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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:以下のようなメールが・・・。)



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  • sana8339
  • ベストアンサー率55% (34/61)

アドレスを拒否するか、 内容拒否で、 MY DONATINON この文章あたりを拒否するのはいかがでしょうか 海外のチェーンメールですかね。 英語がわからない自分にはほとんど暗号でした笑



回答ありがとうございました! 早速拒否設定をしてみます!


  • どのような意味でしょうか

    After many hours of crying and shouting he admitted to me that he and this person have engaged in sexual contact. I'm crushed! This is the love of my life! I would never have suspected cheating from him! He said he had to get his curiosity out of his system before he asked me to marry him this summer. get his curiosity out of his systemとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語のメールが来たのですが

    英語でズラズラ書かれたメールが来たのですが正直解読出来ないので出来る方はお願いします 以前、YOUTUBEからメールがきてその解読をしてもらったのですが勧誘メールだったようだったので 今回もそんなのはめんどくさいのでどうかお願いします ただ普通のメールだったら申し訳ないですけど・・・orz My name is Jabor Thani, a merchant in Qatar. I have recently been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer, which has defiled all medical treatment. Expert diagnosis has shown that I have few months to live. The intention of this email is to employ the expertise of a business entrepreneur, who can identify a viable investment and guarantee reasonable returns on my wealth. This is to secure a future for my 4 years old son who lost his mother during birth. I cannot rely on his closest relatives any more, as they did not show responsible behaviour two years ago when I entrusted half of my wealth to them to invest on his behalf. They thought I wouldn’t survive the operation and then used the money for their personal needs. To prevent any more mishaps, my attorney will act as a check, monitoring every aspect of the investment. Funds should be split in half and distributed to charity organisation and the other half, as investment for my son. If this interests you, please reach me on the email address: jaborthani@aim.com to discuss terms and compensation. Kind regard Jabor Thani ******************************************************************************** The information in this email message is confidential and exclusive intended for the addressed. The information in this message is confidential and is possible legally protected. The information sent is exclusive intended with this e-mail message for the addressed. Use of this information through others then the addressed is bans. Publication, vermenigvuldiging,spread and/or verse twich of this information at harmed not has been allowed. Not in for the right and complete transfer of the content of a sent e-mail, neither for timely reception of that. This footnote gives also at that this e-mail gescand is through a current virus scanner on the presence of computer virussdn. With kind greeting ******************************************************************************

  • 英語のなぞのメールが来てこまってます。

    先ほどメールボックスを確認したら英語の名前の人から以下のような メールが届いていました。これは迷惑メールというか間違いメールですか?でも間違えてgoomailに送りますか? 簡単に言うと「マレーシアで自分の顧客が死んだので同じ名前のあなたに報酬を与えるから協力してほしい」ということですよね。 これはどうしたらよいでしょうか? あとこのメール文をこのページに載せたのはまずかったですか?  I apologized, If my business proposition offends your moral and ethic values, My name is Mr. Kamal Harun, I am a legal practitioner with Kamal Harun Chambers in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. I saw your contact and profile I decided that you could cooperate with me in this proposition. I have a client who was deceased in November, 2001, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am contacting you because you have the same surname as my deceased client and I felt that you could help me in the distribution of fund that were left in my deceased client's bank account. This fund is closed to be declared UN-serviceable by the bank as there were no indicated next of kin or next beneficiary of the fund in the bank account. The total amount of cash in the bank account of my deceased client is US$21.5 Million (Say, Twenty One Million, Five Hundred Thousand US$), only. The bank had issued to me a notification to contact the next of kin of my deceased client for either to re-activate the bank account or to make claim of beneficiary, of the fund in the bank account, with a month surcharge of 6% to be deducted as an Escrow safe keeping fee of the bank account, so as to avoid the indefinite closure of the bank account. My proposition to you is to seek your consent, and to present your kind self as the next-of-kin and beneficiary of my deceased client, since you have the same last name with him. This means that the proceeds of his bank account would be paid to you as his next of kin or the legitimate beneficiary. When the proceeds in his bank account are paid to you, we will share the proceeds on a mutually agreed-upon percentage of 60% to me and 40% to your kind self. All the legal documents to back up your claim as my client's next-of-kin would be provided by me. The most important thing I would need is your honest cooperation in this proposition. This will be done under a legitimate arrangement that would protect you from any breach of the law. If this business proposition offends your moral and ethic values, do accept my sincere apology. Please contact me at once if you?re interested by replying the mail and ignore it if you are not.

  • 翻訳してください!

    今日、迷惑メールが届きました。もちろんすぐに削除しましたが、なんて書いてあるか気になります。翻訳お願いします。非常に長いので要約だけでも結構です。 件名:I am Mrs Victoria Hillman from Isle Of Man 本文:Here is my Biography/Donation for the work of God Calvary Greetings to you beloved in lord, Do not be marveled, but believe in God, with him all things are possible I am Mrs Victoria Hillman from Isle Of Man I am married to Late Mr Luke Hillman From England who worked as Gold merchant here in (Ghana) for nine years before he died. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days on 2006. Before his death we were both born again Christian. Since his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of (USD$11.2M) Eleven million two hundred United state dollars as a fixed deposit in a general trust account with a Bank here in Accra, (Ghana) Here in West Africa. Recently, following my ill health my doctor told me that i will not last for the next Eight months due to my cancer problem. He said that there is going to be spread of this cancer to my bones and i will not live again, but the one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition i decided to donate this fund to a Church/Mosqe, Individual or Organization that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein and also according to the desire of my late husband before his death. Presently, this fund is still in the Bank. I want this fund to be used in liberation work Activities like, help to Orphanages, and Christian schools,Muslim schools,helping widows like me and up keeping of the Churches/mosque and propagating the word of God/Allah and to endeavor that the house of God is maintained. The Bible/Qur'an made us to understand that "Blessed is the hand that giveth" I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and they are not Muslims also, They are spiritual,And since the death of my husband they have succeed seizing most of my husband properties,I don't want my husband's efforts to be used by unbelievers. I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 vs 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace. I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health and hence the presence of my husband's relative's around me always and when i try to speak it leads to a serious coughing out blood. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the details on how to contact the bank directly for onward transfer. I will also issue you an authority letter that will prove you as the present beneficiary of my funds. I want you and your family to always pray for me but the lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life o f a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and truth. Please, always be prayerful all through your life, Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein.please kindly reply me with my private email as stated below victoria_hillman☆kimo.com Hoping to receive your reply, remain blessed in the Lord. Yours in Christ, Mrs.Victoria Hillman

  • この英文は聖書でしょうか?

    (1)Now John was clothed camel's hair, and had a leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey. (2)By my baptism the waters will be sanctified, receiving from me fire and the Holy Spirit... (3)In this body the life of Christ is communicated to those who believe and who, through the sacraments, are united in a hidden and real way to Christ in his passion and glorification. キリスト教/イエス/イエズス/神学/マリア/

  • 英語の変なメールがきて怖いです・・。。

    MSNのメッセンジャーに英語で変なメールが来ました。 とても怖いです。何のメールか教えてください With Due respect With Due respect I humbly write to solicit for your partnership and assistance in the transfer and investment of my inheritance fund Nine Million, United State Dollars. US($9,000.000.00) from my late father who died mysteriously last Dec. It was very evident that he was poisoned to death. In my culture, when a man dies, if he does not have a male child, the brothers shares his property leaving both the wife and the daughters empty handed including the house they live in. This is the exact case with me as I am the only daughter of my father. I lost my mother when I was barely a year old and my father refused to re-marry another wife because he felt solely responsible for my mother's death. This is so because he concentrated much on his businesses that he rarely pays attention to domestic affairs. He was always travelling taking care of his businesses that he did not notice when my mother took ill. He thought it was a minor illness and was ignorant of this. My mother on her own resorted to self-medication. It was not until the illness degenerated that my father took my mother to hospital where she was diagnosed to find out that hypatitis had eaten deep into her blood stream. She didn't last long before she died. This happened when I was barely a year old. Based on this, my father could not forgive himself easily because of it and said he was responsible for her death as he could have saved her if only he had paid attention to the things at home rather than concentrating much on his businesses. Despite all entreaties by friends and relatives, he refused to remarry but ensured that I had everything that I wanted. It was as a result of this that he made me the next of kin to his fund deposit with the bank and stated that in the event of any eventuality, I should have a direct access to the fund only when I am 24 years of age otherwise, I should have a guardian/partner intercede on my behalf for the release of the funds to me. Unfortunately, he died late last year and I am 21 years of age currently. This is why I have contacted you to serve as a guardian to me and as my foreign partner for the transfer and investment of the fund overseas My uncles does not know about the fund because they had already taken my father's houses and other properties because I am a girl and they said I do not have rights for any property. They have requested to have my father's bank papers but I simply told them that I do not know where he kept them. The younger brother took the house in the village while the houses in the town were sold out they shared the proceed they got from the sale. Right now, I am with a friend of mine and do sincerely want to travel out of my country. This can only happen when I have secured the release and transfer of the funds in the bank. This why it is important that we have a plan on the type of lucrative business that we can invest the funds on. I had at various times had discussions with the director of international remittance unit of the bank where my father deposited the funds and I was assured that once, I have someone who would be willing to receive the funds on my behalf, they shall commence all proceedings to effect the release and transfer of the funds into the person's designated account. Now, that you have signified your interest to partner with me, it would only be very necessary if you contact the bank and request for the release and transfer of my inheritance fund into your nominated account for the purpose of investment and to further have me come over to your country to continue with my studies. I shall be giving you the bank's contact details as soon as I hear back from you so that you will go ahead and contact the bank. Your urgent response will be appreciated Talk to you the more.reply me with this email (mariamad_7@yahoo.com) Sincerely

  • 以下の英文を訳してください。急いでます

    I believe that the same iconoclastic tendency is present in certain phases of modern thought not confined to the Soviet Union. There is always the recurrent fear among theologians that Art might in some sense replace God, and ever since Kierkegaard formulated his Either/Or, these religious philosophers have been busy telling us that a reliance on the reality created by the artist leads ultimately to despair. That, as I see it, is the attitude of an age that has lost all contact with the actuality of art---an age that can only conceive art as idea, and is utterly divorced from the creativ experience, even in the humble form of handicraft. 長いですが訳が出来る方お願いします>< 急いでます!

  • こんなメールがきました。英文

    Dear Friend, An honest person is needed. My name is Dong Jeung Kim citizen of South Korea. A resident of London due to the present economic crises affecting foreign investors presently in UK. I decided to relocate to your country. I got your contacts through my personal research and out of desperation. I deal on crude oil, I decided to reach you through this medium because of the nature of this very business transaction. I have £36 759 000.00 British Pounds for investment purpose. I want you to receive this fund on my behalf and invest on a profitable business venture on an agreed terms. If you are interested I will offer you 35% of £36 759 000.00 British Pounds. please get back to me with the following details. A. Beneficiary name and mailing address, in order for me to prepare the document for transfer of the funds in your name. B. Direct Telephone. C. Age and occupation. Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details. The business transaction must be kept top secret for security reasons. Sincerely, Dong Jeung Kim Tel/fax +442 392 560 940 翻訳機でだいたいは調べましたので怪しいメールぽいのはわかっています。 ただ迷惑メールに振り分けられなかったため気になります。 細かく訳してもらえなくていいです。 どんな内容なのか、ざっと簡単で良いのでお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I found myself extremely upset after reading a friend’s Facebook post recently, in which he admitted to taking a belt to his 2-year-old daughter in the hopes that it’ll teach her to sleep through the night. I find this behavior completely abhorrent. At 2 years old, a child barely knows right from wrong, and if you admit to striking your daughter with an object once, who says you won’t do it again? I’ve since deleted this friend from my Facebook and told my husband (who is also his friend) that I’m refusing to socialize with him. I have two dilemmas now as a result: The first is that my mom is urging me to report him to his local authorities for child abuse. How do I even do this, and am I obligated to? My husband doesn’t want me to because he doesn’t think the authorities will do anything about it, and this guy thinks that what he did was completely acceptable. (He and my husband talked and had to agree to disagree—he told my husband he used a cloth belt and not a leather one, and that’s why it’s OK.) My second dilemma is that this guy is the best friend of my husband’s best friend, and when gatherings are planned, this guy is always invited. I worry that if I’m forced into a social situation with this man, I’m going to tell him exactly what I think, and it won’t be pretty. I also don’t want to make it awkward for my husband and his other friend, and I don’t want to be a witch about things, but this is an absolute zero tolerance for me. it won’t be prettyとwitchはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 以下の英文を解釈してください。

    以下に英文(一部省略)とその和訳(うまく訳せてない箇所)を書きます。全体的な文意がわからず、下記にある訳が微妙です。回答をどうぞよろしくお願いします。 The fact that modern man is constantly moving in-to new environments gives the impression that he is enlarging the range of his biological adaptab-ilities and thus escaping from the bondage of h-is past. This is only an appearance. Wherever he goes, and whatever he does, man is successful on-ly to the extent that he functions in a microen-vironment not drastically different from the one under which he evolved."具体説明の省略"There is no hope whatever that man's biological nature c-an be changed enough to enabl-e him to survive w-ithout the earth's atmosphere; in fact, the very statement of this possibility is meaningless. Ho-mo sapiens achieved his characteristics as a bio-logical species more than 100,000 years ago, and his fundamental biological characteristics could not be drastically altered without destroying h-is very being. He developed his human attribute-s, in the very act of responding to the environ-ment in which he evolved. The earth has been his cradle and will remain his home. (3)どこへ行こうと何をしようと、人は自らが進化したものと少しだけ異なる微環境で、単にどれほどの役目を果たすかに依って成功する。(8~10)ホモ=サピエンスは自らの特徴を10万年前よりも多く存在する?生物種として確立?した。そして人の本質的な生物学的特徴はその人間そのもの?を破壊しないと、徹底的には変化しない。人は、自らが進化した環境に応じるというまさしくその行動で、自らの人性を発達させた。