• 締切済み

mind pledgedについて

>This determination to be completely empirical - as if he were a doctor of the mind pledged to examine things only as they are, to come up with a clear diagnosis and then to suggest a practical response - is one of the things that have made the current Dalai Lama such a startling and tonic figure on the world stage. という締め切られた質問が今あったのですがこのplegedはmindにかかるでしょうかそれともdoctorにかかるでしょうか。気になりました。よろしくおねがいします。


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こんにちは! This determination to be completely empirical--as if he were a doctor of the mind pledged to examine things only as they are, to come up with a clear diagnosis and then to suggest a practical response--is one of the things that have made the current Dalai Lama such a startling and tonic figure on the world stage.  形式的にはどちらにかかることも可能ですが、意味的、語法的に "a doctor" です。pledge はここは他動詞用法で「~しようと固く誓わせる」ということですので、be pledged to do で、be determined to do ほどの意味です。  とすると、the mind is pledged to examine...はヘンで、a doctor is pledged to examine...は自然です。「~しようと固く心に決めた《精神の医者》」ということになります。《精神の医者》というのが、身体の病をなおすのではなく、心の病を癒す医者ということで、宗教的指導者の隠喩としてよく使われます。  1行目で determination という言葉を使っていますので、determined to を繰り返して使うのが憚られるため、pledged to というフレーズを使っています。  以上、ご参考になれば幸いです。



ご回答ありがとうございました。サイトを見ていましたら The truth of the Sazuke, bestowed on the sincere mind pledged to single-hearted salvation, is a treasure for a lifetime and for eternity.というのがありまして混乱しました。もともとmindはpledgedを分詞とすることはできないでしょうか? たしかにサイトを見るとa doctor of the mindというのは良く出てくるようですね。




    ダライラマ14世に関する記事です。 This determination to be completely empirical - as if he were a doctor of the mind pledged to examine things only as they are, to come up with a clear diagnosis and then to suggest a practical response - is one of the things that have made the current Dalai Lama such a startling and tonic figure on the world stage. 完全に経験から言えば、この決断は - まるで彼が心のドクターで pledged to examine things only as they are, はっきりした診断を下し、実用的な対処を勧めるため - 現在のダライラマを世界的に驚くべき強壮な人物にしたもののひとつである。 ここの pledged to examine things only as they areという部分を訳してみると、"ものごとをあるがままに試験することを保証するとなってしまい、しっくりきません。 どなたか教えてください(´_`。)

  • 冠詞を教えてください

    冠詞をつけて正しい文にしたいのですが、わかりません教えていただけますか? aとtheはどのように使い分けたらいいか教えてください。 1The doctor sat on bed to examine child. 2White house is official home of President of United States. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳についてお願いします。

    A part of history is the story of science, of what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are. (質問1) how things happen, why they happen and what things are. 「物事がどのようにして起こるのか、何故起こるのか、それらは何なのか」→訳はこれでよいでしょうか?(更に良いものがあれば教えてください。特に、thingsは「物事」でいいのか、それとも「現象」など、変えてしまっていいのか。) (質問2) 質問1と同じ箇所ですが、「how things happen=物事の生じる過程」「why they happen=物事の生じる理由」「what things are=物事の種類?」最後の「物事の種類」でいいのかよく分かりません。 (質問3) what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are.の具体例はどのようなものでしょうか? (質問4) A part of history is the story of science, of what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are. この文章は、同格構文だと思いますが、どことどこが同格関係になっているのでしょうか?(自分が思うに、scienceと what we have found outですが、なぜwhat we have found outの前にofがあるのですか?)

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分ですので、内容が中途半端かもしれませんが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He suffers from anxiety, vague illness, hypochondria, servitude, and a need to put things in order. Moans about feeling unappreciated. He likes small things and idiosyncrasies, Pets and small animals. He is occasionaly meek and dithery, or too easily bullied, persuaded. Says yes when he should say no.. Timorous. critical of others,. Like you he has a fine mind and a practical aptitude for detail. You both appreciate minute differences and distinctions, and have a innate discerning and critical sense, Your careful, and can salvage every last thing putting it to use.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    It is obvious, then, to start with, that by Mind we may mean two very different things, according as we contemplate it in our own individual selves, or as manifested by other beings. For if I contemplate my own mind, I have an imme diate cognizance of a certain flow of thoughts and feelings, which are the most ultimate things — and, indeed, the only things— of which I am cognizant. But if I contemplate Mind in other persons or organisms, I can have no such immediate cognizance of their thoughts and feelings ; I can only infer the existence of such thoughts and feelings from the activities of the persons or organisms which appear to manifest them. Thus it is that by Mind we may mean either that which is subjective or that which is objective. Now throughout the present work we shall have to consider Mind as an object ; and therefore it is well to remember that our only instrument of analysis is the observation of activities which we infer to be prompted by, or associated with, mental antecedents or accompaniments analogous to those of which we are directly conscious in our own subjective experience. That is to say, starting from what I know subjectively of the operations of my own individual mind, and of the activi ties which in my own organism these operations seem to prompt, I proceed by analogy to infer from the observable activities displayed by other organisms, the fact that certain mental operations underlie or accompany these activities.

  • 13 isoenzymes

    Total serum GGT can be divided into 13 isoenzymes, and GGTII has been considered as a useful tumor marker complementary to alpha fetoprotein for diagnosis of small HCC. この訳教えて下さい(><)

  • 困っています。誰か教えてください。

    以下の英文が難しすぎて、日本語訳にできません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)But then, in 1927, the chemist Thomas Midgley invented CFCs to replace those gases. (2)Praised as an innovation, CFCs revolutionized refrigeration, and eventually this seemingly harmless family of chemicals found its way into all kinds of products. (3)By 1974 millions of refrigerators containing CFCs had been sold around the world. (4)Then two scientists began to examine their impact more closely. (5)Dr. Rowland and Dr. Molina theorized that as these chemicals rose into the upper atmosphere, they would be broken down by the Sun, releasing chlorine into the ozone layer and setting in motion a dangerous chain reaction.

  • どう訳せばいいでしょうか

    これはどう訳せばいいでしょうか。特にas以降がよく分かりません。よろしくお願いします。 Some such come to light when we examine the way in which the characters of God and Devil are differentiated, as differentiated they are, with a force which reveals their combined symbolic valency.

  • スコット・フィッツジェラルドについて

    スコット・フィッツジェラルドについての英文を訳しているのですが 以下の英文でつまずいています。 By the nineteen twenties, many people believed that gaining the material things one desired could bring happiness. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote about the lives of people who lived as if that were true. There was more to Fitzgerald than a desire for material things. “The test of a first-rate intelligence,” he said, “is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still have the ability to act.” His two opposing ideas involved seeking happiness from material things, and knowing that material things only brought unhappiness. どなたか和訳をお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    In simpler terms, brain makes mind. Science can demonstrate no way for the mind to occur except as a result of the neurological functioning of the brain. Without the brain’s ability to process various types of input in highly sophisticated ways, the thoughts and feelings that constitute the mind would simply not exist. On the other hand, the brain’s irresistible drive to create the most vivid,sophisticated perceptions possible means that it cannot help but generate the thoughts and that are the basic elements of mind. Neurologically speaking,then, the mind cannot exist without the brain, and the brain cannot exist without striving to create the mind. The relationship of mind and brain is so intimately inked, in fact, that it seems most reasonable to consider the terms as two different aspects of the very same thing.

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