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翻訳修業中の者です。やってみます。お役に立つと幸いです。 これは有名な話だが、大来佐武郎はその回想録で、占領に先立つ暗黒時代の友人のことばを思い出している。日本は、軍事の分野で成し遂げることができなかったことを、経済の分野で成し遂げるやもしれないと。


  • 英文和訳

    Over coming decades, though, such fundamental factors will matter more. A good guess is that food production will have to rise by 70% by 2050 to keep pace with population growth, the explosion of developing countries’ megacities and the changes in diet that wealth and urbanisation bring. Big increases will be harder to achieve than in the past because there is little unfarmed land to bring into production, no more water and, in some places, little to be gained by heaping on more fertiliser. Climate change may well exacerbate these problems. For the first time since the 1960s the yields of the world’s most important crops, wheat and rice, are rising more slowly than the global population. The world cannot feed today’s 7 billion people properly. How on earth can it feed the expected 9 billion in 2050? どなたかお願いしますm(__)m

  • 和訳をお願いします...(><

    今長文を訳しているのですが、難しくてサッパリです(涙) どなたか、和訳をお願い致します...... Earlier in this chapter,it was noted that her theory of creative drama was derived from and nurtured by the progressive education movement,whose main goal was to educate the whole child,with the idea that the child could achieve an understanding of self and society. お願いします。

  • 英文の邦訳

    The ability of the shareholders to bring fraud on the market suits may also aid in the efficient workings of the market. 上記英文の邦訳をお願いします。

  • 英文和訳

    If you want to know the truth about gasoline prices, here it is: the exploding demand for oil, especially in places like China, is overwhelming the rate of new discoveries by so much that oil prices are almost certain to continue upward over time no matter what the oil companies promise. And politicians cannot bring gasoline prices down in the short term bygiving more money to oil companies. However, there is one extremely effective way to bring the costs of driving a car way down within a few short years. The way to bring gas prices down is to end our dependence on oil and use the renewable sources that can give us the equivalent of $1 per gallon gasoline and we need to get busy creating that system now. Al・Goreの演説の一部です。どなたか和訳お願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文和訳

    Many of the new Iraqi leaders, including the president, Sheik Yawar, said they would insist that Iraqis be given "full sovereignty," meaning that the government could do more or less whatever it wanted. And they said talks would begin immediately on the influence over American combat operations. But in more subdued moments, some Iraqi leaders said they realized that the presence of more than 100,000 foreign troops would make that goal difficult to achieve. 上記のうち But in more subdued moments, はどう訳せばよいのですか?

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 先ほどのが1段落の前半で こちらが後半となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします It can also rule love affairs that are made on the rebound after a failed or painful relationship. Because of the strength of mars in the chart, the marriage or relationship. This love will bring a new independence to your life, this will include a financial independence. You will love him but money, the lure of luxury and desire for financial independence, or to better your self and end financial struggles will be one of the reasons that make marriage to this man appeal, or makes it possible. Though it may not bring vast wealth, it will bring independence. But you may first have to struggle, or get over a hurdle to with breaking free to attain this.

  • この英文の意味おしえてください!

    "Even though animals don't engage in economic behavior like humans with money,the psychological skills that humans bring to the table when making economic decisions seem to be shared with animals,"said study leader Alexandora Rosati,a postdoctoral researcher in psychology at Yale University. the psychological skills that humans bring to the table when making economic decisions seem to be shared with animalsここがよくわかりません 心理的技術 that humans bring to the table←テーブル?? when以下はなんとなくわかります テーブルのところお願いします><

  • 英文解釈と和訳をお願いします。

    英字新聞です。ロシア人のすし人気についての記事です。 Alexander Korolyov,who worked in the foreign service and now owns part of a network of sushi eateries,recalled what he said were embarrassing incedents from that first restautant,Sapporo,when important politicians and businessmen demanded bread a supplement to any Russian meal,to eat with their rice."We slipped it to them in napkins,"he said ,shaking his head. Tastes in food have matured with greater access to ethnic fare,and praices have dropped. 長いですが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    The British military historian Correlli Barnett claimed that the Treaty of Versailles was "extremely lenient in comparison with the peace terms that Germany herself, when she was expecting to win the war, had had in mind to impose on the Allies". Furthermore, he claimed, it was "hardly a slap on the wrist" when contrasted with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk that Germany had imposed on a defeated Russia in March 1918, which had taken away a third of Russia's population (albeit of non-Russian ethnicity), one-half of Russia's industrial undertakings and nine-tenths of Russia's coal mines, coupled with an indemnity of six billion marks. Eventually, even under the "cruel" terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany′s economy had been restored to its pre-war status. Barnett also claims that, in strategic terms, Germany was in fact in a superior position following the Treaty than she had been in 1914. Germany′s eastern frontiers faced Russia and Austria, who had both in the past balanced German power. Barnett asserts that its post-war eastern borders were safer, because the former Austrian Empire fractured after the war into smaller, weaker states, Russia was wracked by revolution and civil war, and the newly restored Poland was no match for even a defeated Germany. In the West, Germany was balanced only by France and Belgium, both of which were smaller in population and less economically vibrant than Germany. Barnett concludes by saying that instead of weakening Germany, the treaty "much enhanced" German power. Britain and France should have (according to Barnett) "divided and permanently weakened" Germany by undoing Bismarck's work and partitioning Germany into smaller, weaker states so it could never have disrupted the peace of Europe again. By failing to do this and therefore not solving the problem of German power and restoring the equilibrium of Europe, Britain "had failed in her main purpose in taking part in the Great War".The British historian of modern Germany, Richard J. Evans, wrote that during the war the German right was committed to an annexationist program which aimed at Germany annexing most of Europe and Africa. Consequently, any peace treaty that did not leave Germany as the conqueror would be unacceptable to them. Short of allowing Germany to keep all the conquests of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Evans argued that there was nothing that could have been done to persuade the German right to accept Versailles. Evans further noted that the parties of the Weimar Coalition, namely the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the social liberal German Democratic Party (DDP) and the Christian democratic Centre Party, were all equally opposed to Versailles, and it is false to claim as some historians have that opposition to Versailles also equalled opposition to the Weimar Republic.

  • 英語の和訳お願いします。

    You and I will tell tell everybody that we are going to put on a fight and that every animal will have to bring a freshly killed boar in order to get in and see the fight. 宜しくお願いします!