• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文が正しいかご教示下さい。)

船長の性格は頑固である | 英作文の正確さを教えてください


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

2。  原文が疑問文ですから     Is the arrogant president's hobby to bully his employees? じゃないでしょうか。 4。   at というと、地点のような小さい場所になるので over では如何でしょう。     Dinosaurs were the former rulers over all at the continents. 5. こういう時は  on を使います。     Are you an authority on genetic engineering?    後はよく出来ていると思います。



ありがとうございました。 感謝します。


  • □■英作文添削お願いします■□

    (1)私はその会議に出席していた人が余りに少ないのを知って驚きました。  I was surprised to know how small the number of people who had ben present at the meeting were (2)偉大な芸術というものは正しく豊かに感じることを、人々にいつも教えているものなのです。 Great art tells people what it is to feel right and wealthy. (3)その人口は50万をわずかに超えるだけです。 The population is as small as exceeding slightly 500 thousand. どの英文も自信がありません; どなたか添削をお願いします (>_<)

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    テレビを見てマスターズのレポートを書く宿題が出ました。自信が無いので添削お願いします。ゴルフのことも良く知らないので困ってます。よろしくお願いします。 タイトル:The First Day The chairman introduced Arnold Palmer to the patrons at the 1st tee. Then Arnold Palmer hit his tee shot to signal the start of the Masters. The game started one hour late because of the fog. There were so many spectators. There were some super shot. At the 16th hole, Ian Poulter hit his tee shot and the ball landed on the green, then the ball rolled into the hole. He got a hole in one. Patrons were very excited. It was his 11th hole in one. At the 12th hole, Zach Johnson, who is the defending champion, hit a ball on the green. The ball landed just beside the hole. At the 1st hole, Phil Mickelson hit his 3rd shot from out side of the course, and surprisingly the ball fell into a hole. He had a birdie on the 1st hole. Tiger Woods wasn’t very good. At the 7th hole, he hit his third shot, the ball landed on the rough, it seemed too strong, but the ball came back to the hole, and it stopped near the hole. At the 13th hole, he hit his second shot, and the shot was very good but the ball didn’t land on the green. He hit the ball to the left side but the ball didn’t get up the hill. At the 14th hole, his tee shot was not good and the ball didn’t land on the fairway. At the 15th hole, on his third shot, he approached the hole and the ball fell into the hole. He had an eagle at the 15th hole. At the 18th hole, he hit a ball on the green by two shots, but it was far from the hole. On the green, he hit the ball, but the ball stopped short of the hole. He had a par. He had one eagle and two bogeys without birdie; his first day score was even par.

  • 英作文を教えてください。

    (1)富士山から見る日の出はとても美しい。  The sun (       )(       )from the top of Mt.Fuji is very beautiful. (2)If you don't understand the meanings well ,you must not use such words.  You must not use the words (       )(       )you don't understand . (3)少女たちは楽しげに歌いながらやってきた。  The girls (       )(       )merrily. (4)'Are you going somewhere during the vacation?'   'Yes,I've found a nice beach (       ) I can enjoy swimming even in Februrary.   (1)how (2)when (3)where (4)which (5)Nara was the place we reached on the first night.   Nara was the place (       )(       )we got on the first night. (       )(        (6)私が人形を作ってあげた少女は、私ににっこり笑ってくれました。  The girl (       )(       )I made a doll gave me a big. smile. (7)あなたの知人の身に起こったことを私に話してください。  something /to/someone/know/me/happened/you/tell/that. (8)彼らは彼がしたことを笑った。  he/what/had/they/at/done/laughed. (9)歴史が繰り返す理由を知るものは一人としていない。  Nobody knows the (       )(      )history repeats itself. (10)彼女が多くの時間をかけて書いたあの本はいくらですか。(1語不要)  (book/she/how/is/price/much/took/what/of/time/the/that) to write?                   以上、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削を

    課題で、"A Part-time Job for Me"というタイトルの英作文をしました。 文法的な間違いや、不自然な表現がなく、ちゃんと意味が通るかどうか不安なので、添削をしていただきたいと思い、投稿しました。 よろしくお願いします。 I don’t work part-time now.   Because I’m very busy with study now and I cannot find an offer of a part-time job that condition conforms to me, nearby my house. However, it is not that I don't work at all.  My relative sometimes asks me to mow the grass of the field and vacancy.  And she asks me help with the final income tax return at the end of the year.  Another relative, cannot use computer, sometimes asks me to make documents with a Microsoft Office Word.  The member of a municipal assembly of the acquaintance’s husband of my father asks me to create his Website.  The reward of these work is more expensive than the wage of the general part-time job.  However, there are few incomes because there is little work. I will want to do work of distributing mails at the post office in next winter vacation if I work part-time.  I've ever done this work when I was a tenth grader, and this work was pleasant.  And there is a post office near my house.  I can go there by bicycle in about thirty minutes. It is not suitable to deliver mails for me.  When I worked once to deliver mails by bicycle, I took time very much to finish work because I cannot ride a motor bicycle.  So I delivered it by bicycle.  But I ran slow by bicycle.  And I wasn’t good to learn the route very much.   Therefore the vice-postmaster changed my work into distributing mails.  This work was easier than delivering mails.  It was worm in post office and I was able to have confectionery, oranges, juice and for a break.  But my wage was higher than the other part-time worker because the wage of the postman was applied even after work changed because at first I was adopted as the postman that is higher wage than worker of distributing mails.  So I was able to work easily and get much money.

  • 英作文添削お願いします。

    課題の英作文をどなたか添削していただけませんか? うまく思いつかなかった部分は☆付きで日本文のみ書きましたので、訳していただけると助かります。 My exciting experience is watching a baseball game. 私の興奮した経験は、野球観戦です。 Last month, I went to a game at Tokyo Dome with my boyfriend. 先月、彼と東京ドームに野球を見にいきました。 It was Yomiuri Giants versus Rakuten Golden Eagles game. 巨人対楽天戦でした。 I'm not good at sports, but I really like to watch baseball. 私は運動が苦手だけど、見るのは好きです。 Incidentally, I'm a Giants fan. ちなみに私はジャイアンツファンです。 My father always watching a baseball game at home,he is great Giants fan. 私の父親は家ではいつも野球を見ていて、大の巨人ファンです。 ☆だから、私も巨人ファンになったのだと思います。 The game on that day was very wonderful. その日の試合はとてもすばらしいものでした。 The Yomiuri Giants southpaw tossed a no-hitter in a 2-0 victory over the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles. ジャイアンツのサウスポーが、楽天に対し2-0の勝利でノーヒットノーランを達成しました。 The pitcher is a player of Toshiya Sugiuchi. その投手は杉内俊哉選手です。 Sugiuchi was mixing with his fastball and slider, and retired the first 26 batters he faced. 杉内は彼の速球とスライダーを混ぜ、26人の打者をアウトにしました。 But he walked pinch hitter Toshiya Nakashima from a 3-2 count with two outs in the ninth. しかし、彼は9回2死3-2カウントで、ピンチヒッターの中島俊哉を歩かせてしまいました。 He kept his cool and successfully struck out the next batter to complete the no-hitter. 彼は冷静さを保ち、次のバッターを首尾よく三振させ、ノーヒットノーランを達成させました。 It was the 86th no-hitter overall. これは史上86度目のノーヒットノーラン達成でした。 He is tossed a no-hitter in Koshien at high school days. 彼は高校時代にも甲子園でノーヒットノーランを達成しています。 ☆高校野球の全国大会とプロ野球の両方での達成は史上初です。 At that time, I was excited very much. そのとき、私はすごく興奮していました。 The Dome was packed with excited spectators. ドームは興奮した観客でいっぱいでした。 ☆完全試合を逃したのは悔しいけれど、とても感動しました。 ☆この日に見に行くことが出来て幸せでした。 I want to go to see again. また見に行きたいです。 以上です。よろしくお願いします><

  • 英作文の添削をしていただけないでしょうか。

    自分なりに英作文をつくってみたのですが、いまいちあっているかどうか自信がありません。 どなたかご教授いただけないでしょうか・ (1)その建物は東京タワーとちょうど同じ高さだ。 (原級を用いて) The building is as high as Tokyo Tower. (2)僕の兄さんは君の兄さんと背の高さが同じだ。 (原級を用いて) My brother is as tall as your brother. (3)彼は私ほどお金を使わなかった。 (原級を用いて) I did not spend money as much as him. (4)彼女は昔よりも歌を歌うのがうまい。 (原級を用いて) She sings much better now than she used to. (5)彼は旧友に会い損なってがっかりしていた。 (不定詞を用いて) He was disappointed to fail to meet an old friends. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    英作文の添削・アドバイスをお願いします。 教育とは何かと考えるときに,私が決まって思い出すのが小学校の恩師の顔である。先生は,私たち生徒に,物事に真剣に取り組むことを教えてくださった。その教えは,これまでの私の人生の指針となっている。今から考えると,先生の教えが私の心に響いたのは,先生の尊敬できる誠実な人柄によるところが大きかったように思う。教育において考慮すべきことは,教える内容だけではなく,教える側の人間性でもあるのだ。 When thinking what education is, I always remember the face of a teacher I owe a lot when I am in an elementary school. The teacher told us students the importance of approaching things seriously. It has ever been telling me how to manage my life. Now I think that it was mostly because the teacher was respectable and of integrity why the teacher's words moved me. The things we should consider in education are not only what teachers teach but also teachers' humanity. よろしくおねがいします。  

  • 英作文 添削

    たとえば、何度も繰り返して見た、一番なじみ深い夢は、僕の場合、笑う月に追いかけられる夢だ。最初はたしか、小学生の頃だったと思う。恐怖のあまり、しばらく、夜になって眠らなければならないのが苦痛だったほどだ。 The dream that I saw many times is the monn chasing me with rough. I saw it for the first time when I was elementaly school student. I had the bad time that I must have sleeped at night because of the feaful of the dream. 学校の先生に添削してもらおうとしたんですが、あまりまじめに添削してくれませんでした。 添削も数回しかしてもらったことがなく基本例文も一通り覚えたつもりですが、例文を覚えた効果を感じられていないような状況です。 文法面でおかしいところがたくさんあると思います、面倒ですがお願いします。

  • 大学院 英作文

    大学院入試問題の英作文の添削お願いします。 (日本語の部分は分かりませんでした) Taro:Im tired when Im in house. Fumiko:Shall we go shopping?We have used vegetables such as Japanese radish and egg apple ,and I want to buy calamarys and fishes and go to bottle shop or drug shop. Taro:Oh,The store which located near the station sold a personal computer.I want it. Fumiko:If you want ,you can also buy it around here. Taro:(近所では高すぎるよ。) You can buy electronic products such as microwave or air conditioner at popular prices. Fumiko:But,Your room is a mess,so you cannot place personal computer. Taro:The vacuum cleaner was sold at popular price.

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    いつもお世話になっています。3度目になります、よろしくお願いします<(_ _)> 受験まで約1週間のこの時期、添削していただけるこの場に本当に感謝です。 問:What is the best place you have ever visited? Describe what it was like, and why you liked it so much.(60語程度) The best place I have ever visited is Okinawa.I called at there in our school trip for the first time.In the time, I was astonished that the sea is truely blue.I also remember that we paid a visit in the Shuri castle. In the place, there are many historical biographies, and I came to be interested in the history of Okinawa. I want to visit Okinawa again. スペルミス、表現のミス等ありましたらご指摘いただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>