
  • 政府は、東京電力への援助に条件を設けた。
  • その条件には、補償額に限度を設けないことや、合理化とコスト削減に努力することが含まれている。
  • さらに、会社の経営と債権に第三者の関与を受け入れることも求められている。
  • ベストアンサー


次の英文の和訳の添削をお願いします。 But the goverment's helping hand came with conditions to which Tepco agreed,including setting no ceiling on compensation,making maximum efforts to streamline and cut costs,and agreeing to a third-party examination of the utility's management and assets. 「しかし、政府は、補償額に限度を設けないこと、合理化とコスト削減に最大限の努力を払うこと、会社の経営と債権に第三者の関与を承知することを、東京電力が承知することを条件に、援助した。」

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

・長い文章で読点がたくさんあるので「しかし政府は」と繋げてみました。 ・「限度」を「上限」としてみました。 ・"third-party examination" 悩みますね。"involvement" ではないので「関与」とも言い難いし...。 ・冒頭で "to which Tepco agreed" となっていることから、東京電力が条件に合意したことは既成事実と判断できます。ここは肝心なところだと思います。 ・"including" とあるので他にも条件があると解釈し「等」としました。 ・政府は援助をすることを決めたものの、実際の援助はこれからの事になると思うので「援助の手を差し伸べることにした」としました。 「しかし政府は、補償額に上限を設けないこと、合理化とコスト削減に最大限の努力を払うこと、会社の経営と資産管理に第三者が加わること等の条件を東京電力が呑んだため、援助の手を差し伸べることにした。」



ご回答どうも有難うございました。 大変よくわかるご説明で助かりました。 当方は長文の英語が苦手です。 その当方にもよくわかる、ご丁寧なご回答ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)


英語の構造としては conditions to which Tepco「東電が同意した条件」の説明として, including ~「~を含めて」とあって,A, B, and C と3つの ing 形が並列されています。 だが,補償額に上限を設けないこと,合理化とコスト削減に最大限の努力を払うこと,および会社の経営と資産の第三者による監査を認めることを含めた,東電が同意した条件とともに,政府の援助の手が差し伸べられたのである。 以上が直訳です。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 come withとincludingで悩みました。 長文の和訳は不得意です。 よくわかりました。 ありがとうございました。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

     Joe was not a good student. He tried hard, but he was not clever enough to understand everything that he was supposed to learn. In fact, whenever Joe had examinations in the past, he had become so nervous that he could not even remember the little he had learned in class. He would sit there, holding his pen tight and scratching his head while other students were busily writing their answers.  Then the time came for the final examination, and Joe spent sleepless nights trying to remember everything he had been taught that year, so that when he went into the examination hall, he was tired and unhappy.  The examination papers were handed out, and Joe looked quickly at his copy. The first question was as difficult as he had feared. He read it through several times, and then slowly began to write, but nothing seemed to come easily. Soon he began to sweat, and the drops fell on the paper.  To try to gain the teacher's sympathy, he drew rings round the drops with his pen and wrote 'MY SWEAT' under them.  The examination finished, and Joe met his friends in the entrance to the hall. They had found the examination easy, they said. "Of course they would!" Joe thought bitterly.  A few weeks later the students' examination papers were returned to them with their grades. Joe's friends had all passed, but Joe's grade was 'E', which meant that he had failed.  Then, when he looked at his paper more carefully, he saw that there were some more marks of water on it, and under them the teacher had written 'MY TEARS.' 長いですが、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    We obtained data from the Grand Slam Tennis Archive, http://wwwtennis.ukf.net/, on the results and score lines of all four of men's Grand Slam events since the Open Era began in 1968 and Wimbledon, the US Open, the Australian Open and the French Open all agreed to allow professional tennis players to compete against amateurs, to the US Open in 2012.

  • 和訳

    WASHINGTON (Reuters)  Regional Federal Reserve banks favored keeping interest rates low in November because of the risk an economic pickup might falter on weakening consumer spending. "Under these circumstances and with inflation and inflation expectations at modest levels, directors agreed that the current accommodative stance of monetary policy remained appropriate," minutes issued by the U.S. central bank said. At the conclusion of a two-day meeting on November 4, the central bank's policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee said it was sticking to a commitment to keep borrowing costs near zero for "an extended period." の和訳をお願いします

  • 和訳を教えて下さい(´;ω;`)

    In spite of all your child's efforts and desire to become independent and your best efforts to let go ,there may be other forces that complicate or slow your beat-Iaid plans . Your child may have some persistent problem areas that prevent moving forward ,or you may be trying to handle other stresses in your life (e.g., marital, health, or financial problems) that interfere with your best intentions. There also may be obstacles in the community -a lack of resources or resources or resistant attitudes that make your child's transition into the world outside the parental home a dif-ficult and frustrating experience .

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 With limited surface water and depleting ground water resources, desalination is the key to meeting the inexorable rise in demand for water resulting from economic growth and expanding populations. Already, more than half of all the world’s desalination capacity is located in the Arab countries. Yet, in the United Arab Emirates, to take just one example, seawater desalination requires about 10 times more energy than pumping water from wells. Costs are projected to increase by 300 percent between 2010 and 2016 according to Masdar’s estimates.

  • 和訳の訂正をお願いします。

    だいたい言いたいことはつかんでいると思うのですが、雑な訳になっているかもしれませんので… 和訳の訂正をお願いします。 Above the ground, the Main Concourse features a ceiling painted to look like the night sky, with stars shining down. メインコンコースの特徴は夜空で地上に星が降るように塗られた天井だ。 Over the years, smoke blackened this beautiful ceiling. 数年にわたって、煙がこの美しい天井を黒くした。 Although people thought smoke from trains was the cause, it was actually tobacco smoke! 列車の煙が原因だと人々は考えたが、実際はたばこの煙が原因だった! However, it has since been cleaned and now shows its original beauty. しかしながら、それから綺麗になり、今は元の美しさを表している。 In the name of modernization, plans were made to destroy GCT in the 1960s. 近代化の名のもとに、1960年代にGCTを破壊する計画があった。 However, many people objected, and finally New York decided GCT was worth saving. しかしながら、多くの人々が反対し、また最終的にニューヨークは、GCTが保護する価値があると決定した。 In 1970, the U.S. Government agreed. 1970年には、アメリカ政府が同意した。 It made all Americans and ensuring its continued protection. それはアメリカ人およびその継続的な保護のすべての保証になった。 One threatened with destruction, Grand Central Terminal continues to give pleasure to passengers and sightseers in Manhattan. 破壊の恐れの一つとして、グランド・セントラル・ターミナルはマンハッタンで乗客と観光客に楽しみを与え続ける。

  • 英文の添削お願いいたします。替え玉

    1「その母親は娘の代わりにA大学を受験して合格したが、そのあと、それが発覚して入学を取り消された(A大学は入学を取り消した。 )」 2「彼は友達に運転免許の替え玉受験をさせて免許を取得した。そのあと替え玉受験が発覚して免許を取り消され逮捕された。」 1.「The mother took an entrance examination for University A in place of her daughter and passed it. Then, it was found out, and the entrance to school was canceled./University A canceled her entrance to school.」 2.「He let his friend do a substitute examination of a driver's license and acquired it. After that/Then, the substitute examination was found out, and the driver’s license was canceled and then he ware arrested. 」 また、「発覚する」をdiscoveredやcame to lightに置き換えることは可能でしょうか?またproxyという単語が代理人(替え玉になる人物)として使うならhave/let his freind take an entrance exam for A university as ~のような形で用いるべきでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳おねがいします。

    He went into thank Sharyn and the other membeers of the marine rescue group, a totally voluntary organisation with groups responsible for saving lives up and down the coast of Australia . He's even helping them to recreate the scenario to help with their training. これを訳したら、 「彼はsharyn、海上救助隊のほかのメンバー、自ら進んでオーストラリアの海岸で命を救う責任があるグループを持つ団体にお礼をしに行った。彼はトレーニングを再現することを手伝っている。」 と理解できない訳になってしまいました。 up and down などもうまく訳すことができなかったです・・・。 よろしければ、間違っているところなど教えてもらいたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削してください

    *全文訳していただかなくて大丈夫です。 The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) is a federally-financed but state-administered program that provides food assistance to people of limited income and assets. President Trump’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget proposes making states partially responsible for financing SNAP, phasing in the state share of spending to 25 percent in six years. In addition, this option would make more narrow reductions to the program, including eliminating increased benefits for those getting low-income energy assistance, tightening work requirement waivers for able-bodied adults, and limiting automatic eligibility (regardless of income and assets) to those also receiving low-income cash benefits. かなり長いので全文訳していただかないく大丈夫です。 ここで言われていることを簡単にまとめると、 「国家管理プログラム=低収入、および低資産の人々に食料(?)の援助をすること」 *これは資金(お金)ではなく、食料を援助する、ということですよね? そして最後の文章なのですが 「低所得者でこのプログラムの支援を受けている人の増加をなくす(減らす?)。優秀な成人の労働条件の撤回を強化する。」 その後がわからないのですが(and limiting automatic eligibility (regardless of income and assets) to those also receiving low-income cash benefits.)こちらを簡単でいいので訳していただけないでしょうか? また、私の訳文が違っていたら、そちらも訂正してもらえると有難いです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 至急和訳お願いいたします!

    October 2, 2013 Obama Sets Conditions for Talks: Pass Funding and Raise Debt Ceiling By JACKIE CALMES and JONATHAN WEISMAN WASHINGTON — In their first meeting since a budget impasse shuttered many federal operations, President Obama told Republican leaders on Wednesday that he would negotiate with them only after they agreed to the funding needed to reopen the government and also to an essential increase in the nation’s debt limit, without add-ons. The president’s position reflected the White House view that the Republicans’ strategy is failing. His meeting with Congressional leaders, just over an hour long, ended without any resolution. As they left, Republican and Democratic leaders separately reiterated their contrary positions to waiting reporters. The House speaker, John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, said Mr. Obama “will not negotiate,” while the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, said Democrats would agree to spending at levels already passed by the House. “My friend John Boehner cannot take ‘yes’ for an answer,” Mr. Reid said. The meeting was the first time that the president linked the two actions that he and a divided Congress are fighting over this month: a budget for the fiscal year that began on Tuesday and an increase in the debt ceiling by Oct. 17, when the Treasury Department will otherwise breach its authority to borrow the money necessary to cover the nation’s existing obligations to citizens, contractors and creditors.