning and thought patterns. From an early age, Americans are thought to be orderly in outlining their facts and in summarizing their main points according to framework that reflects Western logical structures.The logical way of presenting ideas in the West could be called linear or "straight-line"logic, which emphasizes direct and explicit communication.The most important aspects of straight-line logic are organizing your presentation in outline form and "getting straight to the point."In general, more low-context mainstream American patterns of thought and presentation are analogous to lines because all parts of the message must be explicity connected clearly and directly. But the Japanese do not learn to order their facts or present information and ideas in the same way.They consider the practice of ordering facts for others comparable to tying a child's shoelaces for him after the child has already learned the skill.American linear, one-step-at-a-time arguments and logic can seem immature to the Japanese, and Western logic is often perceived as instrusive - an attempt to get inside the heads of other people and try to do their thinking for them. But if Americans think in a linear way, then how do Japanese think?A natural response would be that since the circle is the opposite of line, then the Japanese probably think in circles.It is said that the more high-context Japanese prefer to use the logic patterns that emphasize talking "around " the subject rather than on it.The Japanese start at the edges with a wealth of background information and explanations and the n gradually "circle in" on the thesis and main points. However, in some respects, Jappanese patterns of thought and presentation are not like lines at all, but like a series of "dots." Parts of the message are contained in the individual dots, it is up to the audience to link the dots in their heads.In low-context cultures the meaning of communication is stated to the audience directly and all the steps and links are clearly put forth by the speaker verbally.But in high-context cultures the meaning of communication is elicited by the audience indirectly and intuitively - all the steps and links do not have to be clearly put forth verbally.

  • their lack of English language ability と the lack of their English ---

    会話の本に This explains why it is almost impposible to get a westernーstyle conversation or discussion going with English students in Japan. I used to think that the problem was their lack of English language ability. But I finally came to realize that the biggest problem is that they,too, are playing the wrong game.  私はこの文章を覚えているのですが, 問題は二番目の文章で、their lack of English laguage ability を 時たまthe lack of their English language ability といっております。文章を書く場合は後者がただしいのだと思いますが、 話す場合は前者で良いのでしょうか。 教えて下さい。英文文頭のThis は前の文章のことです。

  • 教えてください(新聞記事2)

    …  Despite torrential rain tha fell throughout the game, the Soccerroos totally dominated their opponents for large chunks, creating chances and stretching the Japanese to the limit.  They were particularly outstanding during a first half (*2)in which Japanese goalkeeper Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi was forced to make three crucial saves, none better than in the 38th minute off Steve Corica.  In a glorious display of skill and deception, Corica waltzed past two defenders into the box and found himself with only the goalkeeper to beat.  Somehow, Kawaguchi got off his line (*3) in time to turn the point-blank shot from eight meters around the right post for a corner (*4) from which a mad scramble and two goal-line clearances (*5) prevented the visitors from opening the scoring. … The Australian (新聞), June 8, 2001, (Confederations Cup日豪戦翌日,直前の質問の引用から続く部分) (*2) a first half はなぜa なのか。 (*3) get off? his line? 今ひとつ解釈が確定できません。 (*4) 構造は? to turn the.. shot... for a corner? a cornerを コーナーキックと解釈しましたが。turnに関して、turn....for...という用例が見つからないので不安です。そもそも構造の解釈が違うのかな? (*5) 構造は 1 scramble + 2 learances 。試合を見ていないのですが、「川口がはじいてゴールライン割→一回目のコーナーキック→ゴール前でごたごたスクラブル後ディフェンダにクリアされゴールライン越え→二回目のコーナーキック→ごたごたなしにあっさりクリアされゴールライン越」という意?そうなら三回目のコーナキックがあるはずだし。よりすっきりした解釈がありましたら教えてください。 回答の論拠も教えて頂けますと幸いです。

  • 長文の和訳をお願いします

    大学の過去問なのですが解いた後も内容が掴めなくて困っています… どなたか和訳していただけませんか? Everyone knows that happy feelings are beneficial for our minds and bodies. In fact, people who live a happy, positive life are less likely to suffer from depression, are generally healthier, and live longer than their sad, negative counterparts. The question is, what is happiness and how can we achieve it? Many people think wealth makes us happier. Indeed, not having sufficient money can cause unhappiness to some extent, but it has been shown that there is no significant relationship between how much money a person earns and whether he or she feels good about life. We need a certain level of income to meet our basic needs, but once these needs are met, additional income has little influence on our sense of satisfaction with life. In the past, having a good educational background seemed to guarantee a happy life, but today people realize that neither advanced education nor a high IQ can substantially raise one’s level of happiness. Being young, beautiful, and healthy seems to be an important factor in happiness. Yet studies show that older people are generally more stable and satisfied with their lives than the young. A recent survey found that people between the ages of 20 and 24 have 3.4 sad days a month, as opposed to just 2.3 days for people between the ages of 65 and 74. Research also suggests that beautiful or healthy people are not always happier than those without such advantages. Job satisfaction can also lead to fulfillment in life. Most of us would be happy to have a job that affords a certain amount of decision-making power and peer recognition. In contrast, when people are forced to work with less freedom, more responsibilities, and little satisfaction, they will not fell very happy. Married people tend to be generally happier than singles, and religious people are usually happier than non-religious people. Marriage and religion seem to give us the social support and human bonds that can help make us more stable and better balanced. Friends and family are also an important factor in happiness. A 2002 study conducted at the University of Illinois found that those students with the highest levels of happiness and the fewest signs of depression had stronger ties to friends and family. Whatever the ultimate source of happiness may be, factors like income, social status, and education do not contribute as much as we think to our overall well-being. After all, happiness depends on how good a person feels about life and how well he or she manages his or her emotions. When we are not feeling happy, we should try playing the "Being Glad" game of Pollyanna, a young girl who always tries to find something to be glad about in every situation, and manages to hold on to a positive attitude toward life even after her father's death.

  • 英語が得意な方,添削御願いします[Part 1]

    テストが近いにも関わらず,学校は問題の解答を教えてくれないため,このサイトを利用しました (質問…とは少し違うような気がしますが) 問題数は38問です 私は英語があまり得意ではないので,間違いだらけだと思いますが,以下の英文等が合っているか,間違っているかを教えて下さい.また,間違っていたら正しい解答を御願いします ※[ ]内は私の解答です Q1.日本語と同じ意味になるように,{ }内の語を並び替えましょう. 1.トムは昨日,新しいコンピュータゲームを買いました Tom {computer game/new/a/bought} yesterday. [bought a new computer game] 2.彼女は毎日,家で仕事をしています She {home/at/works} every day. [works at home] 3.この数学の問題は,私たちには難しいです This {for us/difficult/math problem/is}. [is difficult for us math problem] 4.マリコは毎朝,公園で散歩をします Mariko {a walk/in the park/takes/every morning}. [takes a walk in the park every morning] 5.ケンタはニュージーランドから妹にEメールを送りました Kenta {an e-mail/from/his sister/sent/New Zealand}. [sent an e-mail his sister from New Zealand] 6.その新作映画はつまらないことがわかりました I {the new movie/found/boring}. [found boring the new movie] 7.彼は私に切手を見せてくれました He {his stamps/me/showed}. [showed me his stamps] 8.彼女は机の下に自分の部屋の鍵を見つけました She {under the desk/her room key/found}. [found her room key under the desk] 9.彼等は庭で花を沢山育てています They {a lot of flowers/in the garden/grow}. [grow a lot of flowers in the garden] 10.音楽を聴くことは,私をリラックスさせます Lestening to music {me/relaxed/makes}. [makes me relaxed] Q2. A.{ }内に入る語を下から選び適切な形にして入れましょう 1.The soccer team { } every day. [practice] 2.Hiroshi { } the players on the field now. [likes] 3.He { } a good soccer player. [is] 4.Everybody { } him. [is sketching]   【be like practice sketch】 B.日本語と同じ意味になるように{ }内の語を並べ替えましょう 1.私達の学校の近くにはクラブがあります Our school {a lot of/has/clubs}. [has a lot of clubs] 2.私は水泳部のメンバーです I {a/of/am/members} the swim team. [am a members of] 3.私は100メートルを約1分で泳ぎます I {100/swim/in/meters} about one minute. [swim in 100 meters] 4.何人かの生徒がプールで泳いでいます Some {swimming/students/are/in} the swimming pool. [students are swimming in] C.ケイとの自己紹介です.日本語と同じ意味になるように,文を完成しましょう 1.私の名前はケイトでイギリス出身です My { } { } Kate and I { } from Britain. [name] [is] [am] 2.私はロンドンの近くの小さな都市に住んでいます I { } { } a small city near London. [am] [living] 3.私には兄がいて,大学で数学を勉強しています I { } a brother,and he { } { } math in college. [have] [is] [studying] 4.私はコンピュータが得意です I { } { } at computers. [am] [good] Q3 A.{ }内に入る語を下から選び,過去形にして入れましょう 1.I { } a bad day yesterday. [caught] 2.I { } a cold from my sister. [had] 3.I { } my cup when I was washing it. [broke] 4.I { } my umbrella on the bus. [left]    【break catch have leave】 B.日本語と同じ意味になるように,{ }内の語を並べ替えましょう 1.ヒロシは机で寝ていました Hiroshi {at/was/his/sleeping/desk} [was sleeping at his desk] 2.彼女は電話で友人と話していました She {friend/her/with/was/talking} on the phone. [was talking with her friend] 3.貴方はそのとき,コンピュータゲームをしていました Were {a/computer/playing/game/you} then? [you playing a computer game] 4.授業中に彼等はノートをとっていませんでした They {not/talking/were/notes} in class. [were not talking notes] C.先週の日曜日にしたことです.日本語と同じ意味になるように,文を完成させましょう. 1.先週の日曜日,私は海の近くの友人宅に滞在していました Last Sunday,I { } { } { } my friend's house near the sea. [was] [staying] [at] 2.私は靴を脱いで,浜辺を歩きました I { } { } my shoes and { } on the beach. [took] [off] [walked] 3.歩いている間,私は美しい貝殻を見つけました While I { } { } ,I { } a beautiful seashell. [on] [foot] [found] 4.私は立ち止まり,それを拾い上げました I { } and { } it up. [stopped] [picked] Q4 A.{ }内の語を,1・2はbe going to,3・4はwillを用いて書き換え,文を完成させなさい 1.My sister {spend} this summer in Canada. [is going to spend] 2.I {pick} you up at ten o'clock. [am going to pick] 3.I {travel} around Japan during the summer vacation. [will travel] 4.I hope it {be} sunny tomorrow. [will be] ※Part 2に続く