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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Labels Xについて)

Labels Xについて質問します


  • asuca
  • ベストアンサー率47% (11786/24626)

10.2.8の環境で確かめましたが自分のアカウント名のフォルダの中の物はアクセス権を指定しなくてもそのまま設定できるはずです。 ちなみに最新版を使っていますか?



多分最新版だと思います。V 1.5です。 これで良いのですか? 因に、ファイルメニューは表示されていますか?


  • どなたか英文の日本語に翻訳をお願いします。

    Amazon.comのヘルプページの文章です。 翻訳機を使っての翻訳分は、まったく意味が解らず困っています。 Unit label must be affixed to each unit for which you do not use the Stickerless, Commingled Inventory option. For qualifying units, Fulfillment by Amazon can apply the labels on your behalf. By choosing this option, you agree to allow Amazon to label your units in accordance with the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, FBA Label Service Pricing, and the below terms: Minimum Qualifications Condition: Any (New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished) Product Type: Any (Media and Non-media), however, be sure to review the FBA Product Restrictions to ensure that you do not send any restricted products to FBA. ASIN: Each unit must have a scannable barcode (ISBN, UPC, EAN, or JAN). The Unit's barcode must not be punched out, marked over, covered, or otherwise obstructed. If there is no scannable barcode, you will need to apply Unit labels yourself. We will, in our sole discretion, determine which of your units qualify for the FBA Label Service. We reserve the right to disqualify units that meet the above minimum qualifications If you sign up for Label Service: We will label your qualifying units in the fulfillment center using the product information you provide for such units. You will be charged the labeling fees specified in the FBA Label Service Pricing. You can opt out on a per-shipment basis to label units yourself. Your qualifying units may be split into multiple additional shipments. Creating FBA Label Service Shipments Whenever you convert a listing to Fulfillment by Amazon or replenish an existing FBA listing, if the Unit requires stickers, Amazon runs a check to determine whether it qualifies for the FBA Label Service. If the product qualifies for the FBA Label Service, you may add the product to any of your FBA Label Service shipments, or create a new FBA Label Service shipment. If the product does not qualify for the FBA Label Service, we will direct you to you add the product to other shipments of the same type. To label a shipment yourself without disabling the FBA Label Service in general, select the option "Do you want to label this shipment yourself?" that is available on the Label Items step in the Shipping Workflow. In your seller account, you can identify FBA Label Service shipments using any of the following methods: Your FBA pallet or carton labels will say FBA-PREP in the upper left hand corner. Your shipment details will say "Item Labels: Required (Label Service)." This is accessible from the View and Track button next to a shipment from the Shipping Queue. Shipments requiring self-labeling will say "Item Labels: Required (Self Label)." The Label Items step in the shipping workflow will display estimated label fees and refers to the FBA Label Service. A fee of $0.20 is charged for each unit that is labeled and received using the FBA Label Service. You can opt out on a per-shipment basis to label units yourself and not be charged labeling fees for that shipment. You can also change your default settings for the FBA Label Service at any time. どうか、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • Mac用ClamXav2.2.1のインストール法

    Mac用フリーウェアのアンチウィルス・ソフトClamXav2.2.1を入手して、一応インストールは、出来たのですが、プラグ・インのインストール方法が、英文で、かつマック用語では無い記述で、困っています。また、コンテキストメニューとか、 Contextual Menuとか出てきますが良く意味が分かりません。お手数ですが、意訳でいいですから、分かり易く下記の文章の説明をお願い致します。なお私のマシンは、 Leopardと Lionです。 How to install the "Scan with ClamXav" contextual menu plugin. For users of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Copy the main application ClamXav.app to your Applications folder. Log out and back in again (or restart if you prefer). You may now right-click (or control-click) on any items you have selected in the Finder and scan them directly with ClamXav. For users of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and 10.5 Leopard. In the Finder, go to the Go menu and choose Home. Open the Library folder which is in there. If you don't see a folder called "Contextual Menu Items" within that Library folder, create a new folder now and name it exactly: Contextual Menu Items Copy "ScanWithClamXav.plugin" to that Contextual Menu Items folder. Log out and back in again to load the plugin. You may now right-click (or control-click) on any items you have selected in the Finder and scan them directly with ClamXav. --- END OF TEXT ---

    • ベストアンサー
    • Mac
  • この文章を日本語に訳してください。

    この文章を日本語に訳してください。 Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Everything we have in stock for ebay will be listed in our store. While not all of our inventory is listed on ebay, you are welcome to check our website (www.mycomicshop.com) if you would like, for a more extensive selection of titles. We also have an online Want List, if you are interested in signing up. If an item is not in stock on our site, you can add it to your want list, and you will be notified as soon as a copy becomes available. Please understand that ebay orders and orders from our site can not be combined.

  • ifについて

    お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 We are sorry that the address labels you ordered were defective. If you will not to your envelopes, then the labels are of no use. (1)If you will not とwillが使われています。なぜ未来形willが使われているのでしょうか? (2)If you will not とIf you do not~とでは意味が違うのでしょうか? (3)これは条件節ではないのでしょうか? (4)If you have any questions, please let me know. この場合、If you wiil have any としないのは、条件節だからと考えるのでしょうか? 基本的なことがわからず申し訳ございませんが、平易にお教え頂ければ幸いでござます。

  • たびたびすみません。また訳していただきたく。

    たびたびすみません。また訳していただきたく。 お願いに上がりました。 よろしくお願いします。 The parcel which I will be sending will not attract any duty here in India. This parcel of 20 kgs will be sent only as trade sample. And the postal people will directly hand over the parcel to you in person. And so there is no question of any customs formalities or duties involved in this particular deal. You will face all these problems only when you import large quantities. I am not at all sending this parcel as regular export but only as a sample. This time I will be sending the product only as a sample to make a trial run. I will give a letter to the postal customs department it is only a trade sample to get future bulk order. So there won't be any problem in India as well as in China. If you have any doubt and you feel that there would some problem in sending the parcel to China, I can send the parcel to your Japan address. Please inform me at the earliest.

  • 英文を訳してください

    You must use email to help you build relationships, not break them. You will not be doing this if you write in a different style to how you speak. You could undo all your good work on the phone by emailing in a different and more formal way.

  • 至急。英語について。

    私、東京で一人暮らしする訳じゃないし、 それに、(あなたが私の)家に泊まるのは私のママが許さないと思う。(>_<) あと私、前も言ったけど英語だって話せないのに ずっと一緒にいるのはあなただってせっかくアメリカから来るのに楽しくないだろうし... なんか(色々考えちゃって)不安なんだよね。 と言いたいですが、 I will not live by myself in Tokyo, and my mother will not allow you to stay at my house. Moreover, as I told you before that I don't speak English, it will not be fun for you being together with me all the time in Japan especially you come from the U.S.. I am a bit worried. ↑間違っているところはないでしょうか?

  • 英語

    どれがはいりますかね? 教えてください!!訳もできればお願いします。 ・You'll arrive in London by noon(in case/ unless/since)the train in delayed. ・The outcome will be the same (unless/ since/ whether) or not jim is on our team.

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。

    僕に海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、詳しく知りたいので力を貸して頂けると有り難いです。よろしくお願いします。 * If you say "it does not serve as a bed" that typically means that it is not able to be used as a bed.  In the next sentence you mention that sometimes you like to sleep in it, so a better way to describe what you're saying could be... "A kotatsu will serve as a table, but it's not intended to be used as a bed." This way you're saying that it's not supposed to be a bed, but you could use it that way if you really wanted to. * I wasn't sure if this is what you were trying to say so I guessed.

  • ALTにメッセージを送りたい。

    ALT(英語指導助手)の方がこの7月末でアメリカに帰国します。2年間お世話になったALTに中学生から感謝のメッセージを送りたいと思います。以下の文章で、「こうしたらいい」というのがあったら教えてください。 Thank you for coming our town. MR. ○○, you’ve taught us English, American culture, and so on, since you’d come here. You brought us precious memories. We will not forget these memories and days that you spent with us. After 10 days, you will not be in our town, but these memories will not leave here from now on. Please don’t forget us and our town. We hope you will be succeed in your new life. Thanks a lot. See you again. よろしくお願いします。