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The Promise of the Digital Revolution


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  • 【急ぎ!】和訳をおねがいします!長文です

    1 Much of the work of top business executives depends on giving information verbally. 2 The author says the art of listening is more usuful in business than in any other field. 3 U.S. college students rarely devote their time to listening to discussions and lectures in their classes. 4 Probably, we get most of our ideas and information by listening to television, radio, conversations, and lectures. 5 The best way to improve our speeches is to reflect on our own speeches every time.

  • 日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    About Freight Forwarders and Hand Carry Using a freight forwarder to ship or hand-carrying items internationally may result in complications not covered by Amazon. If a freight forwarder or hand-carrying is used, the following terms will apply: Amazon won't be responsible for damage, defect, material difference, or loss that occurs to goods after they're delivered to you or a freight forwarder. This means that Amazon isn't able to provide a replacement of, or refund for, any such goods delivered to you or a freight forwarder. You should refuse goods that arrive damaged and instruct freight forwarders to do the same, and goods lost after being received by you or the freight forwarder will be your responsibility. If you (or a freight forwarder you so designate) have a U.S. address, purchase goods from Amazon.com to be shipped to a U.S. location, and then subsequently export the goods, you or the designated freight forwarder are considered the exporter and are solely responsible for compliance with all export and import regulations, including all U.S. export regulations and the import regulations of the destination country. Amazon must not be listed on any export documentation (e.g., export declarations, invoices, packing lists, etc.). If you (or a freight forwarder you so designate) do not have a U.S. address and purchase goods from Amazon.com to be shipped to a U.S. location, you or the designated freight forwarder may not subsequently export the goods without prior written authorization from Amazon. Products not offered for export directly from Amazon.com, which you export yourself or through a freight forwarder may not be returned to Amazon. Products offered for export directly from Amazon.com, which you export yourself or through a freight forwarder may be returned to Amazon, provided that you are responsible for acting as the importer of record and all the costs associated with returning the goods to Amazon. Amazon will not serve as the importer of record on returns that were originally exported by you or a freight forwarder. You may locate Amazon's return address by using the Online Returns Center and viewing the Return Mailing Label. Note: The Return Mailing Label is for U.S. domestic shipments only. In order to use an Amazon pre-paid Return Mailing Label, you must first return the goods to a U.S. address. Then, use the Return Mailing Label to return the goods to the Amazon fulfillment center listed on the Return Mailing Label from that U.S. address. In addition, you become the exporter and importer of record of the shipment; title and risk of loss transfer to Amazon upon receipt of the goods at Amazon's fulfillment center listed on the Return Mailing Label.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いできませんか。

    利用しているマネーブッカーズというサイトから下記のような英文が届いていました。 ヤフーの翻訳で翻訳してみたのですがいまいちよくわかりません。 英語が達者な方がおられましたらお助けください。 We thank you for choosing Moneybookers as your online payment processor. Please read this email carefully as it contains instructions on how to become a fully verified customer. Your account with Moneybookers has been temporarily restricted until we have confirmed your identity and personal details. Moneybookers, as an FSA (Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom) regulated non-banking financial institution, is obligated to collect personally identifiable information. Any information you provide us with will only be disclosed in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. Moneybookers protects your account information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. We will only use your personal information to service your account and to improve our services to you. In order to become a fully verified customer and have your Moneybookers account unrestricted, we hereby kindly ask you to send us a copy of the following documentation and information: 1) A full colour copy of a valid, official identification document; such as your international passport (double page), national identity card or drivers licence (front and back), a copy is required to verify your identity. 2) A copy of a paper utility bill (Gas Bill/Electricity Bill) or bank statement issued in the last three months clearly displaying your name and address that has been received at the registered postal address detailed on your Moneybookers account, this is required to verify your address. Please make sure all four corners of the above requested documents are clearly visible and that the documents have not been altered in any form or way. Electronically issued documents and Mobile phone bills will not be accepted. In order to submit the above requested documents, please login to your Moneybookers account and follow the below steps: Contact > Support Centre > Account/Security > ‘You have requested information and/or documents from me’ Please remember to provide the "Ticket ID" stated in the subject of this email, in your response. Alternatively, you can send the requested documents and explanation via scanned e-mail to verification@moneybookers.com or via postal mail to: Moneybookers Ltd. Welken House 10-11 Charterhouse Square London EC1M 6EH United Kingdom Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience. Once the documents mentioned above have been received, the verification of your account may take up to two business days, you will receive confirmation that your account is fully verified. Please be advised that we are legally obliged to freeze your account if it is left unverified. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Kind regards, Moneybookers Security ******************************* Moneybookers Security Reminders Protect Your Password Moneybookers and its representatives will NEVER ask you to reveal your password. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy. If anyone asks for your password by phone or by email, or on any website other than moneybookers.com, refuse and immediately report this to security@moneybookers.com. Access your account ONLY using the login link on the Moneybookers homepage Please be advised that Moneybookers and its representatives will NEVER send you an email asking you to provide your login details within a form provided or to click on a hyperlink to access your account! Immediately report any incident to security@moneybookers.com. 以上、ザックリとでいいのでお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Ever since the advent of science in the seventeenth century , we have rejected mythology as a product of superstitious and primitive minds . Only now are we coming to a fuller appreciation of the nature and role of myth in human history . In human these five lectures , the distinguished social anthropologist , Claude Lévi-Strauss , offers the insights of a lifetime spent interpreting myths and tyring to discover their significance for human understanding .  Entitled ❛ Myth and Meaning , ❜ the talks were broadcast on the CBC Radio series , Ideas , in December 1977 . They were assembled from a series of lengthy conversations between Professor Lévi-Strauss and Carole Orr Jerome , producer in the Paris bureau of the CBC . The programs were organized by Geraldine Sherman , executive producer of Ideas , and produced by Bernie Lucht .  The lectures have been expanded for publication to include some material which , for reasons of time , could not be used in the original droadcasts . The spoken words have been minimally edited to make xviii A Note from the Publisher them conform to the more rigid conventions of print . Carole Orr Jerome's main questions to Professor Lévi-Strauss , which helped shape the course of the lectures , were as follows : CHAPTER ONE Many of your readers think that you are trying to bring us back to mythical thought , that we have lost something very precious and that we must try to gain it back . Does this mean that science and modern thought must go out the window and that we must go back to mythical thought ?  What is structuralism ? How did you arrive at the idea that structural thought was a possibility ?  Is it necessary to have order and rules to have meaning ? Can you have meaning in chaos ? What do you mean that order is preferable to disorder ?

  • 助けてください和訳していただければ・・・

    全然わからないんです。困ってます。 In Singapore, for most teenagers, hanging out at shopping complexes with friends, chatting online, keeping up with the latest fashion trends are very popular among the youngsters. As for those in their mid-twenties, like my friends, they don't keep up with trends, what they keep up is how to cut back on their budget to finance their housing loan and preparations for their wedding this year. Another friend of mine is trying hard to save up in the next three years so that they can be financially stable when they decide to have a child of their own. Hmm, WAP phone is the latest in the market but it's expensive now, not many people are using those. WAP phones gives additional function in that the user will be able to access websites online and check their email boxes. However, those in business prefer carrying a palm top, one that allows them free access to their schedules, appointments and replying of email messages instantly. The rest, like my family members and friends, uses the normal hand-phones. Users are able to forward messages to their friends via the "SMS Messaging system", but these phones aren't able to access Internet websites, thus in terms of cost, they come more cheaply.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    At the conclusion of the Battle of Romani on 12 August 1916, the Ottoman Army had been pushed back to its forward position at Bir el Abd, the last oasis in the series stretching from the Romani area. The Ottomans' main forward base was pushed back to El Arish, with a fortified advanced post at Bir el Mazar, where a small group of wells provided reliable water. El Arish was the target of an air raid on 18 June 1916 by 11 aircraft of the 5th Wing under Colonel W. G. H. Salmond. The planes flew out to sea until east of El Arish, then turned inland to approach from the southeast. Two Ottoman aircraft on the ground and two of the ten aircraft hangars were set on fire; bombs hit four others and troops were also attacked. Three British aircraft were forced to land, one in the sea. The Egyptian Expeditionary Force required huge amounts of ammunition and supplies and a reliable source of water for an advance to El Arish. To provide this, the British army built a railway and pipeline across the Sinai Peninsula to El Arish. From the middle of August to the Battle for Magdhaba on 23 December 1916, British forces waited for this necessary infrastructure to be put in place. These four months have often been described as a period of rest for the Anzac Mounted Division as there were no major battles. However, the mounted troops were busy providing screens for the construction, patrolling newly occupied areas and carrying out reconnaissances to augment aerial photographs to improve maps of the newly occupied areas.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Large numbers of machine-guns were organised to fire offensive and defensive barrages and signal detachments were organised to advance with the infantry. An observation balloon was reserved for messages by signal lamp from the front line, as insurance against the failure of telephone lines and message-runners. The divisional trench mortar batteries were to bombard the German front line opposite the 142nd Brigade, where it was too close for the artillery to shell without endangering British troops. Wire-cutting began in mid-May, against considerable local retaliation by German artillery. At the end of May the two attacking brigades began training at Steenvoorde, on practice courses built to resemble the German positions to be attacked, using air reconnaissance photographs to mark the positions of machine-gun posts and hidden barbed wire. Divisional intelligence summaries were used to plan the capture of German company and battalion headquarters. The 140th Brigade with four tanks attached, was to occupy White Château and the adjacent part of Damstrasse, while the 142nd Brigade attacked the spoil heaps and the canal bank to the left. On 1 June, the British artillery began the intense stage of preparatory bombardment for trench-destruction and wire cutting and the two attacking brigades assembled for the attack from 4–6 June. British fighter aircraft tried to prevent German aircraft observing for their artillery, by dominating the air from the British front line to the German balloon line, about 10,000 yards (9,100 m) beyond. Better aircraft like the Bristol Fighter, S.E.5a and the naval Sopwith Triplane had entered service since Arras and matched the performance of the German Albatros D.III and Halberstadt D.II fighters.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? What were the ancient societies of Amazonia like before the first European sailors clambered ashore in the mid-16th century carrying strange new diseases and the seeds of war and conquest? For years, archaeologists have duelled over different views. Initially, most saw the vast Amazon Basin―which sprawls across Brazil, Peru, and five other countries in South America―as home to sparse bands of pre-Columbian hunters and gatherers who preserved the region's forests as wilderness. Then, archaeological discoveries in the 1990s revealed large villages and complex societies in eastern Amazonia, giving rise to the theory that prehistoric agriculturists had cleared and intensively managed forests across the Amazon Basin for thousands of years.Much rides on this assessment. If the Amazon, with its great diversity of plant and animal life today, was once extensively cleared and supported a large population of prehistoric people, that bodes well for the forest's powers of recovery. But if the region harbored only small, scattered populations, then today's ecosystem is truly virgin forest and perhaps very vulnerable to human activities.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    But the first clear view which we obtain of the early condition of the earth presents to us a ball of matter,fluid with intense heat,spinning on its own axis and revolving round the sun. How long it may have continued in this state is beyond calculation or surmise. It can only be believed that a prolonged period,beginning and ending we know not when, elapsed before the surface became cooled and handened and capable of sustaining organized existences. The water, which now enwraps a large portion of the face of the globe, must for ages have existed only in the shape of steam, floating above and enveloping the planet in one thick curtain of mist. When the cooling of the surface allowed it to condense and descend, then commenced the process by which the lowest stratified rocks were formed and gradually spread out in vast layers. Rains and rivers now acted upon the scoriaceous integument, grinding it to sand and carrying it down to the depths and cavities. Whether organised beings coexisted with this state of things we know not, as the early rocks have been acted upon by interior heat to an extent which must have destroyed all traces of animal and vegetable life, if any such ever existed. This period has been named by geologists the Azoic or that in which life was not. Its duration no one presumes to define. And it is in the system of beds which overlies these primitive formations that the first records of organisms present themselves .

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