• ベストアンサー


The population began to expand.Since land was (),people needed to construct taller buildings.()にprivate を選んだんですが、答えはlimited でした。自分的にはprivateでもよさそうな気がするんですがなぜダメなんでしょう?


  • ベストアンサー

さすがに、これだけで、privateを入れるという発想は湧いてこないと思うので、元の問題は、選択肢形式、だったんですよね? 意味の面では、 「土地が私有地だから」ととることができたとして、 確かに、話が繋がらないことはありませんが、 「使い方が制限されていて」とか 「面積を広くすると借地料が上がるので」とか、 「所有者がその有効利用を考えて」とか、 途中の余分な理由付け(下手すると、風が吹けば 桶屋が儲かる、レベルの)が必要になりますし、 その話の流れの中に、 「土地が(量的に)制限されているから」 というこれ一発ですむ選択肢が入りそうなので、 private 入れるのは、考え過ぎ、ではないかと。 それよりも、文法的に、 例外がない訳ではありませんが、privateは、 基本、限定用法(名詞を修飾する用法)専用の形容詞、 なので、()内には、入れにくいかと。 勿論、これらは、privateでは絶対ダメだ、という 根拠にはなりませんが、試験の問題文は、日本語なら、 「もっともふさわしい/適切なものを選べ」 だったはずなので、private入れた文を、間違ってない、 正しい、と認めた上でも、 比較すれば、両面から、limited のぶっちぎりの圧勝! ということになります。 こういうタイプの問題で「なぜダメ?」を考えることは、 意味があって、それが重要な場合もありますが、 「ダメ」が、「100%ダメ」どころか、「80%OK」だとしても、 「100%OK」な奴に負けることがあるのは、知っておいて ください。(余り紛らわしいと問題に出ないので、ここまで 競った奴は、選択肢には入ってないと思いますが、個人的な 感覚では、「50%OK」「30%OK」と感じるくらいのものは 入っていることもあったりします)



選択肢問題って書くの忘れてました。そうですね、limited の方が良いですね。


その他の回答 (1)


土地が私有かどうかと,建物を高くして 人をたくさん住まわせる必要性とは関係ないと思います。 人口が増えているのに,土地がせまい(限られている), だから建物を高くする必要がある。






  • 高校受験用の英語のテストの解説をお願いします。

    The tower is very tall, so more than three years were needed to finish building it. The name“the Tokyo Sky Tree”was decided by many people in the summer of 2008. 上の文章を読んで、下の質問に3語以上で答えなさい。 How long was it needed to build the Tokyo Sky Tree? 私は It was needed more than three years. にしましたが、 正解が It needed more than three years. でした。 wasをつけたら、不正解ですか? 回答解説を読みましたが、よく解りません… どなたか、詳しい解説をお願いします。

  • 英文についての質問です。

    What was the 3/5 compromise?という質問に対しての回答を探しました。 The southern states wanted their slaves to be counted. Their purpose was simply to maximize their influence in the new government. Virginia had 500,00022 free people and 300,000 slaves. South Carolina had 140,000 free people and just over 100,000 slaves. The other southern states had 1/3 or more of their total population as slaves. The northern states, by contrast, were critical of slavery and had fewer slaves in their population. Pennsylvania had 430,000 free people, but less than 4,000 slaves. Massachusetts was the second largest state with 475,000 people, but had no slaves. These northern states objected that the southern states treated slaves as property, to citizens, so it was inappropriate to count them at all for purposes of representation. * In the end they compromised on including 3⁄5 of a state’s slaves in determining their population for determining how many Representatives they would get in the House. つまり最後の文章の、「国の奴隷の3/5を含めた住民数で、人口を決定することに妥協した。これがThe 3⁄5 Compromiseだ。」ということでいいでしょうか?

  • 英訳を教えてください。

    それは、1920年に国税調査が始まって以来始めての人口減少だった。というえいぶんですが、 It was the first population decline since the census began in 1920. これはどこかまちがっているでしょうか? sinceのあとは、過去形しか取れないと思ったのですが、itの後の動詞をwasでいいのか、または、現在完了か現在形がいいのか悩んでしまいました。 どなたか良いアドバイスと回答お願いします。

  • 英語の質問です!!

    Watching TV, Satsuki learned that more than 40 years have passed since human beings landed on the moon. She was surprised that humana had gone into outer space so long ago. (2)(She did an Internet search so as to learn more about it), and read some articles on the moon landings. On July 20 1969, the first moon landing was achieved by U.S. astronauts Neil Aemstrong and Buzz Aldrin. The U.S. in the 60's was putting all its energies into the Apollo Program, a human moon-landing project, and the astronauts reached the moon aboard Apollo 11. Following this, five other Apollo spacecraft landed on the moon by 1972. Among the articles about human efforts to land on the moon, Satsuki found one referring to the Apollo 13 accident. Apollo 13 was launched on April 11 1970, and on the way to the moon, one of its oxygen tanks exploded. There was not enough oxygen left to do research on the moon. For fear that they would run out of oxygen, the crew decided to abandon the landing. The space ship circled around the moon and then returned safely to Earth. If the crew had not judged the situation calmly, tha result would have been a terrible accident. Satsuki was deeply moved by this story. From it she learned that even if something had happens we should stay calm and have the courage to give up something important instead of being reckless. (1)(2)を次のように書き換えるとき、空所に入る語を書きなさい。 She did an Internet search (    )(    ) she could learn more about it. (2)1969年から1972年までに、アポロは何回月面着陸したと書かれているか。 (3)アポロ13号の事故とは具体的にはどのような事故だったか。日本語で説明しなさい。 次のa~eについて本文の内容にあうものは○、間違ってるものには×を書け。 a.Humans achieved the first moon landing more than 60 years ago. b.Neils Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to land on the moon. c.The apollo 13 accident occurred on the way back to Earth. d.The crew of Apollo 13 had to change thier plans because of an accident. e.Satsuki thought we need to have the courage to be reckless sometimes. お願いします!!

  • 英語の質問です!

    英語の質問です! 今、英語の勉強をしているんですが、 スペースアルクというサイトにこんな英文がありました。 It owes its prosperity to the access it has had to cheap imported materials and the fact it was able to construct its production facilities in large industrial complexes built on land reclaimed from the sea.(その背景には、安い輸入原料を確保できたこと、および生産拠点としてコンビナートが臨海埋立地に建設できたことがある。) 接続詞の'and'の後の英文はなんとか理解できたんですが、前半の'it has had to' がどういう風に文法的役割をしているのかがいまいち解りません。 単純にみてしまうとhave to~(~しなければならない)と訳してしまいたくなってしまうんですが、 サイト側の約を見ると'確保'みたいです。 何方か解り易く教えていただけませんか?よろしくお願いします!

  • 明日の英語のテストで。

    中学生のレベルなのですが・・・。 (ほぼ同じにする問題) He died two years ago. He has been (dead) for two years. なぜdeadがくるのか?dieがこないのか?この2つのちがいが・・・? The tree was very sad when it saw those people. The tree was very sad (to) (see) those people. なぜtoがくるの?かっていうのが分かりません。上のはそれらの人々を見たとき木はとても悲しかったですよね・・・・・・。

  • 英語 長文

    訳をお願いします。 The pioneer spirit or the American dream (about/as/is/often/talked) a beautiful concept, but we should remember there is dark reality behind this dream. One terrible part of this reality is the effect this dream had on the Native American population. The opportunity that the New World offered was in fact stolen from the native peoples. For the various tribes of the Americas, the American dream was a real nightmare. After the Civil War, as more white Americans in quest of gold moved westward, conflict with the Native Americans became unavoidable. The white Americans wanted to have as much land as they could in order to get gold from it. The "indians," of course, either lived on the land in question or their villages kept the way to it blocked. To the white Americans the Native Americans were annoying. They viewed them as a kind of dangerous wild beast, like a wolf or a grizzly bear, which had to be removed before they could develop the land. Then wars occurred between them, and the Indian wars resulted in many white American military "victories." They had much stronger weapons and they destroyed entire villages and killed all the people, including the women and children. A common slogan of the time was "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." One commander of the United States Army said, "If we don't kill Indians, (by/get/killed/them /we'll)." The population of the North American Indians------excluding Mexico---- went from nearly two million before the "discovery" of America to less than 250,000 by 1910. *( )内は並び替えです

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Stamp collecting began as soon as the first stamps went on sale.Since the Penny Black ( 25 ),it was a great curiosity. Many people collected Penny Blacks as souvenirs;some even tired to gather enough stamps to cover the walls of a room. It was not long before other countries began to issues stamps and collectors eagerly sought as many as they could find. In those days it was a fairly simple matter to collect all existing stamps. Now it is( 26 ). The countries of the world have issued so many thousand of stamps since 1840 that it would be impossible for any individual to collect every one of them.

  • 英語の質問です!

    Bicycling Magazine predicts that in five or six years, about 10% of all bicycles (sold) in Japan will be electric. 下線部()のsoldと同じ用法を含む文を一つ選びなさい。 (1)The tickets were all sold out. (2)James has sold his car. (3)Vegetables sold at the supermarket are always fresh. (4)Kichen goods are sold in the basement. "The project brings customers back to local shops (that) don't have enough parking space for cars". 下線部のthatと同じ用法を含む文を一つ選びなさい。 (1)I was surprised at the news that your sister had suddenly married. (2)The first woman that enterd the room was my aunt. (3)It is a great pity that many fine old buildings are being destroyed. (4)It was so hot that I could not go out. You ( ) help me if you don‘t have time. I can do the job myself. (1)aren‘t (2)don‘t have to (3)aren‘t going to (4)should to The students ( ) to hear that classes would be canceled. (1)amaze (2)amazed (3)were amazed (4)were amazing 1恐竜は1500万年前に絶滅していると信じられています。 It (for/have/is/dinosaurs/extinct/that/believed/been) fifteen million years. 解答よろしくお願いします! .

  • 英語の訳、助けてください(>_<)

    (1)Making things look better so that more people will buy them is becoming increasingly absurb. と、 (2)The manager began to tap at his keyboard. Then he removed hundreds of black dots showing the location of private aircraft. What remained on the screen were large symbols representing commercial aircraft. この二つの日本語訳がどうしてもわからなくて・・・。 お願いします、助けてください!!

  • 統計やデザインに疎いため、満足調査の結果を円グラフで表したい。
  • 選択肢は、満足、やや満足、やや不満足、不満足、はい・いいえ、上記以外がある。
  • 配色については、満足…赤、やや満足…黄、やや不満足…緑、不満足…青で表すべきか、はい…赤、いいえ…黄で表すべきか迷っている。