• 締切済み



  • puru256
  • ベストアンサー率26% (33/126)

Stop 0x000000D1ですか。 このエラーってややこしいんですよね。 ドライバ類で不具合起こしている可能性が高いですが、一つ一つ原因を切り分けていかないといけません。 とりあえずパソコンの中身を全てupdateして治るかどうかが一つ目の切り分けになると思います。 以下、参考にして下さい。 マイクロソフト http://support.microsoft.com/kb/817789/ja 過去に不具合のあった人の切り分け http://mogg.blog.ocn.ne.jp/mogg/2007/12/post_c855.html


  • エラー画面の対処法

    pcを起動すると、最終的には次のエラー画面が出て起動できません。 a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Unmountable_boot_volume If this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen, Restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps; Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe Mode. 新しいインストールとかはしてないんですが、確認する方法とか取り除き方がわかりません…。 BIOS memoryを無効にするやり方がわかりません…。 最後のセーフモードは試しましたが効果なしです。 どなたか教えてください。

  • ブルー画面エラー

    このような画面がでてしまいました。 どうすればよいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。 a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. page_fault_nonpaged_area if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps: check to make shre any new hardware or software is properly installed. if this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. if problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. disable bios memory options such as caching or shadowing. if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode. technical information: stop: 0x00000050 (0xE14D4810,0x00000000,0x8055259a,0x00000001) Beginning dump of physical memory dumping physical memory to disk: 24

  • シャットダウン時に青画面+英文

    買って半年も経っていないノートパソコンなのですが、昨日シャットダウンしようとしたところ、なかなかシャットダウンされず私はそのまま寝てしまいました。ところが今日の朝起きてみると、青画面に大量の英文が映し出されていて、とても慌てました。画面には A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen restart your computer. If this screen appears again,follow these steps. Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.If this is anew installation,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadwing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable computers,restart your computer,press F8 to select Advanced startup options,and then selest safe mode. と表示されていました。 機械的な面にはあまり詳しくないので、どうしてよいかわからず、とても困っています。よろしくお願いします。

  • STOPエラーでシャットダウンできません。

    よろしくお願いします タイトルの通りです。 エラー文は下記に書きます。 A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer . If this screen appears again, follow for any Windows updates you might need. If problems continue, disable or remove any newiy installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select Safe mode. Technical infomation: *** STOP: 0X0000000A(0X000000B0,0X00000002,0X00000000,0X80509FAC)

  • パソコンで青い画面

    パソコンで青い画面になってしまい。次のようなメッセージです どこがおかしいのか さっぱりわかりません。ご指導宜しくお願いします。 初心者ですので 可能な限り手順も教えてください。 A problemhas been detectedand windows has been shut down to prevent dama to your computer. MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPION if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen. restart your computer. If this screen appears again,follow these steps: check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware of software.Disable BIOS memore options such as caching or shadowing If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components restart select safe mode. Technical information *** STOP:0x0000009C(0X00000004,0X80548EF0,0x82000000,0X00070F0F) Beginning dump of physical memory

  • パソコンのブルースクリーンエラーで困っています

    最近パソコンの電源をシャットダウンする3回に1回はフリーズしブルースクリーンがでます。 内容は A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or softwaremanufacture for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software, Disable BIOS memory options such as cathing or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components. restart your computer press F8 to select Advanced startup options. and then select safe mode. Technical information STOP 0×0000000A(0×0000000C,0×00000002,0×00000000,0×80507496) です。 このエラー表示をみて解決策が分かる方いましたら分かりやすく教えてください。お願いしますm(__)m

  • ブルー画面のエラーで先に進みません

    ブルー画面で下のようなエラーが出ます。エラーの意味と対処法を教えて下さい。(セーフモードでも起動不可能でした) A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME If this screen appears again,follow these steps;Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.If this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any waindows updates you might need.If problem continue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software.Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.If you need touse Safe Mode to remove or disable components,restart your computer,press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options,and then select Safe Mode. Technical Information;***STOP:0x00000ED(0x80EB33C8,0xC0000032,0x00000000)

  • このようなエラーがでて困っています

    A problem has been delected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer.If this screen appears again,follow thiese steps: Check to make sure any new haedware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manu facturer for any windows updates you might need. If problem continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software,Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable computers,restart your Computer,press F8 to select Advanced start up options,and then select safe mode. Technical information: ☆☆☆ STOP:0x0000000A(0x00000000,0x0000001c,0x804FCEE4) Beginning dump of phy sical memory. Physical memory dump complete Contaet your system administrater or technieal support group for further assistance というエラーです。解決方法または出なくなる方法を教えてください

  • 起動しようとすると、青い画面に英語でズラ~っと文字が出てきて止まってしまいます

    DELLのINSPIRONというノートPCを使っています。 2~3日前から、起動しようとすると青い画面になり英語でずら~っと文字が出てきたきり、止まってしまいます。 何度試しても同じで全く使えません。どうしたら良いでしょうか・・。 出てくる英語の文字は A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen. restart your computer.If this screen appears again,follw these steps: Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then select safe mode. Technical information: STOP: 0×000000ED(0×8571B5F0,0×C0000006,0×00000000,0×00000000) と、出ています。長々とすみません・・。やっぱり故障でしょうか・・。困っています。

  • ブルー画面から進みません

    ブルー画面で下のエラーがでます。 F8を押しながら電源を入れてセーフモードにしても、 また同じブルー画面で同じエラーが出てしまいます。 解決法を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 A probem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damege to your computer. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer.If this screen appears again, follow these steps: check to make sure any new hardware of software is proberly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or sortware manufacturer for any windows update you might need. If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode. Technical information: *** STOP: 0x000000ED (0x817A4BB8, 0xC0000032, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)