• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:退職時の挨拶メールについて。)


  • X月末で退職させていただくことになりました。本日が最終出社日となります。これまでのご支援に感謝の気持ちを込めて、退職挨拶メールを送りましょう。
  • XX年X月末に入社し、約X年半の間、主に□□□関係の業務を担当してまいりました。お世話になりました。
  • 留意しなければならないのは、メールでの退職挨拶は手短かつ丁寧にまとめることです。直接お礼申し上げることが難しい場合でも、感謝の意を伝えることは大切です。


  • ベストアンサー

=============================================== I will be retiring from <<会社名>> at the end of <<X月, April, May など>>. Today is my final day at the office. I joined the company in <<XX年X月 例:August 2002>> and have now worked here for <<X>> and a half years, working mostly on work related to □□□ and other business affairs. I'm sure I have caused a number of problems for all those I have worked with in the past, and I am very grateful for all the support you have provided to me over the years. If it were possible I would have liked to contact each and every person whom I have worked with in the past, but there are far too many of you and so I have decided to send this mail out to thank everyone instead. Thank you very much for everything. I hope that everyone stays well and wish you all the best of luck in the future. ===============================================
