• ベストアンサー


お願いしますぅ。誰か助けてくださぃぃぃ! I work hard to create a caring community of learning where all children and parents are valued...の訳ですが~ 私は地域社会を創造することに力を尽くし、学ぶすべての子供達、親たちに 高く評価される・・・・・???う~ん・・。


  • ベストアンサー
  • nuubou
  • ベストアンサー率18% (28/153)

質問とは関係ないのですがこの辞書はご存じでしょうか? すごい無料のサイバー辞書ですよ 知らなかったらタスクバーに格納して愛用してください これを使うと辞書無しで しかも ダブルクリックで語を選択し 右クリックでメニューを出してコピーし タスクバーの辞書をクリックして辞書を呼び出し 語欄に右クリックでメニューをだして貼り付けをし リターンを押すという 簡単なルーリンで単語を調べることができます 単語のスペルは最初の幾つかだけでいいのでいい加減な入力も可能です スペルを打ち込まなくていいのもいいですね 私はこうしてすべてのサイトの英語を訳してます また調べた語句が順に記憶されているので後で復習ができます これは変なちまたの辞書よりただなのにすごいですよ 知っているでしょうか?


その他の回答 (2)

  • nuubou
  • ベストアンサー率18% (28/153)


  • nuubou
  • ベストアンサー率18% (28/153)

私はすべての子と親が尊重される思いやりのある学問の共同社会を造るために一生懸命働く... 全く自信がないのでよろしく 下記に自動翻訳の体験デモをやってます






  • 英語がわかる方!!

    All the children are sleeping,and all the parents are sad.ってどういう意味ですか? 教えてください><

  • 英語の問題がわからないので教えてください

    ()の単語の品詞と意味を答えろ。 この問題わからないので教えてください 1you are on a (train) 2the children have to (train)very hard 3 you are on a train that (runs)past 4 how businesses are (run) 5 Children enjoy learning about trains and are happy to (work) 6 most of the (work)is done by children 7 At (present )most of the work is done 8 though adult are also (present)

  • flagship state university

    My husband and I are parents to three college-age children. All three are good students that attend flagship state universities. flagship state universitiesとはどのような大学でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 至急 訳を教えてください。

    訳してみてもうまく文にならなくて大変困ってます。 よろしくお願いします。 First-born Children and only childlen First-born and only children are alike in some ways. First-born children receive all of their parents' attention until a new child is born. Only children receive this attention all through their lives. Both kinds of children have close relationships with their parents and try to make them happy. First-born children try hard to be successful,and they often get professional jobs. Only children also try to be perfect at everything. They are usually responsible and reliable. Sometimes,however,they become selfish. Twenty-one of the first twenty-threeU.S. astronauts were first-born or only children.

  • 英訳ができません

    breaking newsの記事からです。 Parents in the U.K. face being punished if their children are continually late for school. Britain's Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced he will crack down on what he terms "problem parents". He said too many families fail to "face up to their responsibilities" by ensuring their children get to school on time, and are "ready to learn and show respect for their teacher". (1)質問  ここでのand are"ready to learn~の主語は何なのでしょうか?この学習する準備ができているて教師を尊敬している、何を説明しているのでしょうか? Parents are already slapped with a £60 ($100) fine if their child is repeatedly late for school. However, 20,000 of these penalties were unpaid last year, prompting Mr Gove to announce a tougher penalty system. There will also be fines for parents who withdraw their children during term time to take them on cheaper family vacations. (2)ここのcheaperは、旅行の繁忙期を避けて、安い時期に行くことをさしていますか? Mr Gove said his plans were all part of raising standards in education, creating a bigger incentive for parents to ensure their children get to school, and tackling the problem of "habitual truancy". Gove also hit back at his critics, accusing them of adhering to policies that set pupils up to fail and of promoting "a diet of dumbed-down courses". (3)ここの一文は全然理解できません・・・。 accusingはcriticsを説明していますか?them は何を指しているのでしょうか? He said opposition politicians shied away "from anything which might require grit". (4)gritの意味は何ですか? Gove warned their policies would send children to school "without daring to think they might be intellectually curious and capable of greatness, denying them access to anything stretching or ambitious, and setting expectations so low you can never be surprised by someone's potential". (5)ここの文章もあまり意味がわかりません。 ざっくりでもいいので、だいたいの意味を教えていただけませんか?

  • 英訳に困っています><助けてください><

    The family life cycle Even if a theory is a little bit limited, it may still be useful . For instance , Duvall (1971)developed a model of the different stages of marriage which has been criticized in similar ways - it is culturally specific and it doesn't take account of the experiences of single parents , or of divorce , for example . But even with its shortcomings , the model can still help us to understand how a consistent long- term marriage goes through different phases ; and how there phases actually involve different behaviour on the part of the couple , and different assumptions about what they are actually doing. Duvall identified eight different stages of marriage in all . The first of these is the honeymoon period , in which the married couple are learning to live together, without children . At this time , they are getting to know each other and setting the foundations for their later life together . Statistically , a couple whose honeymoon period lasts for two years or more before children come along are much more likely to stay together in the long term than those who only have a brief interval before starting a family . This may partly be because they have the time to get to know one another as people much better . The second period in Duvall's model is the nurturing period, when the oldest child is less than two years old, and the couple are learning to cope with being new parents . It can be a stressful time for both of them, and it isn't made easier by lack of sleep, and anxiety about how the child or children are progressing . So at this time , the couple are likely to need to give one another quite a high level of both practical and emotional support; and knowing each other well can make for fewer misunderstanding and quarrels.

  • 日本語に直して下さい!

    日本語に直して下さい! If you are not very good at grammar, don't worry, because in dialects the rules are often stretched. A shopkeeper who has sold out of something might tell you, "I haven't got none no more." Young children, while learning first language, make guesses at grammar rules and sa things their like, "Where Daddy go?" "I no want apple." So it seems that mistakes are not such a big matter after all.

  • 下記の翻訳をお願いできないでしょうか。

    下記の翻訳をお願いできないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。 As a community of Toyota Camry people from all over the world, where do we all LIVE?! From 50,000 folks whose passion is to seek overland adventure in their camry’s... so help us out! LIKE the photo, & then COMMENT where you are from! In a few weeks we will be posting a photo including all the spots this community lives! Do your part and lets see where this goes!

  • 翻訳+問題

    Dick's love for children can be seen not only in his picture books but also in his work for socially-conscious organizations.He has designed posters,cards,and other item for hospitals,charities and so on.Sone of his works tell us about the sorrow of children suffering from hunger,disease,and forced labor.They communicate their messages directly to the world because of their simple designs.If his designs were complicated,people would not understand the messages so easily.Now,there are a lot of fans of his works all over the world.These peole support his social goals.He still continues to make new works.He says,"As long as my creativity lasts,I will continue to create designs that are both simple and easy to understand,and that make people happy." 上の分を読み下の質問の翻訳・回答をお願いします。 What can yon see in Dick's picture book? What are “socially-conscious organizations”? Give some examples. What are “other items”? Do all his works tell us about happy children?

  • 英語→日本語をお願いします

    日本語訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m Consider the conversations that we overhere as if we were invisibule, not really there, standing beside someone using a cell phone in a public plac e. The "it" factor is all around us. Earlier this year, at the lical post office, I overheard a man standing that he and his spouse really shouldn't be punching the children because one day the kids might tell their teachers. Observe parents with children in baby carriages or in parks. Many no longer interact with those children, introducing them to the community. Instead, parents are on cell phones, ignoring their public. They are "it's", too. When many of us were being raised, parents who did not interact with us in public were either alcoholic or dysfunctional. And even those thought us three words that saved many of us from injury or death: Look both ways. Children reared by cell phone parents do not look both ways when they step off the curb. Nobody has informed them of the danger.

  • EPSONのプリンターLP-S440DNを使用中、頻繁に紙詰まりが発生し、A4の縦印刷時に薄い黒い筋が入る問題が生じている場合の確認ポイントと対策について説明します。
  • EPSON LP-S440DNプリンターの紙詰まり対策と、A4縦印刷時の黒い筋問題の解決法をご紹介します。これにより、印刷品質を確保し、業務効率を向上させる方法がわかります。
  • 頻繁に紙詰まりが発生し、A4縦印刷時に薄い黒い筋が入るEPSON LP-S440DNの使用者向けに、問題の原因と解決方法を詳しく解説します。