• ベストアンサー


以下の英文がちょっと気になってます。 気になったところだけでいいので教えてください。 1. He strode down behind them. (downの意味がわかりません。) 2. What am I supposed to see? (訳をお願いします。) 3. "I'm not buying this" (このbuyの使い方を教えてください。) 4. "Any chance you can run it tonight?" (必要な機械を操作する場面です。「今夜それを使うチャンスはあるか?」 でいいのでしょうか?) 5. he is due to call in tomorrow. (「彼は明日のうちに電話するべきである」でよいのでしょうか。 in の使い方を教えてください。) 6. "You must rate. The big cheese himself." (訳をお願いします。) 7. "We going somewhere?" (会話分であるとこのような文は可能なのでしょうか?) 8. She saw it was off to the left. (off の使い方を教えてください。訳をお願いします。) 9. At leaset, that was the idea. (訳をお願いします。) 10. (The fact that we think time passes is just an accident of our nervous systems) -of the way things look to us. (the way things look to usのところの意味を教えてください。括弧内はその前文です。) よろしくおねがいします!

  • 英語
  • 回答数5
  • ありがとう数7


  • ベストアンサー

otafukutigerさん、 返事が遅くなり、申し訳ありません。 変えた方が良いかな~と思うと所ですが、 「 They are very shameful and afraid of making mistakes.」のshamefulは不適切と感じます。「後ろめたい」と言う理解が一般なので。ここでは「shy」の方がベター。 恥ずかしい、との日本人の概念は欧米とはかなり違うので。 「They don’t try to mistake when pronouncing their English.」がひっかかります。 間違っていない英語を発音しようとする、ならばThey try not to make mistakes when pronounching English.がベター。 「It is very common words that Japanese studied English so long time but they can’t speak it.」common wordsでは意味が通じません。良く言われるとの意味であるかと思いますが、その場合ではIt is often said that ...がよろしいかと。 「Revising」では通じません。Looking back atにしましょう。 「But at that time, this feeling stemmed from the inferiority complex I could not use English so well in score.」ここのscoreとは?use English so wellで十分ですが、scoreをいれるのなら、that I could not get a good score in Englishとか。 「very important to communicate the other nationalities」withが抜けています。to communicate with。 「so many languages that remember」thatではなく、toです。so many languages to learn、又はso many languages that needs to be learned.覚えなくてはと言うより、習うとのイメージがベター。 「 I though it’s nice.」これは単純にI think it's niceの間違いでは?又はI thought it was nice。 でも、全体的には通じますので細かいところばかりを指摘してすみません。 本日は(懐かしい!)家庭教師のphaedrusでした。 これからも頑張ってください!



おお。回答本当にありがとうございます。 稚拙な文章なので、回答が少し面倒だったと思います。 本当にありがとうございました。 They are very shy.(shamefulは「後ろめたい」という理解が一般的。) They try not to make mistakes when pronouncing English. (わかりました。) It is often said that...(common words のところは勝手に作ってしまいました。) Revising⇒Looking back at to communicate with so many languages that needs to be learned. こんな感じですね。 英語はなんとなく通じているだろうな。 という自身はあるんですけど、細かいところでたくさん間違いを していると確信しています。 そういうところを少しずつ、勉強していきたいです。

その他の回答 (4)


otafukutigerさん、 お疲れ様です。 先ずお詫び。「ー」はhyphenで、apostropheは「’」ですよね。すみません。 例文ですが、こんな感じでいかがでしょう。 時間が過ぎる(時が流れる)との感覚(と意識)は、神経組織による偶然的な結果であり、又我々が世の中をどう認識しているかによる解釈に過ぎない。 これは久しぶりに苦労しました! 英語でも難しい内容で、「時間」は何であるかについてだからです。 補足の部分は別途対応します。



理解しましたよ(時間かかったけど)。 ありがとうございます。 ハイフンでしたね。僕も、つい何も考えずに御礼のところに書いてしまいました。 あのー…。 補足のところ、いいですよ、暇があったらで。 あまりいい文章とはいえないし…。 ただ、教えてくださるなら「こりゃないだろ。」 みたいな英語の使い方をしているところを軽く 指摘してくれれば結構です。 毎度ありがとうございます。 My English is improving day by day!


otafukutigerさん、 10. (The fact that we think time passes is just an accident of our nervous systems) -of the way things look to us. についてですが、 「-of the way things look to us」と「(The fact ... our nervous systems)」はどのように具体的に繋がっているのでしょうか。雰囲気的には分かるのですが、文章として直接繋がるとは疑問なので。「-」のところに何か文章がはいるのか、アポストロフィだけなのか。その場合、「(The fact ... our nervous systems)」の前に何か文章があるのか。 もうちょっと教えてもらえるとよりはっきりと説明できると思います。



アポストロフィだけです。 文章は "The very concept of time travel makes no sense, sence time doesn't flow." The fact that we think time passes is just an accident of our nervous systems - of the way things look to us.In reality, time doesn't pass; we pass. Time itself is invariant. It just is. Therefore, past separate loctions. And since the past isn't a location, you can't travel to it." と、つながっていきます。 よろしくお願いします。



補足欄をお借りします。 今日授業中に書かされた英文です。時間もなく資料もなかったので内容は稚拙ですが、英文を書く問題なので許してください。 もしよろしければ、下記の英文のおかしいところを教えてください。 時間があったらでいいです。 よろしくお願いします。 Studying English in Japan among Japanese otafukutiger, 2002/11/26 Studying English in Japan among Japanese people is very difficult. Its difficulty stems from Japanese original character, I think. They are very shameful and afraid of making mistakes. They don’t try to mistake when pronouncing their English. But it must be more deep cause. Why do they so hesitate to use English? It is very common words that Japanese studied English so long time but they can’t speak it. Revising my middle school and high school age, there were always fears about English. When I was a child, surrounded all by Japanese, I felt vaguely I am Japanese. And then when I saw a Japanese person who speaks English, “Oh, it’s curious. It’s strange. You are Japanese. You better use Japanese.” But at that time, this feeling stemmed from the inferiority complex I could not use English so well in score. Also, in our school, whenever people speak English is in class and alone. A student read the textbook or answered his/her teacher’s question by himself. He/she is very lonely and helpless at that time. If he/she made mistook it means he/she were very much shameful. Then students became feel fear of using English. If you see Japanese who grew up next to the U.S. base or who came back from the English speaking country, you’ll find that their ability to use English is not so poor. I think the environment of studying English is relatively bad in Japan. As for me, similar to the case above, I thought I was not good at English. But when I first went abroad, I found that the English is very important to communicate the other nationalities. The place was China. The best way to communicate the other nationalities is to use their own language. There’s no doubt. But studying other language takes too much time and in the case like China, there are so many languages that remember that’s all is almost impossible. Like that time, the English is very useful many hotels accept for English, almost all people know at least words of English. And I can talk with many country tourists with English. I though it’s nice. Actually the necessity gave me a motivation to use English. Japanese is almost always surrounded by Japanese. There is no necessity to use English and as I told above, people were given the fear to use English in their childhood. I like Japanese and Japanese people. But concerning English, Japanese have ill fame in the world. I don’t like that. To change this Japanese attitude to English, we need to change the system of education.


分かりにくいphaedrusです。今夜も自信ありません。保証もできません。 1)多分、この場合彼は元々高いところにいて、そこから降りてきたのでdownになったかと思います。Stride down と言う特別な使い方はないので、walk down the hill, walk down the roadの感じです。 2)何が見えるはずなの? 望遠鏡を覗いてごらん、そらが見えるでしょう。 うん、見えるけど、何が見えるはずなの? 真っ昼間でも月が見えるんだよ。探してごらん。 みたいな感じ。 3)全く信じない! Do you think that there really are Martians on Mars? I don't buy that. There's no known lifeforms on Mars, as far as I'm concerned. みたいな感じ。どちらかと言うと否定する時に会話に限って使われる。 4)Is there any chance that you can operate the machine tonight? 今夜、それを稼働させる事って無理? 5)明日、彼から電話が入る予定だ。call in = 電話を入れる。 6)これ分かんない!前後教えて! 絶対評価しなくちゃいけないよ。大ボス直々の命令だよ。 かな? う~ん、これだけではなぁ。 rateの綴りは間違っていない? 7)Are we going somewhere?を会話でWe going somewhere?と確かに言う人もいます。 間違っているかどうかは私が判断するべきものではありません。 でも正しいAre we going somewhereと言った方が無難かな? 8)off to the left = 左方面、左側 to the left = 左方向 と言う違いかな? 彼女はそれが左側にある事が見えた。 9)少なくとも、それが目的(狙い)であった。 10)時間の経過を実感するとの事は、単に我々の神経組織による偶然の出来事で - 我々から見て、ものがどう映るか。 (10)の日本語が滅茶苦茶。意味は分かるんだけど、日本語にできない!眠いからかな。。。ごめんなさい! ではでは



いや、そんなことないです。 大変わかりやすいですよ! I don't buy that. (まったく信じない) (Is there) any chance (that) you can operate the machine tonight? 構造が理解できました! off to the left(左側) That is the idea.(それが目的) (The fact that we think time passes is just an accident of our nervous systems) -of the way things look to us. 「私たちが時間の経過だと思っていることは、単に我々の神経 組織による偶然の出来事であって…」ということですね。 やはり、もう少しthings look to us というところを説明 してほしいです。 そうそう、この本を読んでいて量子力学に興味を持ち始めました。 量子力学に関する知識は、中学校のときに読んだブルーバックス 「量子力学」と「タイムマシーンのつくりかた」位の知識です。 理系の学問、物理学のカテゴリーにいくつか質問してあるので、 よろしければそちらのほうもご回答ください。 いつも、一生懸命働いているから疲れてしまうのですね。 ゆっくり休んでくださいね。 それでは!

  • YJK
  • ベストアンサー率30% (76/247)

こんばんは。わかるところだけ。 2.「私は何を見たらいい(理解すべき)ですか?」 3.「このbuy」と言われても・・・進行形ってこと?口語ではよく使われますが、現在進行形で未来を表します。「買わないでしょう、買うつもりは無い」 4.「使う」というより「操作する、オペレートする」。「今夜それを運転できるかい?」 5.「call in」で、電話を入れるという意味もありますが、よく使われるのは「立ち寄る」という意味でです。この場合はtomorrowにかかるのではありません。



3.ですが、買うという意味を表しているのではないのです。 5.あぁ、そういう使い方もありましたね! すっかり忘れていました。 回答ありがとうございました。


  • 英語、空欄補充問題。教えてください。

    問1 He was kind enough to show me the way. He was ( )kind ( ) to show me the way. 問2 It's such a good chance that we mustn't miss it. It's ( ) good a chance ( ) miss. の、それぞれ2つの文が同じ内容になるように空欄に入る語を入れる問題です。 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 長文を日本語に訳してください!

    わからないとこが多すぎて全文日本語にお願いします。 Choose to Lose? Many factors influence the level of intimacy we enjoy in our relationships. The various decisions we make, and our behavior toward one another, are what foster closeness or drives us apart. These decisions are all under our control, although we are influenced by old patterns that we must work to change. The first decision we make about a relationship is the partner we choose. Whom we fall in love with determines the level of intimacy in our relationships, according to Ayala Malach Pines, Ph.D., who heads the behavioral sciences in management program at Ben-Gurion University in Israel. We often choose partners who remind us of significant people from our childhood--often our parents--and we set out to recreate the patterns of our childhood. Let's look at an example: Tara met Abe at a party. She was instantly attracted to the tall, lean man with a faraway look in his eyes. Abe, who had been standing alone, was delighted when Tara approached him with her open smile and outstretched hand. She was not only beautiful, but she struck him as warm and nurturing as well. The conversation between them flowed instantly. It felt comfortable and easy. Eventually, they fell in love, and after a year, they were married. At first things were wonderful. They had the kind of closeness Tara had always dreamed about with her father. Though she was sure he loved her, she never felt she had her father completely to herself. Even when he held her on his lap, he had a faraway look. But with Abe things were different. He was there with her completely. The intimacy between them also felt terrific to Abe. It was not the kind of suffocating closeness he always dreaded--the kind of intrusive closeness he experienced as a child with his mother, who used to enter his room uninvited and arrange his personal belongings with no regard to his privacy. But Tara was different. She did not intrude. But occasionally, Abe would come home from work tired and annoyed. All he wanted was a drink and to sit with the paper until he could calm down and relax. Seeing him that way, Tara would become concerned. "What is going on?" she would ask anxiously. "Nothing," he would answer. Sure that there was something very wrong, and assuming that it must be something about her or their marriage, Tara would insist that he tell her. She reminded him of his mother, and he responded the way he did with his mother: by withdrawing. To Tara, this felt similar to the way her father behaved. She responded in the same way she did when her father withdrew: by clinging. The struggle between them continued and became more and more intense over time, with Tara demanding more intimacy and Abe demanding more space.

  • 知覚動詞+目的語+doingの受動態

    We heard him singing that song.を受動態にするとHe was heard singing that song by us となりますが、He was heard to be singing by usと直すこともできるのでしょうか?

  • 穴埋めと訳を教えて下さい

    (1) we are()()off our shoes here. we should take off... (2) not a person was to be found on the street. not a person()be... (3) Bill worked hard because he wanted to buy a computer. Bill wanted hard so ()()()a computer. (4) he left home so late that he could not catch the train. he left home() late()()the train. (5) she took a flight so that she could save time. she took a flight in order to() time. (6) Meg was so kind that she waited for me for an hour. Meg was kind()()wait... 長くてすみません! 訳も教えて下さい…

  • 英語の問題です。

    特に【A】と【E】が難しく感じました。 それぞれの問題で訳や何か重要なポイントなどを合わせてつけてくださると助かります。 お願いいたします。 【A】 1 Linda doesn´t dance much now, but I know she () a lot.   アwas used to イused to ウwould エwould have 2 The tourists were made () for more than six hours at the airport.   アwait イwaited ウto wait エwaiting 3 A seventeen-years-old is () to vote in an election.   アnot enough old イold not enough ウnot old enough エenough not old 4 John, () the news of the earthquake, couldn´t utter a word.   アshock at イshocking at ウshocked at エhaving shocked by 5 We were taught that the American Revolution () over in 1783.   アis イhas been ウhave エwas 6 Mother seems to be () on Monday, when she has lots of things to wash.   アbusiest イthe busier ウthe more busier エthe most busiest 7 () from the expressionon her face, she doesn´t seem to be very pleased with the result.   アSeem イLooking ウGuessed エJudging 8 I´m afraid Tom´s argument rests only on his imagination, not on ().   アfancy イfictions ウopinions エfacts 9 Look () the words in the dictionary whose meanings you don´t know.   アon イout ウup エwith 10 I was late because my car broke () on the way.   アup イin ウdown エby 11 The result fell short () our expectations.   アfrom イof ウfor エin 12 She took her guests into the kitchen to show () her new washing machine.   アoff イup ウaround エinto 【B】 1 Everyone laughed loudly when he appeared on the stage.   Everyone burst into () when he appeared on the stage. 2 I never see this picture without thinking of my high school days.   This picture always () () of my high school days. 3 We met her at the station by chance.   We () () meet her at the station. 4 He got quite angry with me when I broke his cup.   He () () temper with me when I broke his cup. 【C】間違いの指摘 1 The road remained (closing) for (more than) a week (owing) to the (heavy) snow. 2 This is the park (where) we (used to) (visit) (when young). 3 (That´s) (the way how) she (got) (out of) danger. 4 Jane is (much) (pretty) (than) (beautiful). 5 He was (long) lost (in) deep (thought) with his arms (folding). 【D】 1 It (be,remains,to,whether,seen) the new car will sell well. 2 He suggested (she,to,that,take,her,up) music lessons. 3 He (from,is,for,far,suitable) the job. 4 He speaks French, (say,English,nothing,to,of). 【E】次の英文と同じ内容を表すもの 1 Not all of his plans were accepted.   アThey didn´t take any of his plans. イThey turned down some of his plans.   ウThey accepted all of his plans. エAll of his plans were rejected. 2 He stops in from time to time.   アHe never comes to see us. イHe visits us occationally.   ウHe visits us ever hour. エHe hardly ever comes to stay. 3 We have something in common.   アIn two ways, we´re different. イIn one way, we´re similar.   ウIn no way are we identical. エIn some ways, we´re the some in appearance. 4 The trouble with Seth is that he always takes things seriously.   アSeth has trouble taking things seriously.    イIt´s a lot of trouble for Seth to take things seriously.   ウSeth takes things seriously, and as a result, gets other people into trouble.   エOne of Seth´s problems is that he takes things seriously. 以上です。

  • ちょっと気になってます【12】

    マイクル・クライトンの科学小説「TIME LINE」というものを 読んでいます。 そこで、自力で解決することができなかった問いについて 教えてください。 気になったところだけでOKです! 1. The more she could distribute her weight, the better off she would be. (後半部分がよくわかりません。) 2. He had lost track the fact that he was reading history. (lose track の部分の意味がよくわからず、全体の訳に躓いてしまいました。) 3. Pray forgive him, Lady, for he is young and often thoughtless. (Prayは日本語で「どうか」という意味になると勝手に予想はできるのですが、後半のforの意味がわかりません。どうか教えてください。) 4. He made it look easy. (文章の言っている意味はわかると思うのですが、lookの文法的な説明を教えてください。) 5. Finally the man fell to his knees, head bowed, as if in prayer. (前半部分はまったく問題ありません。問題は後半のinです。このinの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。) よろしくお願いします。

  • paying his way

    Two years after my mom made that decision, my dad successfully applied to be transferred to a prison closer to us. I would love to say that he did it because he really wanted to reconnect with his daughter, but the truth is that he wanted to be closer to his mother. She was paying his way in prison. paying his wayとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文和訳お願いします。

    日本語訳を教えてください。 ( )が自分で考えたものです。 If i had known that things were going to turn out the way they did,I would never have joined the company. (もし事態がそのようになることがわかったいたら、その会社には入らなかったのに) It was not until she was well on her way to the office that she thought of the matter. (彼女は家に帰る途中で元気になって初めてそのことを考えた)

  • as (reason / time)の文章について

    as(reason/time)の勉強をしていますが、素朴な疑問がでましたので、教えてくださると助かります。 下記の文章を→のように変えることも可能ですか? as に関係なしに文法のルールがあるのでしょうか? それとも、asを使うときは、「してること」が先に「出来事」を後に書くというルールなどがあるのでしょうか? <Reason> (1)As it was a public holiday, all the shops were shut.   → All the shops were shut as it was a public holiday. (2)As they live near us, we see them quite often. → We see them quite often as they live neat us. (3)We watched television all evening as we had nothing better to do. → As we had nothing better to do, we watched television all evening. <Time> (4)Tim slipped as he was getting off the bus. → As Tim was getting off the bus, he slipped. (5)The thief was seen as he was climbing over the wall. → As he was climbing over the wall, the thief was seen. (6)As I sat down, the phone rang. → The phone rang as I sat down. → As the phone rang, I sat down. (意味が変わりそうですが。。) (7)As we were going out, it stared to rain. → It stared to rain as we were going out. → As it stared to rain, we were going out. (これも意味が変わりそうですが) もし、as以前に基本的な文法がわかっていないと思う場合は文法の何を勉強すればいいのか こちらのアドバイスも頂けると大変嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 関係詞について

    The lady whom we thought to be honest deceived us. =The lady ( ) we thought ( ) honest deceived us. という問題なんですが、答えは左のから順に(who)と(was) だそうなのですが、 自分は(that)と(her)と考えました。 なんで(who)と(was)になるのですか? 教えていただければうれしいです。