• ベストアンサー


The American playwright Thornton Wilder once said: “Fighting is the best part of marriage. Everything else is so-so”. As the Michigan study shows, Wilder may have been more correct than ironic.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

アメリカの劇作家ソーントン・ワイルダーの箴言にこうある。 「争いこそ結婚の真骨頂である。残るのは可もなく不可もないものだけである」 ミシガン研究によると、ワイルダーは皮肉屋というより、正鵠を得ていたと言えそうである。

その他の回答 (2)

  • aokii
  • ベストアンサー率23% (5210/22062)

アメリカ人の劇作家ソーントンワイルダーは、昔こう言っています。 「結婚生活に一番いいのは、夫婦喧嘩をすることさ、他のことは、大したことじゃないよ。」 ミシガンの研究が示す通り、ワイルダーは皮肉を言ったのではなく、正しかったのかもしれない。


アメリカの劇作家ソーントン・ワイルダーはかつて言った。 「戦いこそ,結婚の大部分だ。(結婚生活は戦いばかり)他のことはちょっとあるだけ」 ミシガンの研究が示すように,ワイルダーの言ったことは皮肉というより正しかったのかもしれない」 (ミシガンの研究結果には,ワイルダーの言った通りの数値が出ている)


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Recent statistics hints that more and more people are opting to stay single. Nevertheless, most men and women still want to get or be married. A goodmarriage is still seen as the surest way to lead a happy, meaningful life-as the best way to ward off loneliness while still allowing each partner to grow as an individual. On the other hand, a bad marriage is not only an unhappy one, but it can also have a detrimental effect on the partner’s health. In fact, it is far less preferable health-wise than staying single. That’s the conclusion reached by a study published in the journal The Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Researchers asked 303 generally healthy people- 204 married and 99 single-detailed questions about the quality of their lives. After completing the questionnaire, the participants wore a portable blood pressure device for 24 hours as they went about their normal daily activities. Those subjects who had confessed to being trapped in an unhappy relationship had much higher levels of blood pressure, stress, depression, and overall dissatisfaction with life. As one of the authors of the study put it: “Just being married per se isn’t helpful from a health standpoint, because you can literally be worse off in an unhappy marriage. So choose wisely”. So how can an unhappy, unhealthy marriage become a good one? Another study, conducted at the University of Michigan, that tracked 192 couples for 17years indicates that a good quarrel may be the answer. Couples who suppressed their anger were found to have a mortality rate two times as high as couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the study found that couples who kept their feelings to themselves were five times more likely to be dead 17 years later. The American playwright Thornton Wilder once said: “Fighting is the best part of marriage. Everything else is so-so”. As the Michigan study shows, Wilder may have been more correct than ironic.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Recent statistics hints that more and more people are opting to stay single. Nevertheless, most men and women still want to get or be married. A goodmarriage is still seen as the surest way to lead a happy, meaningful life-as the best way to ward off loneliness while still allowing each partner to grow as an individual. On the other hand, a bad marriage is not only an unhappy one, but it can also have a detrimental effect on the partner’s health. In fact, it is far less preferable health-wise than staying single. That’s the conclusion reached by a study published in the journal The Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Researchers asked 303 generally healthy people- 204 married and 99 single-detailed questions about the quality of their lives. After completing the questionnaire, the participants wore a portable blood pressure device for 24 hours as they went about their normal daily activities. Those subjects who had confessed to being trapped in an unhappy relationship had much higher levels of blood pressure, stress, depression, and overall dissatisfaction with life. As one of the authors of the study put it: “Just being married per se isn’t helpful from a health standpoint, because you can literally be worse off in an unhappy marriage. So choose wisely”. So how can an unhappy, unhealthy marriage become a good one? Another study, conducted at the University of Michigan, that tracked 192 couples for 17years indicates that a good quarrel may be the answer. Couples who suppressed their anger were found to have a mortality rate two times as high as couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the study found that couples who kept their feelings to themselves were five times more likely to be dead 17 years later. The American playwright Thornton Wilder once said: “Fighting is the best part of marriage. Everything else is so-so”. As the Michigan study shows, Wilder may have been more correct than ironic.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 You will attain a marriage partnership, that will be permanent, solid, and secure. A marriage that will be worth waiting for and enduring some emotional or physical hardship for. This obstacle is shown by the planet Saturn who is retrograde and just on the border of the horoscope area where he could have a mild influence, so the obstacle is not as deep and difficult as you may fear. It may just be that the courtship is very slow to move forwards.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 The progressively critical,We may call it scientific,approach to brain study is shown in the juxtaposition of drawings spanning a period of less than half a century. The first is a famous and muchcopied drawing by the monk Gregor Reisch.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 In modern timees , with the motorcar and the airplane, the desert may be said to have been conquered so far as travel is concerned . But it has been conquered in other ways. The send of the desert , blown by the winds , advances yard by yard over the cultivated fields. Many lands that once were cultivated have been changed into deserts . Sand covers the wells and canals that once watered fields . This has largely been caused by the scarcity of rainfall 長文すいません。 お願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Recent statistics hints that more and more people are opting to stay single. Nevertheless, most men and women still want to get or be married. A goodmarriage is still seen as the surest way to lead a happy, meaningful life-as the best way to ward off loneliness while still allowing each partner to grow as an individual. On the other hand, a bad marriage is not only an unhappy one, but it can also have a detrimental effect on the partner’s health. In fact, it is far less preferable health-wise than staying single. That’s the conclusion reached by a study published in the journal The Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Researchers asked 303 generally healthy people- 204 married and 99 single-detailed questions about the quality of their lives. After completing the questionnaire, the participants wore a portable blood pressure device for 24 hours as they went about their normal daily activities. Those subjects who had confessed to being trapped in an unhappy relationship had much higher levels of blood pressure, stress, depression, and overall dissatisfaction with life. As one of the authors of the study put it: “Just being married per se isn’t helpful from a health standpoint, because you can literally be worse off in an unhappy marriage. So choose wisely”. So how can an unhappy, unhealthy marriage become a good one? Another study, conducted at the University of Michigan, that tracked 192 couples for 17years indicates that a good quarrel may be the answer. Couples who suppressed their anger were found to have a mortality rate two times as high as couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the couples who regularly expressed their dissatisfaction. Even more telling, the study found that couples who kept their feelings to themselves were five times more likely to be dead 17 years later.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分になります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He may have a love of children and will make an excellent father or step father. Jupiter tend to give greater wealth and prospects in the second half of his life than in the first so materially he should advance in life and have a good future ahead of him with regard to career and material things. This sign often gives a liking for mountains, Royal castles or palaces, parliament buildings and grand old cities In the long term his chart shows a tendency to move to a different area after the marriage.

  • 次の()内の語を適切な時制に直して和訳しください

    1) The TV news said that a lion (break) out of its cage. 2) I waved my hand so that she (may) notice me. 3) She said she (can’t) understand what I (mean). 4) It is reported that they (have) no rain since the beginning of this month.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Once you give your heart, your love is unchanging, eternal, and this man in your eyes will be forgiven most past faults, or given a second chance. Once you find love, you are reliable and discreet, helpful and capable of organizing your partners life as well as looking after him, practical and serious, you pay attention to the smaller details of love and your partners needs. This may encourage you lover to be selfish or thoughtless. He may not appreciate you because you are modest and don't point out the many invisible things you do for him, the effort of your caring, and thoughtfulness the making everything just right for him. You are capable of such great loyalty and devotion on the emotional level. Your soul mate is a shining star, a man who has met the high standard that your soul desires. But you demand little in return from him, so you may be taken for granted, once the love become old and settled.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1文節の後半部分です。 ちぐはぐですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 There will be may be obstacles to the marriage or relationship between you initially. Things will happen much more slowly than you really want. In his own life he it will seem to him that things have always happened slow, or at a later time for him than for most people, that his struggle has been harder and longer. Including the struggle to find love. The courtship and wedding ceremony may come within a two year period of sorrows and tragedies in the soul mates life. It will be not be lavish but it will be a nice ceremony., that feels exactly right for you. This will be a lasting marriage. He is a partner for whom marriage and love become a duty and commitment. With Saturn in the seventh house it is generally more favorable for marriages later in life than in youth. But if you become unhappy or tire of this union and then wish to be free of it. It will be in your own hands to separate and divorce. Divorce will not follow if the action for it rests in the hand of the soul mate.