科学論文翻訳の添削のお願い その7
因みにA thin polymer membrane, nano-suit, enhancing survival across the continuum between air and high vacuum という論文です.
(1)Untreated and treated specimens showed decreases in weight of 70.3 ± 4.6% and 11.3 ± 2.7%, respectively, after 30 min in vacuo (n = 25).
(2)These results strongly suggest that the artificial ECS played a significant role as an extra barrier ameliorating the effects of high vacuum.
(3)In addition, we found that the fine structure of the surviving larvae was completely different from that of untreated specimens and traditionally prepared specimens (Fig. S4).
(4)In the present study, each segment of the living animal seemed perfectly preserved and complete (Fig. 2 L and M), with ample body fluid (haemolymph) apparently retained inside.
(5)Following traditional preparation, shrinkage of the body was inevitable (Fig. S4A) and distinct furrows and alternating ridges (Fig. S4B, arrows) were identical to those of untreated specimens (Fig. 2I, arrows).
(5)従来の前処理後に(に続いて),体の収縮は予測できた(図S4A).そして,注目すべきしわおよび交互に並んでいる突起部(図S4B 矢印)は,それらの未処理の試料と同一であった.
(6)There were many wrinkles in the furrows in the two control treatments (Fig. 2I and Fig. S4B, arrowheads), but such wrinkles were completely absent in the treated specimen (Fig. 2N, Fig. S4D, and Movie S4).
(6)2つの比較処理の深いしわの中には多くのしわがある(図2Iおよび図S4B 矢印),しかし,このような深いしわは,処理試料では完全になくなって(欠けて)いた(図2N 図S4Dおよび映像S4).
(7)TEM images clearly showed that the surface of the treated specimen was covered with a nano-suit of ∼50- to 100- nm thickness (Fig. 2O).
(7)TEM画像は,処理された試料が50~100nmの厚みのナノスーツで覆われていることを明確に示した(図2 O).
(8)Although high-magnification imaging (∼×200,000) of treated specimens was possible only when the living animals remained motionless during scanning, the neatly ordered structures covered by the nano-suit suggest that the natural surface structure of the animal is conserved and strongly supports our notion that the nano-suit can preserve the “real-life appearance” down to microscopic details (Fig. S5).
(8) 処理された試料の高拡大図(20,000倍)は,唯一,生き残っているの可能性があったとはいえ,生きている動物は,走査中じっとしていたときだけ, きちんと 順序だてられた 構造は,「ナノスーツは動物の自然な表面構造が保存された.また,“実在の外観”が 微細な全体を構成する個々の要素の一つ一つ(図S5)に至までナノスーツが 守ることができる という我々の考え(イメージ)を強く支持することを示唆した.」 覆われたことにより,可能になった.
(9)Finally, we examined whether the component of the nano-suit can be fabricated as a biocompatible membrane (11).
(10)A diluted solution of Tween 20 was spread by spin casting on a glass substrate, directly irradiated by plasma, and floated on a water surface.
(11)This method differs from earlier ones that involved vapor deposition (Discussion).
(12)The fabricated free-standing membrane (Fig. 3B) was insoluble in both water and ethanol, clearly showing the effects of plasma polymerization (8).
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