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回答者3です そそっかしくてしみません かかとじゃなくて、つまさき、でした。 ささいな、まちがいですが。 物理学が多少わかるものの素朴な疑問ですが、足がたとえ わるかったとしても右足、左足両方の足から地面にかかる 重力の和は、つねに、体重となり、足のよしあしにかかわら ず一定のはずで、この著者のいっていることは、すこし妙な きがします。 ということで、この論文のこの箇所は、舌たらずということで ・・・


  • 英語翻訳お願いします

    Due to delayed muscle activity of the lower extremity to which application of weight loading failed during terminal stance peak, the anterior transition force weakens and gait patterns of both lower extremities are affected, leading to asymmetric gait. 重さ積載の応用がターミナルのスタンス・ピークの間、失敗した下肢の遅れた筋肉活動のために、力が弱める前方移行と両下肢の足取りパターンは影響を受けます。そして、非対称の足取りに至ります 翻訳にかけるとこんなかんじです。 すみません。

  • 英語訳して下さい

    In the gait cycle, lack of coordination in muscle activities between the hip and the knee during weight loading on the lower extremity in the stance phase results in reduced vertical ground reaction force in hemiplegia patients with lower extremity dysfunction on the affected side. 歩行周期では、低い下肢不全麻痺側片麻痺患者における削減垂直床反力の体重の上下肢立脚相の読み込み中に筋活動股関節と膝の間の調整の欠如の結果します。 うまく訳せません… お願いします

  • 英語翻訳お願いします

    This study emphasized hemiplegia patients’ lower extremity function on the paretic side during the stance phase in their rehabilitation exercise and conducted a one-leg standing weight-bearing balance exercise 本研究は片麻痺患者の低い上肢機能麻痺側立脚相のリハビリテーション運動中に強調し、片足立ち荷重バランス演習を実施しました。 こんな感じの翻訳であってるでしょうか…

  • 英語翻訳お願いします…

    (1)lower extremity weakness by manual testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups scoring < 5 based on the grades established by kendall and McCreary. (2)isokinetic quadricep and hamstring muscle strength < 80 % of age predicted normal values. (3)Moderate to severe dementia which prohibits subject from following directions based on a folstein mini mental status score<20 (4)motor neuropathy すみませんお願いします。

  • 英語翻訳お願いします

    This suggests that in patients with hemiplegia after stroke, muscle activities of the hip and the knee, maintained at appropriate angles, are necessary for weight loading on the lower extremities in order to enhance their gait and balance これは、脳卒中の後の半身不随患者において、腰とひざ(適切な角度に維持される)の筋肉活動が彼らの足取りとバランスを強化するために下肢の上で重さ積載のために必要なことを示唆します 翻訳機にかけるとこんなかんじです… 医学論文の一部なのですが、お願いします。

  • 英語論文の翻訳、長いですがお願いします。

    Protocols for the exercise and control groups Men randomized to the exercise group entered a progressive resistance lower extremity weight training and aerobic conditioning program at the ZVAMC Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Center . Weight training was conducted on a multipurpose weight machine (Marcy Gymnasinm Equipment Co . ) and aerobic conditioning was completed on stationary Air Dyne or cycle ergometers (Air Dyne & Ergo Metric Exercisor Models by Schwinn). Weight measurements were determined with a 23-kg load cell (Sensotec 31/143) and appropriate instrumentation (Sensotec HH). Exercise sessions were conducted 3 days a week for 12 wk totaling 36 sessions. Each session lasted between 45 and 75 min depending on the number of participants. All missed sessions were made up at a later date unless continuation was not possible because of medical or personal problems. Heart rates were continuously monitored by telemetry (Transkinetics TEM-4100)during the exercise sessions and estimated average heart rates were recorded during aerobic training. Each exercise session included : (1)a warm up of leisurely cycling for 3-5min , (2) aerobic exercise on either the Air Dyne or cycle ergometer, (3) strength training and (4) a warm down of cycling for 3-5 min. The aerobic exercise was performed for a duration of 20 min at a target heart rate of >70% of the exercise stress-tested maximal heart rate. The strength training was performed on the hip flexors, hip extensors, hip abductors, knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors. The hip muscle groups were exercised in succession with a standard weight and pulley system attached by a Velcro strap to the ankle with the subjects in a standing position. Four maneuvers were required for each extremity, totaling eight different hip exercise. To exercise the knee extensors, the subjects were required to lift the training weight from a sitting position with 90°of knee flexion to full knee extension using both knees simultaneously. The ankle plantar flexors were exercise with the subjects standing, holding the training weight with arms and back straight, and rising from the foot flat position to maximum, defined as the most weight a subject could lift through a full range of motion one time, was determined for each of the muscle groups before the first exercise session. At the first session, the weight load was set at 40 to 60% of the one repetition maximum so tha the subjects could complete 10 repetitions. Sequential load adjustments were made in subsequent sessions to maintain a maximal fatigue level after completion of the 10 repetitions. The subjects rotated to three weight stations performing one set of 10 repetitions for each of the hip muscle groups and two sets of 10 repetitions for both the knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors. The order of weight training exercise varied depending on preference and station availability. Subjects assigned to the control group received usual care within the NHCU during the study period. When indicated , this care included maintenance physical therapy. No dietary limitations were imposed on either group. After completion of the study period, a subset of the control subjects in either group. After completion of the study period, a subset of the control subjects crossed over to the exercise group. Subjects in either group requiring hospitalization secondary to a medical illness were dropped from the study. よろしくお願いします

  • 英語論文の翻訳、長いですがお願いします。

    Methods Subjects were recruited from the 200-bed Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center (ZVAMC) Nursing Home Unit (NHCU) , which has a turnover of ~200 residents per year and serves predominantly elderly men . the protocol was approved by the Human Research and Review College of Wisconsin . potential participants were identified via a memorandum to the NHCU staff that described the inclusion and exclusion criteria listed in Table 1 . Chart reviews , interviews and examinations to determine eligibility for the study . Men without exclusionary characteristics underwent Tinetti mobility testing 29 and a neuromuscular examination . Scores of 30 or less on the Tinetti mobility test and evidence of lower extremity weakness based on the standard muscle strength scoring system 27 qualified subjects for further consideration . These candidates after signing an informed consent were then randomized into either the exercise or the control group . the final eligibility determination was made after participating men demonstrated <80% of age-specific normal lower extremity strength on isokinetic muscle strength testing . よろしくお願いします

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    The intervention was found to be acceptable and safe for the selected were missed because of exercise-in-duced musculoskeletal complaints, nor did any subjects drop out because of dissatisfaction with the program. Medical illness requiring hospitalization did cause two participants to withdraw, illustrating the role of intercurrent illness as a cause of deconditioning and progressive debilitation 34. The conclusion that the intervention was only partially effective is based on the evaluation of five types of outcome variables. Strength, endurance and gait improved significantly, but left the treated patients still considerably below age-matched healthy individuals in these respects. Aerobic work capacity and balance were not improved by the 12wk of exercise. The participants in the exercise program did increase their lower extremity muscle strength. The isotonic strength measurements increased symmetrically, whereas the isokinetic strength measure ments revealed left-side gains to be greater than those on the right. In addition to strength, both right and left lower extremity muscular endurance improved significantly. At the end of the exercise program, however, the average scores for strength and endurance were still only about 65% of age-matched normal values. すみません… お願いします

  • うまく翻訳できません誰か助けてください

    The presented technique using the loading simulator permitted the application of forces on the tendons to load the joint structures dynamically. It also facilitated simulation of physiological conditions through the application of axial forces to the lower leg. The technique used to measure the joint contact stress time history allowed the investigation of protocols with up to nine consecutive different force applications under constant boundary conditions. This would not have been possible using pressure-sensitive films. The quasi static foot position in this study permitted only a limited transfer of the results of protocol 3 (gait simulation) to real walking situations. Various authors (Bertsch et al., 2001; Calhoun et al., 1994; Tochigi et al., 2006) have reported that the zones of high contact stress in the talocrural joint change with dorsi- and plantar flexion. This could not be simulated in the present study. In addition the axial tibia load did not reach physiological loading in protocol 3. The relatively high range of donor age (66–89) for the specimens used in this study may have contributed to the large variations in contact stress between specimens. The material properties of biological structures depend on age, are related to the physical abilities of the donors and may therefore influence contact stress.

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします

    Testing procedures All study participants completed manual muscle and Tinetti mobility testing , isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups , exercise stress testing and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and end of the 12-wk study period. These measurements were made by blinded examiners at baseline and 7 to 10 days after completion of either the exercise or control protocols. Positioning of the subjects for manual muscle testing of the various lower extremity muscle groups and the zero to five muscle strength grading system were based on the positions and grades established by Kendall and MCreary.27 Modifications in muscle testing were made as necessary following the procedures recommended by Daniels and Worthingham.28 Leg length discrepancies and significant joint motion limitations were recorded at this time. Clinical gait and balance were measured with a modified version of Tinetti’s instrument.29 This mobility test involves a series of simple tasks including sitting, standing up from and sitting down in a cair, standing and tandem standing both with eyes open and closed , turning in a circle, turning head from side to side , standing on one leg , reaching and bending to pick up an object, withstanding a nudge on the sternum while standing and walking short distances with or without the aid of an assistive device. Observations of gait were made for gait intiation, step length and height, step symmetry, step continuity and gait path. Each task was scored on a zero to one or zero to two scale . Isokinetic muscle strength testing was performed at 60°per second to obtain concentric isokinetic strength measurements for knee flexion and extension, measurements for knee flexion and extension, utilizing the Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer (Lumex, Inc. Bayshore, NY) and single-channel chart recorder. Adjustments for age were determined by estimating a 1% decline in strength per year after age 40.30 Measurements of endurance were recorded by tabulating the number of repetitions completed at 180°per second before strength declined to <50% of peak torque. Testing procedures All study participants completed manual muscle and Tinetti mobility testing , isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups , exercise stress testing and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and gait and balance testing bath at the beginning and end of the 12-wk study period. These measurements were made by blinded examiners at baseline and 7 to 10 days after completion of either the exercise or control protocols. Positioning of the subjects for manual muscle testing of the various lower extremity muscle groups and the zero to five muscle strength grading system were based on the positions and grades established by Kendall and MCreary.27 Modifications in muscle testing were made as necessary following the procedures recommended by Daniels and Worthingham.28 Leg length discrepancies and significant joint motion limitations were recorded at this time. Clinical gait and balance were measured with a modified version of Tinetti’s instrument.29 This mobility test involves a series of simple tasks including sitting, standing up from and sitting down in a cair, standing and tandem standing both with eyes open and closed , turning in a circle, turning head from side to side , standing on one leg , reaching and bending to pick up an object, withstanding a nudge on the sternum while standing and walking short distances with or without the aid of an assistive device. Observations of gait were made for gait intiation, step length and height, step symmetry, step continuity and gait path. Each task was scored on a zero to one or zero to two scale . よろしくお願いします