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  • sayshe
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年配者 1つの広く認められた定義は、老年期の始まりを65歳の退職時に定めます。しかし、研究文献では、しばしば「老人」と認定されるグループは、60歳や55歳にまでさえ範囲が下がります。 さらに、年齢による職業差別を禁じる最近の連邦規則によって、退職は、平均して65歳以上の幅広い年齢で行われることになるでしょう。明らかに、ライフサイクルの大部分の他の期間と同様に、老年はその始まりに関して任意の時点を持つことになります。それにもかかわらず、社会は、老年ははっきりとした時期であると考え、この期間に人がいかにふるまうべきかと言うことについて、型にはまった信条を持っています。



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  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    In old age, in contrast, the usual cause of losing a spouse is death, and the death is likely to be gradual in onset. Consequently, in principle an old person should have time to prepare for the crisis of losing a spouse, who has become ill. In practice, it turns out that the warning signs are seldom heeded; after all, as pointed out earlier, we are not given the kinds of training-socialization-that would prepare us to meet normal life crises. Consequently, loss of a spouse in old age may be as psychologically sudden in onset as in early adulthood, in effect. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    One stereotype is that of the elder statesman, the repository of tribal lore and accumulated wisdom at whose feet the young sit for counsel and instruction. Another stereotype has the elders enjoying the leisure made possible by a comfortable retirement pension, pursing long-postponed but loved avocations-reading great literature, or writing it, painting, building, gardening, traveling. A third stereotype refers to the serenity of old age; the elderly contemplate a life well spent and face the inevitability of their own death with equanimity. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    The maximum length of human life probably hasn’t increased much since the Stone Age, Kohn said. Modern medicine, improved sanitation and better nutrition have enabled many more people to live from birth to ten years of age, but have done little to add anything to the life span of older people. “Life expectancy at 65 has been affected very little by progress. Maybe it’s gone up a year or two in the last 80 years, he said” (From “Adult’s Life: No Longer Now Than Stone Age Man’s Life” in Spectator, March 1978. Reprinted by permission of the University of Iowa Press). Although not relative to the issues under consideration here, it is worth-while to point out two places where the article skirts dangerously close to the misuse of statistics. First, while the maximum length of human life has perhaps not changed much since the Stone Age, as asserted, the average length of human life has probably increased enormously. It increased by 59 percent in the present century alone. Second, life expectancy at 65 has actually gone up more than “a year or two” in the last 80 years: it has gone up about 3.3 years, which gains in impressiveness when you consider that this is a 28 percent increase over the life expectancy of 11.9 years at age 65 in 1900. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Retirement Early retirement is being encouraged through special-incentive programs in many businesses, universities and in the federal government, and many employees are choosing early retirement. However, the population that is now at or near retirement age has been poorly socialized for retirement. During their youth, these people learned that success is measured by productivity and economic gain-the American “work ethic”. お願いします。

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    Retirement can be successful, however. In one study of automobile workers who retired early or at the usual age, satisfaction with retirement was greater when: (1) they had planned the retirement, (2) their health was good, (3) their standard of living was at least as good as before retirement, (4) their income was high, (5) they were well educated, and (6) the company had a preretirement program. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Therefore, they are not prepared to enjoy leisure (Birren & Woodruff, 1973). The result is that many who retire are unhappy, and many who could retire choose to continue working. Retirement is seem as a kind of punishment, with consequent loss of self-esteem which sometimes result in suicide. During adulthood and old age, the suicide rate remains fairly level, at around 5 to 15 per 100,000 persons, except in white males, for whom the rate increases throughout adulthood and is greatest in old age (Toll,1975). お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    Men undergo no critical stage like menopause, and may remain fertile throughout middle and old age. Physiological changes occur, however, and affect sexual functioning. Sexual activity usually drops in frequency in middle and old age, but it still occurs even in old age, in spite of the stereotype of old age as sexless (except for "dirty old men"). お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Cognitive ability Old age is a time in which some cognitive powers wane, although others do not, at least not until a few years before death. Let’s examine what is known about memory and intelligence of the elderly. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Note that in the twenty-nine centuries between 1000 B.C. and 1900, life expectancy increased by almost thirty years, and in the seventy years between 1900 and it increased almost another twenty-four years. These striking increases are misleading, however, because the averages reflect to a very large extent reductions in infant mortality. The figures we have been discussing-the ones in the first row of the second section-are life expectancies at birth. The second row of this table shows the life expectancies at the age of sixty-five years. It can be seen that in 1970, the average sixty-five-year-old could expect to live about fifteen more years, to the age of about eighty-nine years longer than the average life expectancy of the newborn infant. That is, when you were born you could expect to live seventy-one years, and as you grew older and survived longer, you could expect to live longer. (See P&L Close-up, Life Expectancy: How Long Is long?) お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんんか?

    Loss of spouse During the early years of life, loss of souse is certainly not a normally encountered crisis. After adolescence, however, it becomes increasingly common with increasing age. During the early years of adulthood, divorce cause loss of a spouse much more often than death does. Incidentally, the crisis of losing a spouse is more likely to have a gradual onset in the early adult years than a sudden onset, because during these years divorce-the more usual cause of losing a spouse-is likely to result from a gradual buildup of tensions, while death-the less common cause of losing a spouse-is likely to have a sudden onset. The most common cause of death in early adulthood, as in adolescence, is accident. お願いします。