I made a purchase on Alibaba.com and received an email confirming the full shipment. However, I later received another email stating that the payment cannot be released because the tracking number is invalid. I'm confused about the part that asks me to confirm if I have received the full shipment. Do I need to contact the supplier to confirm?
I made a purchase on Alibaba.com and received confirmation of the full shipment. However, I also received an email stating that the payment cannot be released due to an invalid tracking number. I'm not sure if I need to contact the supplier to confirm if I have received the full shipment.
I bought something on Alibaba.com and received an email saying that the full shipment has been made. But now I got another email saying that the payment cannot be released because the tracking number is invalid. I don't understand if I need to contact the supplier to confirm if I have received the full shipment or not.
full shipment確認(英文の意味が?)
Alibaba.comで買い物をしました。PAYPALで支払い、Status:Order Complete.となり11/11に次のメールを受け取りました。
Full Shipment Made for Order No. 10008xxxxx
Full shipment has been made for Order no. 10008xxxxx. You can track delivery on DHL ’s website using the tracking number, 73920xxxx. Please confirm delivery within 27 days of receipt.If you are not satisfied with the shipment or if the shipment did not arrive within 27 days, you
can submit a Refund Request here.
Please be kindly advised that the payment of order 10008xxxxx cannot be released right now because the tracking number is invalid. Please confirm if you have received the full shipment for your Order No. 10008xxxxx. If you have not received your full shipment, please contact us before
19 Nov 2010 . If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you have received your shipment in satisfactory condition and payment will be released to the supplier.
上記の「Please confirm if you have received the full shipment for your Order No. 10008xxxxx.If you have not received your full shipment~」部分がよくわかりません。
ありがとうございます。 まだ手元には届いてはいないのですが、香港からの発送なので11月18日ぐらいまで待ってみ ることにします。