• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳がしっくりしません。 助けてください。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

と訳しましたが "either jointly as well as severally" の部分の訳し方に自信がありません。   「連帯あるいは個々の形で」は如何でしょう。下記をご覧下さい。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/severally/UTF-8/



"単独かつ共同の何れかの形で” = ”連帯あるいは個々の形で” ですっきりですね。 either を無理矢理そのまま訳そうとした結果おかしくなってしまいました。 助かりました。 有難うございます。


  • 以下和訳お願いします!

    (1)Jeff drank coffee as well as tea. (2)Jeff likes dancing as well as singing. (3)Jenny comes from either New York or California. (4)My sister is either in her room or inthe garden.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    The Directors may from time to time appoint one(1) or more of their body to the office of Managing Director, for such period and on such terms and conditions as they think fit, and may entrust to and confer upon such Managing Director(s) any or all of the powers exercisable by the Directors generally subject to such restrictions as the Directors may impose. 自分が訳したのはこれです。ご指摘ください。 取締役は、時には、適切だと思う期間中に、適切だと思う条件及び状況に応じて取締役会の中から1名または1名以上の最高経営責任者を任命し、一般的に取締役会が制限する内容に従って最高経営責任者に取締役会が行使できるすべての権力を与える。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    You mentioned eggs…I always keep hard boiled eggs on hand as well as a variety of nuts (almonds, macadamias, cashews) or home made sweetener-free granola. When I get snacky, I grab one of those and go! よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    至急回答おねがいします(>_<) there is no reason to belabor this line of analysis. it is unrealistic to expect either member of the judiciary or state officials to be well versed in the rigors of experimental or statistical technique. なんとなく意味は分かる気がするのですが うまく日本語になおせません よろしくおねがいします(>_<)

  • この英文を翻訳してもらえますか?

    以下の英文を読み解こうとしたのですが、難しくてできませんでした。 これを翻訳してもらえますでしょうか? どうかよろしくお願いいたします。 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, on the death of either party: (a) the surviving party will not share in any testate or intestate benefit from the estate; (b) the surviving party will not act as personal representative of the deceased; and (c) the estate of the deceased party will be distributed as if the surviving party had died first.

  • 1文 翻訳  英語が得意な方よろしくお願いします。 

    PROMISSORY NOTEの中の禁止事項の1文です。 言いたいことは分かるのですがうまく訳せません。 ちなみに私の情けない訳をしたにつけましたがなんか変ですよね?メーカーは振出人って訳ではおかしいでしょうか? (a) furnishing of any representation or statement by Maker to AAA Club which is false or misleading in any material respect, either as of the date of this Note, or as of the date the statement is made or furnished. この覚書の日付又は供述の日付以降に、振出人による いかなる事項における虚偽、または誤解を与えるようなAAAクラブへの主張、供述の作成、供与

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分となりますので、内容が中途半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There is a tendency to either platonic attachments or to secret clandestine relationships, with people you are totally captivated by, enthralled by, but suffer with long periods of waiting for the return on your investment of love. But life can be as lonely as it is beautiful with such a relationship.. You need the dream in your heart or the world is a lonelier place to live

  • 海外子会社の増資

    部分的にわからないとこがあるので教えてください。 1. Your Japanese Headquarters (i.e. holding company) should sign the application for shares and also the shareholders' resolution of the HK subsidiary in the capacity of the shareholders 取締役会議事録に発行株式数を銘記していないとだめなのでしょうか。サインというのは代表者のサインか 2. The HK subsidiary must hold board minutes. If the directors of the HK subsidiary are also directors of the Japanese holding company and are residing in Japan, the directors should act in the capacity of the HK subidiary and pass board resolutions to approve the allotment of shares. Theoretically, the directors of the Japanese holding company should also have approved the capital increase in a board meeting, if board minutes are available, please also let us have a copy for records. The document does not have to be signed in front of a notary public as this is only for internal record purpose. There is no need for the absent directors to arrange power of attorney as long as there is sufficient number of directors who can constitute a quorum for meetings. However, we do need a copy of the remittance advice showing that money has actually been remitted from the holding company to the HK subsidiary otherwise we cannot state in the Form SC1 that the shares are paid. 子会社があるHKの会社の増資に関する取締役会議事録が 必要で欠席した取締役の委任状までは必要ない。とすれば、形式的な取締役会の議事録でいいのでしょうか。

  • 英文翻訳をお願いいたします。

    The British notes taken during a meeting of the The Big Four held in Paris on March 20, 1919 and attended by Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando as well as Lloyd George and Lord Balfour, and Lloyd George explained the British point of view concerning the agreement. The notes revealed that the blue area in which France was "allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they may desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States" did not include, according to the British, Damascus, Homs, Hama, or Aleppo. In area A (the blue area in the map) France was "prepared to recognise and uphold an independent Arab State or Confederation of Arab States'.

  • 社債を取得できる権利とは

    DIRECTORS’ RIGHT TO ACQUIRE SHARES OR DEBENTURES None of the Directors or their respective associates was granted by the Company or its subsidiary any right to acquire shares or debentures of the Company or any other body corporate, or had exercised any such right as at 30 September 2010. 財務の件も兼ねて質問します。株を取得する権利は理解きますが社債を取得権利とはどのようなことでしょうか。