• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文和訳をお願いします。)



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  • ベストアンサー率30% (430/1408)

大文字で始まる単語はブランド名か地名と疑ってもいいと思います。 ゼネラルフーズが始めた商品ですが、今はクラフト社が販売しています。 日本ではネットで輸入品が売られているだけです。アジアでは結構売られているのですけれどね・・・。



ありがとうございます! 大文字で始まる単語は、ブランド名か地名と疑う! 困った時のルールに追加します。


  • おはようございます。恐れ入りますが、英文の和訳をお願いします。

    おはようございます。恐れ入りますが、英文の和訳をお願いします。 How are you? Do you have anything special planned for the long weekend? Or do you have to work on the national holiday. On Monday you have・春分の日, right? From・Wikipedia:・This national holiday was established in 1948 as a day for the admiration of nature and the love of living things. Prior to 1948, the vernal equinox was an imperial ancestor worship festival called・Shunki k・rei-sai・(春季皇霊祭?). Love of living things? Is this a kind of Japanese version of valentines day? I'm also sorry for my late reply :) No really I'm not trying to be funny, I'm really really busy. My project is going quite well, actually it is going so well that management decided to take some people from my team and let them help with another project ... I guess this is my punishment for doing so well :( In April I need to go to Singapore again and maybe we'll have a Korean customer. I have never been to Korea, I almost wanted to ask if you went to Korea already ... but then I remember that you have never left Japan. I think it makes to pure Japanese ... not spoiled by foreign things ... maybe except me :) Although Singapore is very nice, the food is really nice in Singapore, I would prefer to come to Japan ... I really look forward to have diner with you again. You are so cute ... and beautiful ... Oh on the return flight from Singapore to Brussel I got upgraded to business class again. So I had a very enjoyable return flight. I think I deserved it after all the trouble I had to get there ... haha It's a petty that your movie is not on the internet ... I'm sure you would be a hit on youtube:) ・Why are you embarrassed? You should be proud that you have been chosen to be in the commercial. I will never be chosen for a commercial ... It's getting late again ... I better go to home ... otherwise my Japanese colleagues still want to have a video conference ...・ Really wish I could see you soon,

  • 文の構造と和訳

    VOAの一節なんですが二行目の,and so characterizing以下が わかりません。どの部分が主語で訳はどうなりますか? それより前は「火星に行けるかは問題ではなくなった、いつ行くか 宇宙飛行士をどのようにして守るかが問題だ」というような意味だと思いますが... 火星探査のお話のインタヴューの部分なのですがどなたか教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 I think it’s never really been a question of if we can go to Mars. It’s a matter of when we go, how do we best-protect our astronauts, and so characterizing the radiation environment in terms of the types of radiation that we observe and when it’s the worst and when we’d need to take precautionary measures, I think, is one of the things that we’re, we’re learning from RAD.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    申し訳ありませんが、お願いします。 There are soms things that I would not have done , and some things that I have failed to do that I would do. One of the things that I would have done if I had known the importance of it would have been to go to college.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    外国の方とメールをしているのですが英文を上手く訳せなくて困っています(;_;)一応、自分なりに和訳をしてみたのですがいまいち内容がよくわかりません。わかりやすく英文を和訳してください。あと、自分の和訳で間違っている箇所があったら指摘していただけると嬉しいです。 [1] About the event! It's actually pretty funny; I got some last minute important stuff to do at work so I didn't get a chance to attend :( I was so looking forward to it =/Stupid work xD [自分の訳] イベントについて!それは実際とてもおもしろい。私は最後のちょっとの間仕事ですべき重要なことがあった、だから私は出席する機会がを得なかった。私はそれをとても楽しみにしていた。くだらない仕事。 ※I got some last minute important stuff to do at work この部分の訳がわかりません。 [2] As for technical reports, they're not really that bad because when you specialize in a certain field you are familiar with all the terminology and it is easy for you to express yourself and what you want to say. The only problem with my report now is that I have to choose a subject (Typically a problem at work) and I have to talk about and describe the problem and how I solved it. I still have no idea what to write about because I won't be able to fill an entire 15 body pages with all that I have done at work so far. There's just not enough content and I have to pull this off somehow xD [自分の訳] 技術のレポートについては、それらは実は悪くない、なぜならあなたがある分野を専門にしているとき、あなたはそのすべての専門用語に精通しているから、そしてあなたにとってあなた自身やあなたの言いたいことを表現することは簡単だ。今私のレポートで、唯一の問題は主題を選らばなければならないこと(主として仕事での問題)、問題をどのように解決するかや問題の状況を述べたり論じたりしなければならないということだ。私はまだ何について書くべきかわからない、なぜなら私は今まで仕事でしてきたすべてで全15ページを埋めることはできないだろうから。ただ十分な内容がない、そして私は何とかしてこれをやり遂げなければならない。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Dear Annie: After reading the letters from "Tired of the Tips" and "Yes, I Have Tried Excedrin," who suffer from migraines and don't want to hear any more "helpful tips" from well-meaning friends, I'd like to offer another point of view. I, too, suffer from migraines, and I occasionally receive "new medical information" from friends. Though it's never actually been helpful as far as relieving my migraine pain goes, I appreciate that these people are showing concern for my well-being. I wouldn't want them to get the impression (which they might get from the aforementioned letters) that they deserve ridicule for their thoughtfulness. -- Another Migraine Sufferer Dear Another Migraine Sufferer: The intention was not to ridicule so much as to point out that unsolicited advice, however well-intentioned, can rub the recipient the wrong way, especially regarding health issues. The intention was not to ridicule so much as to point out that unsolicited advice, however well-intentioned, can rub the recipient the wrong way, の和訳をよろしくお願いします(not~so much asがわかりにくいです)

  • 英文和訳お願いします。

    英文和訳お願いします。 In general, my music is just quiet because it’s not the kind of music that is supposed to be loud, there is not really anything more to it than that. It would be pretty silly to blast strings and piano at 105db. こちらなのですが、英文和訳をお願いします。どうもthere is not really anything more to it than that.のあたりが不明で・・・。

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    Hmmm you like this hotel? I think you know how to appreciate nice things. ・You know that it's only 1 more week before I get on the plane ... I really can't wait to be with you again. ・And it's going to be really nice to see you in your own country and in Tokyo! . ・And of course I choose only the best things for you.

  • 短い英文の和訳お願いします!!

    I have learned that we humans tend to be happier when we are where we belong rather than trying to be someone that is not really who we are. 確認したいのでよろしくお願いします!

  • この英文を和訳していただけませんか・・・?

    impressing videos Hey there, Man, you have some really good videos up on YouTube. I just watched one and was blown away. I just couldn't help but notice that you are having some trouble getting views. Low views are frustrating, but don't let them discourage you, lord knows I've had the low view blues before. Overcoming low views is something that I struggled with for a long time. Fortunately, I can save you some of the hassles I went through. Eventually, I found out that getting a ton of views wasn't that hard after all, at least not after I found out about the guys over at http://tinyurl.com/32zetzp They really helped me get people to my videos. All I had to do was submit my link and then number of views I was after. It was so simple I couldn't believe I hadn't done it sooner. And right now you can try them out for just a penny. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know about them and what they might be able to do for you. I'm not sure how I would have made it to where I did without them. Anyway, no matter what keep making those vids. Thank you, Christopher 長文ですがよろしくお願いします・・・!

  • 次の英文を和訳してもらえませんか?

    いつもありがとうございます。以前もらったメールを読み返していたところ、わからない文章がありました。その時はニュアンス程度に考えていたのですが、やっぱりはっきりと意味を知りたいので、教えていただけたら嬉しいです。 (1)I have interest in movies since only short time (2)are you dominating woman? (3)I am not religious, and it's hard for me to believe something will really work. (1)はsinceとonlyの使い方がわかりません。「短い時間だけ」?としたらonlyは・・・? (2)はdominationって支配的と訳していいのでしょうか? (3)は…宗教家じゃないので、何かを信じることが難しい、のだと思いますが、will really workをどう文に絡めたらいいのかがわかりません。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。