• ベストアンサー


Recognizing that the price we have paid for our modern lifestyles and conveniences has all too often been severe environmental damage, many concerned citizens are advocating the development of a so-called sustainable environment. 上の文です。文が長すぎて何処で区切っていいか分かりません。 特にhas all too often been の部分がわかんないです。辞書を見ると、oftenは助動詞および be動詞の後に置く、あるのですが has been の間にある! too はoften を強調してるんだと思うんですが、合ってますでしょうか? all はどう訳したらいいんでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • T-Mac
  • お礼率57% (73/128)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • eliot55
  • ベストアンサー率36% (30/82)

Recognizing 認め[認識し、わかって] that だと the price 代償が we have paid 私たちが支払っ(てき)た for our modern lifestyles and conveniences 私たちの現代的な生活様式と便利なものと引き換えに has all too often been たいていは~であった severe environmental damage, ひどい環境破壊 many concerned citizens 危惧をいだく多くの市民らは are advocating 支持している[に賛同している] the development 発展を of a so-called sustainable environment. いわゆる維持可能な環境の all too oftenは熟語で、oftenの強調形だと思えばいいものです。 have[has] beenと組み合わせると、all too often beenの語順で 使う方が、been all too oftenよりも普通です。



phaedrusさん、eliot55さん、回答ありがとうございます。 私は直訳しただけだとよくわからない文を意訳するのが苦手みたいです。 この先も似たような形で質問することがあるかもしれませんが、そのときはまたよろしくお願い致します。

その他の回答 (1)


順番だけかな? has all too often been has been, all too often 前のpriceとつなげると、 the price has been, all too often, severe environmental damage all too often = 多くの場合 (all = 全て、too often = 頻繁過ぎる) 多くの場合、利便性の追求と近代的な生活パターンの代償は、激しい環境破壊である事が認められ、 みたいな感じかも知れません。


  • 和訳みてくだい。has been,even hotter

    和訳みてくだい。has been,even hotter この会話の前に、私が”今は暑いです”という事を言いました。 It has been hot here too. In Brussels last week it was 36 degrees. But, Japan will be even hotter. こっちもずっと暑いです。ブリュッセルでは先週36度でした。 でも日本はより一層暑いだろう。 質問 It has been hot here too. この文は、今も暑く、今後も暑いだろうという事ですか? Japan will be even hotter. even hotterはより一層という訳し方でいいですか? お願いします。

  • 文法

    ofなどの前置詞の後ろに「名詞+動詞」として、名詞の説明はできないのですか? つまりS+(前置詞+S’+V’+O)+Vみたいな文です。 例を挙げますと、 ・The supporters of wolves say opponents are too concerned with the impact of restoring the wolves. この文の解答しては、 The supporters of wolves  → 「主語」 say → 「動詞」 opponents are too concerned with the impact of restoring the wolves. → 「目的語」 となっていたのですが、 The supporters of wolves say opponents → 「主語」 are → 「動詞」 too concerned with the impact of restoring the wolves. → 「補語」 では駄目でしょうか?

  • 英語を和訳していただけますか? Villa has been name

    英語を和訳していただけますか? Villa has been named a liable party・・・ 米国の会計の勉強をしています。問題集に下記の説明文がありました。 Villa has been named a liable party for toxic waste celanup on its land, and must pay an as-yet-undeterminated amount for environmental remediation activities. どうやら裁判沙汰で、有害ゴミの関係で金額は決定していないけど賠償金を払わなければならない状態のようですが、和訳ができません。 ○Villa has been named a liable party for・・・ 特にforの前の一文をどう訳せばいいか分かりかねます。 お手数ですが、英語に詳しい方教えてください。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    先ほども助けて頂いたのですが、連続ですみません。 自分の英語力の無さで悲しくなります・・・ Right through the ages there have been Jews, through all the ages they have had to suffer , but it has made them strong too ; the weak fall, but the strong will remain and never go under ! という文章なんですが・・・ 申し訳ありませんが、力を貸してください。お願いします。 出来ましたら翻訳サイトは使わずにお願いします。

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Stereotypes help us simplify the world around us,but the problem is that too often they give us a picture that is too simple to be accurate. (2)In no large group are we likely to find any trait in all the members. (3)Humans are just to unique for that to be likely. 上の3つの文の和訳をお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    Because there is no national religion and because citizens come from so many different backgrounds and origins, schools in the United States have been the chief institution thorough which a common national interest has been shared and a common culture developed. During the 1800s and early 1900s, when millions of people from many countries around the world came to the United States, schools were an important part in "Americanizing" the children, and through them the parents, too.

  • dieの使い方がよくわからない

    英語の問題を色々と解いていたら、 She has been died for 3 years. という文がありました。 この問いは間違いを記せという問題なのですが、なぜこの文は間違っていて、どう文を変えればよいのでしょうか? dieは動詞としてどう使うのかなどよくわからないです。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳してください

    Planet Earth is 46 hundered million years old. If we scale this inconceivably timespan down to a more manageable 46 years, then modern human beings have been around for four hours, and the Industrial Revolution began a minutes ago.During 60 seconds of biological time, humankind have multiplied their numbers to plague proportions, ransacked the planet for fuels and raw materials, and caused the extinctionf countless species of animals and plants.However brief our lifetime on Earth, it brings with it responsibilities, not just to other humans , but to the abundance of life forms with which we share this evolutionary moment.Since the late 1960s, it has become customary for skeptics to accuse environmentalists of permanently crying "Wolf !" Why, these skeptics ask, is it all so urgent now, given the relative ease eith which the seems to have withstood most of the damage inflicted on it over the last 20 years?What does the Earth need tobe "saved" from? It is often easier to deny the truth than to confront it. Let's be thankful that we have indeed got through the last 20 years with no more than a handful of appalling environmental disasters, but let's never forget that for millions of people, their environment has already collapsed, as witnessed by the huge increase in "environmental refugees" - all those who have been forced to leave their homelands by drought, deforestation, and other environmental crises.The fact that the last 20 years have been characterized more by progressive decline than by dizzy environmental collapse hardly seems a cause for rejoicing.At the same time, I do believe that the foundations for a more just, compassionate and sustainable future are now being laid. Some of this fundation work has a very high profile, resonantly in the fine speeches of world leaders, adovocated passionately by the massed groups of environmental and development organizations, amplified with increasing authority by the world's media. Despite the media's tendency to leap from one one fashionable cause to the next (from world hunger to AIDS to the environment), it would be narrow-minded to deny their part in increasing environmental awareness. It is easier to be "green" today than ever before. But most of the foundation work is being painstakingly put together at the grass-roots with no media attention - reflected in the concerns and lifestyle choices of millions of people who know what they owe to themselves and to the future.It is this grass-roots base that leads me to believe that the current level of environmental activity will not fade away, but will steadily strengthen.The signs of hope are multiplying, reinforcing the mounting pressure for new approaches and lasting change.

  • 次の英語の問題について説明お願いします!

    The president is too busy to read the report. It has been written to him. 「The president」を先行詞としてwhomを使って2文を1文にしてください。

  • 文中の動詞broadcastについて

    以下の例文があります。 All too often, mission control ☆has broadcast dreaded announcements that yet another rocket has failed. (訳)宇宙管制センターは、またひとつのロケット(の打ち上げ)が失敗したという遺憾な発表を頻繁にしている。 ☆has broadcastの部分についてお尋ねします。 この場合、broadcastedではなくbroadcastなのは何故でしょうか。 辞書でも調べてみたのですが、(動)broadcastの変化形が特殊なわけでもない様なので…。 すみませんが、何卒、よろしくお願いいたします。