• ベストアンサー

a sea????


  • ベストアンサー
  • trgovec
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2538/4879)

通常seaにはtheが付き、go to the sea のように使います。このtheはどこかの海を特定するより、話し手や聞き手にとってすでに特定されている今そこにある海というような感じです。この文では a sea となっていますが、今そこにあるのではない大昔の「ある海」という感じを出しているようです。または「一つの水体」という意味かもしれません。これをthe seaとしても必ずしも間違いではないと思います。形は変わっても地球上の海には変わりないとも言えます。 >aはなんらかのまとまりがある始めと終わりのあるものにつく この認識でいいでしょう。「水」そのものには始まりも終わりもありませんが、「海」は範囲があります。地球上の海は全てつながっていると考えれば、地球がその範囲になり、「日本海」「太平洋」のような場合は必ずしもはっきりしなくても境界線があるはずです。


  • 大文字の“M”で始まる“Mother”の意味を教えてください (至急)

    下に引用した例文中での“Mother”の意味はどうなるのでしょうか? よろしくお教えください。 ===================================   As we sank further into poverty I would, in my childish ignorance, reproach Mother for not going back to the stage. She would smile and say that that life was false and artificial, and that in such a world one could so easily forget God. Yet whenever she talked of the theatre she would forget herself and again get carried away with enthusiasm. Some days, after reminiscing, she would fall into a long silence as she bent over her needlework, and I would grow moody because we were no longer a part of that glamorous life. And Mother would look up and see me forlorn and would cheerfully console me.

  • わからない英文があります

    "And on and on, one by one, she lampoons the traditional wedding vows. Until the talented Bradshaw is better able to grasp the complexities of married life, she would be better advised to explore the vow of silence." Until the talented Bradshaw is better able to grasp the complexities of married lifeとはどういう意味ですか?

  • 冠詞:He has a simple and a beautiful

    冠詞:He has a simple and a beautiful nature.(ドリアン・グレイの肖像 オスカー・ワイルド著) こんにちは、いつもお世話になります。 タイトルの英文の不定冠詞の使い方で質問があります。 ご存知の通り、ひとつの物に冠詞は一つですよね? 例: a black and white dog.(白と黒のブチの犬)    a black and a white dog.(白い犬と黒い犬) この様な知識しかないので、He has a simple and beautiful nature.と冠詞は一つにしないといけない様な気がするのですがどうでしょうか? よろしくお願い致します。 ---------------------------------- 補足: 背景:BasilがHenryにどうしても肖像画のモデルであるドリアン・グレイを紹介したくないという。 その理由として、He has a simple and a beautiful nature.(美しくて単純な性質を彼は持ってる)それが画家として大いに刺激になるのでHery氏に合わせると彼が変わってしまい芸術的刺激をドリアンが与えてくれなくなるのではないかと恐れるからだと言う文の中の一節。 以下、著作権切れの小説なので、ちょっと多めに引用します。 “Dorian Gray is my dearest friend,” he said. “He has a simple and a beautiful nature. Your aunt was quite right in what she said of him. Don’t spoil him for me. Don’t try to influence him. Your influence would be bad. では、改めてよろしくお願い致します。 (すいませんが、今回お礼は日曜日以降になります。)

  • 文法

    She has dedicated her life to becoming a pianist, therefore, now she is one of the leading pianists in Japan. この文章は文法的に正しいですか?

  • 和訳至急お願いします(ノA`)!!

    ブライヤー元首相の奥さんの話です。 It might be thought that Cherie Booth would have enough to do being the Prime Minister's wife ,but she chose to continue her career as one of the top lawyers in the country. Indeed she has become something of a model woman, who has been able successfully to juggle the demands of family and career.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします

    1 Maybe this town would fare better with one less mouth to feed. 2 I hope for your sake she's a better hunter's trap than she is a cook. ※どちらか片方のみでもかまいません。

  • 英語の仮定法の問題

    1if使って表現し、全文を書き換えなさい。 1.Had I read the book,I would have enjoyed the movie more. 2.With a camera,I could take a picture of this beautiful scene. 3.She must be tired;otherwise she would go out with her friends. 2各文の意味がほぼ同じ意味になるように、 ( )に適当な語をいれなさい。 1 a)It's time for the children to go to bed. b)It's time the ( )( ) to bed. 2 a)But for water,there would be no life on the earth. b)If it ( )( )( ) water,there would be no life on the earth. 3 a)I wish you could stay in Tokyo longer. b)( )( ) you could stay in Tokyo longer! 4 a)To see the brothers,you would think they were twins. b)( )( )( ) the brothers,you would think they were twins. よろしくお願いします><

  • 「figurative」 ???

    冠詞のことについて調べていたら次のような文章がありました。 ----------------------------- ... the word ‘a’ has the figurative meaning of ‘one’ as in the sentenes 1. He kept a book on the table. 2. She gave a pencil to her son. (http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-a-and-vs-one-in-english-grammar/ の最後の方) ----------------------------- ここにある figurative の意味は何でしょうか? 辞書を引くと「比喩的な」と出ています。 しかし、それで上記の文章を訳すと  「...次の文にあるように、'one'の比喩的な意味を 'a' は持つ」 のようになって、意味がさっぱり分かりません・・・。 (「a」が「one」の何を喩えている???)

  • off at a university

    My daughter is 19. Her boyfriend is 18. Over the summer, they were busted for smoking marijuana in her car. The officer gave them the option of letting just one of them take the fall. My daughter volunteered; I considered this a very bad decision. If this gets on her record she will lose her financial aid and college will be, if not impossible, very, very hard. Her boyfriend, however, comes from a very well-heeled family. Regardless, she said that she would take the citation and he would pay the fine. Well, the case has now been heard and it was plea bargained down to a lower offense, but it comes with probation and $700 in costs/attorney's fees. Her boyfriend has paid her $200. She says she is fine with that. I am NOT fine with that. He's well-off. She is broke, and is working while going to a local college. He's off at a university, and I think she's worried that if she makes a big deal about this, he'll reconsider the relationship. off at a universityはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 次の英文の意味を教えていただけませんか.

     以下のような文章がありました. My mother never let herself get down; no matter how bad things were, she stayed cheerful. Even though we had a hard life, she still maintained the attitude that everything was fine. She took life one day at a time, made the best of every day, and never let things get the better of her. I remember her coming home tired from her job at the restaurant and saying that we were lucky - that as bad as things seemed to be, there were people far worse off than we were. (以下,省略)  上の英文の中で,She took life one day at a time, というのはどんなことを言っているのですか.one day (ある日),at a time (一度に) に間違いがなければ,took life の解釈にかかってくるのですが,辞書で当たってみた限り,life の前に修飾語を置かないで take life と使った例を見出せませんでした.これは一種の慣用的表現なのでしょうか.もし慣用表現でないとしたら,どうしてそういう解釈になるのかも含めて解説して頂ければと思います.宜しくお願いします.