- ベストアンサー
1.次の文の( )内に入る最も適切な語句を下から選び、記号で答えよ。 You ought to ( ) than to go such a dangerous place. (ア)have better (イ)know better (ウ)make better (エ)turn better 2.日本語の意味になるように、( )内から適切な語句を選び、記号で答えよ。 (1)私達の家は君の家の2倍の大きさだ。 Our house is twice the ( (ア)width (イ)extent (ウ)size (エ)large) of yours. (2)お好きなだけクッキーを取って下さい。 Please take ( (ア)how many cookies (イ)so many cookies (ウ)as many cookies (エ)the many cookies) as you like. (3)私達は皆その事を期待していなかっただけに、それだけ一層喜んだ。 We were all the ( (ア)less (イ)none (ウ)more) delighted because we had not expected it. (4)イギリス人だったら、そんな風には発音しないでしょう。 An Englishman ( (ア)doesn't pronounce (イ)wouldn't pronounce (ウ)didn't pronounce (エ)wouldn't have pronounced) it like that. (5)その海岸は美しかった!もっと長く滞在できたらよかったのだが。 The beach was beautiful! I wish I ( (ア)have stayed (イ)could have stayed (ウ)can stay (エ)will stay) longer. (6)もしあの時十分に時間があったら、私は休暇で沖縄へ行けただろう。 If I ( (ア)would have (イ)had (ウ)have had (エ)had had) enough time, I could have gone to Okinawa on vacation. (7)この絵は見れば見る程魅力的です。 The more I look at this picture, ( (ア)less (イ)more (ウ)the less (エ)the more) attractive it looks. (8)彼は恥ずかしがり屋だから、かえって好きです。 I like him ( (ア)much (イ)such (ウ)all (エ)as) the better for his shyness. (9)彼は私の3倍もの数の本を持っている。 He has three times the ( (ア)collection (イ)number (ウ)volume (エ)size) of my books. (10)彼女はそんな事をするほど馬鹿ではない。 She knows ( (ア)worse than (イ)less than (ウ)better than (エ)more than) to do such a thing. (11)一生懸命働いた後に休息を取るほど楽しい事はない。 Nothing is ( (ア)most pleasant (イ)as pleasant (ウ)such pleasant (エ)more pleasant) than taking a rest after hard work. (12)馬が魚でないのと同様、鯨は魚ではない。 A whale is no ( (ア)less (イ)more (ウ)better (エ)longer) a fish than a horse is. (13)私があなたを援助できれば良いのだが。 I wish I ( (ア)can help (イ)could have helped (ウ)could help (エ)helped) you. (14)私はとても疲れていた。もしそうでなければ、昨晩君と一緒にパーティーに出かけただろう。 I was very tired. Otherwise, I ( (ア1)had gone (イ)went (ウ)would go (エ)would have gone) to the party with you last night. (15)暑い時には食欲を失いがちであるため、夏には冬ほど体重が増えそうにない。 You are ( (ア)less likely (イ)less unlikely (ウ)very likely (エ)very unlikely) to gain weight in summer than in winter because you tend to lose your appetite when it is hot.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
1. (イ)know better あなたはそんな危険なところに行かないだけの分別を持つべきです。 2. (1) Our house is twice the size of yours.(ウ) (2) Please take as many cookies as you like.(ウ) (3) We were all the more delighted because we had not expected it.(ウ) (4) An Englishman wouldn't pronounce it like that.(イ) (5) The beach was beautiful! I wish I could have stayed longer.(イ) (6) If I had had enough time, I could have gone to Okinawa on vacation.(エ) (7) The more I look at this picture, the more attractive it looks.(エ) (8) I like him all the better for his shyness.(ウ) (9) He has three times the number of my books.(イ) (10) She knows better than to do such a thing.(ウ) (11) Nothing is more pleasant than taking a rest after hard work.(エ) (12) A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.(イ) (13) I wish I could help you.(ウ) (14) I was very tired. Otherwise, I would have gone to the parth with you last night.(エ) (15) You are less likely to gain weight in summer than in winter because you tend to lose your appetite when it is hot.(ア)