goat week の意味をお願いします。
Almost all of the top executives simply wouldn't believe it.
When they were shown the evidence that the criteria had been met,
they basically said, "These trainees don't have the experience.
They lack the seasoning necessary to give them the kind of judgment
we want them to have as assistant branch managers."
"We went through goat week; how come these guys don't have to?"
この文の "goat week" とは何ですか?
As with many paradigm shifts, there was resistance. Almost all
of the top executives simply wouldn't believe it. When they were
shown the evidence that the criteria had been met, they basically
said, "These trainees don't have the experience. They lack the
seasoning necessary to give them the kind of judgment we want
them to have as assistant branch managers."
In talking with them later, we found that what many of them
were really saying was, "We went through goat week; how come
these guys don't have to?" But of course they couldn't put it that
way. "They lack seasoning" was a much more acceptable expres-
有り難うございます 実は、原文がwouldn'tと否定形になっているので”持っていかなかったのではないか”と自分なりに解釈したので、どうして訳文のように”持って行ったのではないか”となるのか分からないので質問しました。 その辺お教え頂ければあり難いです。