• ベストアンサー


問題:最近親は子供と過ごすじかんがますます少なくなって、子供にさびしい思いをさせている。 Nowadays parents spend less and less time with their children and make them children feel lonely. と訳してみたんですが、themの使い方が正しいか(childrenを指せているか)とか、andが接続詞でいいかとか、疑問に思うことが多々あります。 私の英訳で変だと思う所や用法が正しくない所などを指摘してください。お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数7


  • ベストアンサー
  • ybnormal
  • ベストアンサー率50% (220/437)

二つ目のChildrenは不要ですね。 ... and make them feel lonely. あと例文ではmakeの主語がParentsになってしまいますが、そうすると親が子供をさびしくさせているという意味になって文の本来の意図とはニュアンスが違ってきませんか。親が子供と過ごす時間が減っているから子供がさびしく思うのだとすればmakeの主語は、親そのものではなく親が子供と短い時間しか過ごせない事実で、it makesあるいはwhich makesとしたほうがいいのではないでしょうか。 Nowadays, parents spend less and less time with their children and it makes them feel lonely. Nowadays, parents spend less and less time with their children, which makes them feel lonely.



なるほど。確かにそうですね。 参考になりました。ありがとうございます。

その他の回答 (3)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

これで如何でしょうか? Nowadays parents find less and less time to stay with children, which makes children feel lonely. もし修正するとしたら、 Nowadays parents spend less and less time with their children and it makes children feel lonely. 「it」=「前文」です。



findを使っても表現できるんですね。 表現の幅が広がります。参考になりました。 回答ありがとうございます


Nowadays parents spend less and less time with their children and make the children feel lonely. make them feel lonely. でも間違いではないはずです。 Today's parents spend less and less time with their children, which causes the children to feel lonely.



causeを使うという発想はなかったです 大変参考になりました。ありがとうございます

  • ulalah
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/1)

後半部分を make their children feel lonely. に直せば完璧です。もしくは make them feel lonely. にするかですね。themとchildrenを重ねることはできません。



イージーなミスをしていましたね。情けない… 回答ありがとうございます。


  • この20語程度の英作文の添削をお願いします

    最近親は子供と過ごす時間がますます少なくなって、子供にさびしい思いをさせている 回答例) These days parents spend less and less time with their children,and the children feel lonely 自分の回答) These days fewer and fewer parents have spent times with their children and this makes the children sad 疑問点) andの前にカンマはつけるのでしょうか 現在完了ではダメなのでしょうか 全体がなかなか模範解答と異なるので、添削お願いします

  • 英訳訂正お願いします!

    英訳について質問です。 One of the most thrilling events that happen in parents'relationship with their children occurs when they realize that their children's smiles and hugs are for them alone. この訳は 子供の両親が子供の笑顔やハグは彼らのためだけであると悟った時、 子供と両親の関係の点で起こる最もスリリング出来事のうちの一つが起こります。 であってますか? 訂正お願いします。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英訳の添削お願いします。

    またお世話になります。 ○近頃では何でも子供の言いなりになってしまう親が多くなったのだが、そういった親は、それでは子供がだめになるだけだという事に全然気づいていない。 ○Nowadays there are many parents who are made to do as thier children want,and they don’t realize their children will become lazy by that. 何とか訳しましたが、模範解答お願いします!出来るだけ簡易な表現でお願いします!

  • 急ぎです!英文の訳をお願いします

    1、school does not offer enough opportunities to explore different waysof life 2、parents must not push their children into different activities and make them practice every day

  • 英訳ができません

    breaking newsの記事からです。 Parents in the U.K. face being punished if their children are continually late for school. Britain's Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced he will crack down on what he terms "problem parents". He said too many families fail to "face up to their responsibilities" by ensuring their children get to school on time, and are "ready to learn and show respect for their teacher". (1)質問  ここでのand are"ready to learn~の主語は何なのでしょうか?この学習する準備ができているて教師を尊敬している、何を説明しているのでしょうか? Parents are already slapped with a £60 ($100) fine if their child is repeatedly late for school. However, 20,000 of these penalties were unpaid last year, prompting Mr Gove to announce a tougher penalty system. There will also be fines for parents who withdraw their children during term time to take them on cheaper family vacations. (2)ここのcheaperは、旅行の繁忙期を避けて、安い時期に行くことをさしていますか? Mr Gove said his plans were all part of raising standards in education, creating a bigger incentive for parents to ensure their children get to school, and tackling the problem of "habitual truancy". Gove also hit back at his critics, accusing them of adhering to policies that set pupils up to fail and of promoting "a diet of dumbed-down courses". (3)ここの一文は全然理解できません・・・。 accusingはcriticsを説明していますか?them は何を指しているのでしょうか? He said opposition politicians shied away "from anything which might require grit". (4)gritの意味は何ですか? Gove warned their policies would send children to school "without daring to think they might be intellectually curious and capable of greatness, denying them access to anything stretching or ambitious, and setting expectations so low you can never be surprised by someone's potential". (5)ここの文章もあまり意味がわかりません。 ざっくりでもいいので、だいたいの意味を教えていただけませんか?

  • 日本語に訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    日本語に訳してくださいm(_ _)m Independence is the reason why parents let their babies feed themselves as soon as they can and begin to make decisions for themselves almost as soon as they can talk. Most American parents feel that they have done their job well if their children are able to live on their own in their twenties. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語添削お願いします。(TOEFL-IBT)

    文法など至らない点が多く申し訳ありませんが、よろしくお願いします。 問:What do you think is the best parents? 解答: Children can’t choose their parents. In my case, I’m proud of my parents and I think I’m happy to be their child. What makes parents the best one depends on some reasons. I’ll explain them one by one. First, the best parents must have the ability to wait and see. To think of myself, it is natural that children can’t deal with the problem well at first. And in many cases, if they have enough time to try it again and again, they will surely make it. However, if their parents make them stop tackling the problem and help them, children will fail to accomplish their goals and lose their confidence. For example, when I was in my elementary school, my teacher gave me a lot of homework. I tried so hard to do it, but sometimes it was too difficult for me. I begged my mother for some help, but she refused it and said that she believed me that I could do it by myself. I didn’t understand what she said, and I felt she was not the best mother. Anyway, finally I did it and I was so proud of myself and felt I could do everything from now on. However, if my mother helped me at that time, I just finished my homework without getting confidence. Second, the best parents will give many experience to their children, for example, sports, traveling, and working. This is because what children have learned in their childhood will give them many choices of the future plans. If a father plays baseball with his boy, it can happen that the boy wishes he will be a baseball player. For example, my parents gave me the great experience with dogs and now I became a veterinary student. So, it is very important that the parents make their children experience many things to make their future shine. To sum up, the best parents should know children don’t belong to them. By thinking this way, they can wait and see how their children are doing, and do the best things in order to make their future soundful.

  • 和訳

    You owe it to your children to select a name that will help them get successfully through life and not handicap them....Parents cannot afford to be too cavalier about the single-most important contribution they make to their children at birth. 2文目の訳についてです。 「親は自分たちの子供が生まれた時の、彼らに対するひとつの最も重要な貢献について無頓着になる余裕があってありすぎることはない。」 と訳せると思うのですが、親は子供につける名前に責任を持たなくてはならないという文脈なのでおかしい気がします。間違いの指摘をお願い致します。

  • 至急 訳を教えてください。

    訳してみてもうまく文にならなくて大変困ってます。 よろしくお願いします。 First-born Children and only childlen First-born and only children are alike in some ways. First-born children receive all of their parents' attention until a new child is born. Only children receive this attention all through their lives. Both kinds of children have close relationships with their parents and try to make them happy. First-born children try hard to be successful,and they often get professional jobs. Only children also try to be perfect at everything. They are usually responsible and reliable. Sometimes,however,they become selfish. Twenty-one of the first twenty-threeU.S. astronauts were first-born or only children.

  • コンマについて。

    Some basically unloving parents in an attempt to cover up their lack of caring,make frequent professions of love to children. この文章で、コンマはどのような用法なのですか?同格ですか?訳していてわかりませんでした。ご回答よろしくお願いいたしますm(__)m