• ベストアンサー


After tearing the President a new one on more than one occaision I have to give him credit for doing this mostlly right. He could still use a spine in military matters instead of a tracking poll, however. WSJの読者の投書の一部です。意味がとれません。どなたか訳して頂けませんか。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)







  • SPS700様

    先ほどお答えを頂戴したkurome55です。厚かましいのですが、「 tearing the President a new one 」の意味を解説して頂けませんか。どうして頂いた訳のようになるのかわかりませんので。

  • シリア問題に関するタイムの記事を読んでいます。この

    シリア問題に関するタイムの記事を読んでいます。この部分を訳してほしいです。 But the NATO response to the downing of an aircraft of one of its member states was indicative of the limited options available to Western countries: an incident that would surely have been used as a pretext for a major escalation in the standoff had Western powers been planning military intervention drew, instead, a relatively timid response.

  • The Japan Timesのある記事の一部です

    次の英文は12月16日付けThe Japan Timesの1面の(6面に続く)記事の一部です。Butで始まる英文の意味がとれません。 Nearly two years ago, the seven elders of the North Korean regime marched with Jong Un alongside his father’s hearse in Pyongyang. The funeral on Dec. 28, 2011, was a powerful symbol of continuity as the untested new supremo took over a nuclear-armed country that was frozen in decades of economic and diplomatic isolation. But through instead of presiding over what South Korean President Park Geun-hye last week called a “reign of terror” — one that Japan fears could presage a long period of chaos — Kim has lost decades of accumulated experience and troubleshooting ability embodied by Jang and the others who are no longer on the scene. (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/12/15/asia-pacific/jang-purge-shows-north-power-base-is-unstable/#.UrBi8pOCjIU) AFPによる他紙の英文はこの部分: But through instead of presiding over what South Korean President Park Geun-hye last week called a “reign of terror” — one that Japan fears could presage a long period of chaos — は次のようになっているようです。 But in presiding over what South Korean President Park Geun-hye last week called a “reign of terror” — one that Japan fears could presage a long period of chaos — これなら私にも意味は取れるのですが。 The Japan Timesの件の英文(But through instead of presiding over what …)はどのように解釈すれば意味がとれるのでしょうか。それとも単なる誤植なのでしょうか。

  • 英文の日本語訳お願いします。

    下記の2文なのですが、どうも上手く訳せません。 どなたか英語の得意な方、よろしくお願いします。 George Washington Hill, president of American Tobacco, hired Edward Bernays, one of the founders of public relations, to manage the company's innovative "Reach for a Lucky Instead of a Sweet" campaign, witch advertised the weight-losing side effect of smoking. Hill was pleased with Bernays' performance and eventually assigned him the job of leading the attack on the female public-smoking taboo. Towards this end, Bernays launched his "Torches of Freedom" campaign, which ended in a phony spontaneous march of women down one of New York's most fashionable streets -Fifth Avenue- on Easter Sunday, 1929.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a baby boomer and appreciate the 20th-century tradition of "rising to the occasion" and taking in meals if a family member is ill or if there has been a death in the family. It is a kind and thoughtful gesture. I am in a club, and one member's husband was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. At that time, our president assigned each member a time to take a meal to them, staggered by a few days. Our president requested that we share the menu with other club members so there wouldn't be duplicated meals. The member's husband recently died, and our president has again requested that we take food to the house. And we are stepping up to the plate and doing so. 1 taking in mealsはどのような意味でしょうか? 2 staggered by a few daysはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 最後の文の和訳をお願いします。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • ebay 訳して!

    同じ出品者から2つの商品を落札し 送料を質問しました。 その返事が最初は Hello. will send both rose, invoice has two shipping options, only the the Priority option has a track number and insurance. If you select the lower prices First class, we will have no tracking, however, we will have proof of shipping with customs number on file, if needed, Sincerely, と返事が来ました。 そして、次にこのメールが来ました。 Hello, this is to confirm that we are sending one Rose set and one Lilac set. Our previous emails were incorrect 商品は rose色とlilac色の物を各1つづつ落札しました。翻訳ソフトを使っても 分からなかったので、どなたか訳して頂けませんでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 At the end of August 1950 the US High Commissioner, John J. McCloy, to whom the Federal Chancellor was distantly related, received a memorandum from Adenauer. From the start he had sought a close attachment to the Western powers. A German military contribution would be useful in this. The Social Democrats, however, voiced their fundamental opposition to this, led by Kurt Schumacher, who rightly predicted that the one-sided policy of Western integration would reduce the prospects for a unification of Germany and would also therefore damage European unification.

  • 英文の解説をお願いします。

    あのサラ・ペイリンがguardian紙に「クライメート・ゲート」について次のような文章で始まる論文を寄せています。 With the publication of damaging emails from a climate research center in Britain, the radical environmental movement appears to face a tipping point. さて、これに対しては、ある読者からの次のような投書があります。 Wow. Wrong before you'd finished your first sentence. The legends are true. Its not the "radical environmental movement" that says man-made climate change is happening and needs to be averted. Its not a few scientists who acted inappropriately either. Its the entire science of climatology. There you go. Done in four paragraphs. One of which was yours, and two of which were me just mucking about. I can see why Obama had such an easy time last autumn. 何を「mucking about」しているのかが理解できません。この投書には566件もの賛同が集まっているので、どうしても知りたいのです。どなたか教えて頂けませんか。

  • 調停書類について 英語の答え必要

    I'm American who's living in Tokyo and I'm getting divorced with my husband. I need to get my final affidavit notarized. I've been doing that at the American embassy but the last one has 20 exhibits that also need to be notarized. The embassy wants to charge me $50 PER signature. Does anybody know any way or anywhere I can get them all signed as one document for a single fee? If you can give me an answer by English That'd be helpful. Thank you.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    One casualty of these changes was Conrad, with Karl reported as "not wanting  a genius to command his armies", but following on from the experience of  the supremely gifted but often unsuccessful Conrad, rather someone who  was just capable. Arz was acquainted with the emperor; not only was he  a capable commander of troops, but he also possessed a conciliatory manner  which did not make the Emperor feel he was being patronised during discussions  on military matters, as was the case with other commanders. Unlike Conrad,  Arz was not overtly political, was wholly committed to the Central Powers,  and had full faith in the Emperor. Once appointed in March 1917, Arz made every effort to comply with the Emperor 's wishes, but unlike his predecessor he acted as a personal advisor to  the Emperor on army matters, rather than as a driver of his own strategy,  which had been Conrad's hallmark.

  • 車通勤中に新車を鉄柱にぶつけてしまった場合の保険や保証について教えてください
  • 勤務時間内に商品の配達中に車の事故を起こしてしまいました。保険や保証はありますか?
  • 勤務中の車通勤中に車を鉄柱にぶつけてしまい、破損してしまいました。この場合、どのような保険が適用されるのでしょうか?