• 締切済み




アメリカに35年ほど住んでいる者です。 RMAはReturn Merchandise Authorizationの意味です。 つまり、商売で売った物(merchandiseですね)を返品する時に、仕入先から返品してもいいよという受諾の事です。 普通、仕入先はRMA numberと言う整理番号を作り、それを返品する箱に明記します。 そうする事により、受け取った仕入先が受け取った後の処理がしやすいからです。 これでいいでしょうか。


  • ebayのshopのQ&Aが訳せなくて困ってます

    ebayのshopのQ&Aが訳せなくて困ってます 複数の商品を落札した際の送料の取り扱いについて Q&Aを読んでいたのですが、いまいち理解できないのでどなたかお力を貸してください。 おそらくこの部分だと思うのですが よろしくお願いします。 Can I get a deal on shipping if I buy 2 or more items? We do not offer a discount for purchasing multiple items and you will need to submit full payment for all items. We do however offer an incentive to purchase multiple items by offering a free ski/snowboard related gift (retail value of $8 or more) for all eligible items in a shipment. If an item isn't already marked as 'shipped' within your My Ebay account and you purchase additional items, they would be eligible for this free gift. We process our orders in batches every 24-48 hrs and we will NOT hold your shipment to make it eligible for our "multiple-item-ship-discount gift".

  • イーベイオークションにて

    いつもお世話になっております イーベイより以下のメールを貰いました。 削除されたebayerのフィードバックは全て取り除かれました、という内容は理解出来るのですが,,,,, 期限が9月14日とあり、それまでに私は何かアクションを起こさなければいけないのでしょうか? 何方か宜しくアドヴァイスお願い致します。 Subject: Notification of Change to Your Feedback Received: Aug-03-07 From: eBay Expires: Sep-14-07 You acted on this alert in My Messages, but it may still require your attention. eBay sent this message to Yamada Hanako (cherry). Your registered name is included to show this message originated from eBay. Learn more. Dear cherry, A user whom you have recently transacted with has been indefinitely suspended from eBay within 90 days of registration. We have removed any feedback they left for you or others. eBay removes feedback when a user is indefinitely suspended for certain policy violations within 90 days of registration. eBay takes the position that members indefinitely suspended soon after registration shouldn't be able to permanently impact another member's account. To view your current feedback score, visit your Member Profile. Thank you, eBay

  • 比較構文の問題 その他

    たくさん質問がありますがよろしくお願いいたします。 (1) 比較級の使い方の問題です。 fastestに下線が引いてあり、これが正しいか間違っているかという問題です。  Over there is the newest computer we own, and only the mainframe computer downstairs is fastest. 正解はfasterなのですが どうしてだかわかりません。 意味も今ひとつわかりません。 一応つたない訳を書いてみます。 「あそこにあるのは我々が持っている中で最も新しいコンピュータで、(だが?)階下にある大型コンピュータだけがより処理能力が高い」 (2)within 60days of expiration の日本語訳が 「有効期限切れから60日以内に」となっていますが つまり 「期限切れになる60日以内に」と解釈してもいいのでしょうか。 (3)以下の文章で represents は何を主語に取るのでしょうか。 The price of the new lunar program will be spread out over 13 years and adjusted for inflation represents about 55 percent of what the Apollospace program cost in the 1970's. 分解して The price will be spread out and will be adjusted for inflation と捉えたのですがそうすると 何が「1970年代のアポロ計画にかかった費用のおよそ55%」となるのかわかりません。 雰囲気だけで訳すと 「現代の月探査計画にかかる費用がインフレ率に照らしあわせて考えると、当時のアポロ計画の費用のおよそ55%でいける」 普通に考えると昔より今のほうが物価が上がっているので「当時の55%でOK」というのも??なのですが 一方で著しい技術革新でコストを十分落とす事が出来るとも考えられます。 どなたかわかる方よろしくご教授のほど お願いいたします。

  • 海外航空券のキャンセル手続きについて。

    はじめまして。 Airtickets24.com にて海外航空券を購入しました。 日付を間違えて手配したため、キャンセルをしようと思ってHPから キャンセルの問い合わせをしました。 返事が来て、キャンセル料とキャンセル手続きの期限の回答がありました。 キャンセルはやめて、申し込んだ通りに航空券を利用したいと思います。 質問1 キャンセルをやめる。という連絡をするとかえってややこしくなりますか? それとも、キャンセル取りやめの連絡をすれば良いでしょうか? 質問2 Airtickets24.com への連絡の際の英文を教えていただけるとありがたいです。 恐れ入りますが、よろしくお願い致します。 --------------------------------- Airtickets24.com からのメール Dear ********, We would like to inform you that in case of cancellation the airline company charges 157.00 € as a penalty. The refundable amount is 173.77 € per passenger. This amount will be reimbursed within a maximum of 30 working days after the airline’s authorization. For any change or cancellation our agency charges 10.00 €. Unfortunately, we were not able to reach you on the phone. In case you wish to proceed with the cancellation please contact us before your departure. Penalty for cancellation: 157.00 € Refundable amount per passenger: 173.77 € Cost for change/cancellation Airtickets24.com: 10.00 € Refund: Within 30 working days after the airline's authorization. Deadline to cancel: 21jul2013 For any further information please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing Airtickets24.com! Spyros MOURELATOS | Customer Support Team Leader t: +30 213 018 4000 | f: +30 211 800 1181 | e: pamediakopes.gr | trip.ru | airtickets24.com | fantasticgreece.com | moneyexpert.gr e-Travel SA - Evelpidon 61-63, GR - 11362, Athens Reporting to Maria LENGOU, Customer Support Manager

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    海外のネットショップで買い物をしたのですが、目的の商品と違う商品が送られてきた旨をカスタマーサービスに伝えた所、以下の返信がありましたが自動翻訳では意味の要約ができず困っています。要するにどうしたらよいのでようか?簡単にまとめてもらえると助かります。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Dear Juicy Customer, Thank you for contacting JuicyCouture.com. We gladly accept online returns and exchanges within 45 days of purchase for a full refund to the original form of payment. For your convenience, you can mail it to us at the address below or return your purchase to a Juicy Couture retail specialty store. Please be sure to have your original packing slip showing the amount you paid unless you choose to be credited for the current selling price of the returned item(s). We are only able to process returns and exchanges for items purchased on JuicyCouture.com. To simplify your return shipping, we have included a UPS return label was included in your original order. You can use this to ship your items back to us and we will simply deduct $7.95 from your refund. You may also choose not to use our return label and submit your return via a prepaid, insured carrier of your choice to the address below. Please also include your packing slip or order # and send via traceable mail to: ここが住所なので伏せておきます。 **Please note that items on clearance, final sale items and monogrammed items cannot be returned or exchanged. All returned merchandise must be unworn with the original tags attached. Fragrance and cosmetics must be unopened in original packaging. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 私としては返金してもらいたいのが希望です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文翻訳お願いします。

    海外のネットショップで買い物をしたのですが、商品が間違って届き、返品する事になりました。メールの意味はだいたい分かったのですが、返品する方法について詳細がよくわかりません。これは着払いで送って良いのでしょうか?以下が送られてきた文面になります。よろしくお願いします。 Dear Juicy Customer, Thank you for contacting JuicyCouture.com. We gladly accept online returns and exchanges within 45 days of purchase for a full refund to the original form of payment. For your convenience, you can mail it to us at the address below or return your purchase to a Juicy Couture retail specialty store. Please be sure to have your original packing slip showing the amount you paid unless you choose to be credited for the current selling price of the returned item(s). We are only able to process returns and exchanges for items purchased on JuicyCouture.com. To simplify your return shipping, we have included a UPS return label was included in your original order. You can use this to ship your items back to us and we will simply deduct $7.95 from your refund. You may also choose not to use our return label and submit your return via a prepaid, insured carrier of your choice to the address below.

  • アメリカのショップからメールきました翻訳願います

    アメリカのネットショップで複数商品購入したんですがメールがきました。 だれか翻訳おねがいできないでしょうか。 グーグル翻訳ではちょっと意味不明な文章になってしまいます。 以下本文の途中からですがお願いします。 Your custom is important to us, so we wanted to contact you with an update on your order and hope you don`t mind the intrusion to your inbox. We have yet to ship the item(s) listed below. Whilst we hold many items in stock and dispatch those within a day of an order being placed, some of the items we offer are not held in stock and we order these on a weekly basis from the official merchandise suppliers. This is why we say that it may take up to 28 days to dispatch your item(s). In most cases, the suppliers are very reliable and hopefully your item(s) will be on the way to you very shortly. But, in some instances the official supplier may be temporarily out of stock on a product and we may have to wait longer to receive and dispatch your package. To minimise delays for our customers, we always part ship orders. So if you ordered multiple items, we`ll send each one out as soon as we have them in the warehouse. You don`t get charged for any extra shipping - we pick that tab up. So please don`t panic - you`re not going to get ripped off. If at any time you`re not happy, you can contact us for an alternative item or a full refund. Our customer services team can be reached at the contacts below. All the best and thanks again for shopping with us.

  • 同格、それとも独立分詞構文?

    次の英文の後半は次の2つのどちらの文法的解釈がより妥当でしょうか? The retail chain’s colors are instantly recognizable to a vast chunk of the world’s population, its green and brown carefully selected to symbolize the land on which the coffee is grown. 1. 主節の主語 ”the retail chain’s colors” と同格の関係になっている。 直訳すると、「この小売チェーン店の色、つまりコーヒーが育つ大地を象徴するように入念に選ばれたこのチェーン店の緑色と茶色は、世界中の膨大な数の人に即座にそれとわかるものである。」 2. いわゆる独立分詞構文で、its green and brownとcarefully selectedの間にbeingが省略されている。 直訳すると、「この小売チェーン店の色は世界中の膨大な数の人に即座にそれとわかるものであり、このチェーン店の緑色と茶色はコーヒーが育つ大地を象徴するように入念に選ばれている。」 後半の最初の名詞句“its green and brown”が主文の主語"the retail chain’s colors" が指すものと ・イコールならば1の解釈になり、 ・イコールでなければ2の解釈になる、 のだろうというところまでは考えられるのですが、どうもよくわかりません。 ご教示ください。 《ご参考までに》 この一文は2004年早稲田大学商学部の入試問題の一部です。その冒頭部分を次に引用しテおきます。第2段落の最初の文です。 Each week, 25 million customers wander through the now-familiar doors of Starbucks coffee stores around the world. The retail chain’s colors are instantly recognizable to a vast chunk of the world’s population, its green and brown carefully selected to symbolize the land on which the coffee is grown. Reddish variations are also allowed within the coffee giant’s carefully controlled color scheme, apparently to signify the fire used to roast the beans. For the growers too, the color is appropriate. Most are up to their necks in the red. The price of coffee has collapsed. Put simply, too much of the stuff is grown. More than 40 million bags of excess coffee are currently on the market. Production exceeded consumption by nine million bags last year. Five years ago, top quality coffee such as that produced by Ethiopia would fetch around £1 a pound; now it’s down to 40 pence. As a result, Ethiopia is losing twice as much as it gained in debt relief, and communities are at pre-starvation level. Their suffering can be clearly traced to Western demands and in particular the World Bank, which advised poor nations that never grew coffee to enter the market. Enter Vietnam. In 10 years the South East Asia country came from nowhere to become the world’s second biggest producer of coffee behind Brazil. (以下省略) なお、原典らしきものは次のHPの真ん中付近に見ることができます。 7http://,+too+much+of+the+stuff+is+grown%22&cd=1&hl=ja&ct=clnk&gl=jp またStarbucksのロゴの色やデザインの変遷については次のサイトなどが参考になりそうです。

  • 英文で所々分からない箇所があります

    お世話になっております。 男性で木の上に住んでる人とか、元軍人のエッセーを読んで来ているせいか、彼女の英文は私にとって”大袈裟”で”飾りっ気”が多く理解しにくいです。 質問1. というのは私の浅学のせいで、このくらいの英文は大袈裟でも何でもなく"普通"なんでしょうか?このくらいの比喩表現を理解出来ないのは、まだまだ私が浅学ということでしょうか? 質問2.下記の英文で feeling my spirit crushed because I will never know what it's like to wake up and start my day in a tiara. 彼女のspirit が打ち砕かれるとのことですが、because 以下との関連がよく分かりません。具体的に説明するとどうなりますか? 質問3.は字数制限で出来ませんので新たな投稿でします。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Essay Another day, another new shopping mall By Jennifer Matsui 今日もショッピングモールがオープン 東京周辺では毎日のように新たなショッピングモールが誕生しているが、 3月下旬、六本木の防衛庁跡地に「東京ミッドタウン」がオープンした。 もうけ主義の開発業者が作り出したこの施設の中で、唯一の救いと言えるのが、 サントリー美術館で展示されている江戸時代の宝物の数々ではないだろうか。 Seldom does a day go by that doesn't herald the opening of yet another retail temple devoted to the gods of shopping, where the faithful go to worship the almighty designer label and overpriced tea salon. It seems like only yesterday that I followed the crowds into Omotesando Hills, window-shopping along with tens of thousands of other drones, looking at everything on display and feeling my spirit crushed because I will never know what it's like to wake up and start my day in a tiara. And just when I thought I had found inner peace without the aid of retail religion, along comes yet another newly opened shopping center with all of the familiar enticements of luxury and convenience. Naturally, this one is no different from Tokyo's other shopping centers, all uniquely designed to frustrate the visitor with their maze-like layouts, where going from A to B requires the skills and stamina of a Sherpa guide. Surrounded by all this, I suddenly fear earthquakes less than the fashion disaster of my own making. I realize that if there was an earthquake and all this concrete and glass were to come crashing down on me, my dying breath would be a prayer that no one notices how cheap my shoes are. Tokyo's new Midtown shopping center, located on the former site of the Defense Agency, is yet another addition to Tokyo's retail jungle. But as far as shopping centers go, it's certainly not the worst of its kind. The curved footbridge, where cars instead of carp can be viewed below, and other distinctly Japanese touches are improvements over the usual bland, pre-fab American-style shopping centers that appeared during the bubble era. Its architects have clearly made an effort to create a sense of harmony with the existing neighborhood. And herein lies the problem. Midtown's seamless inclusion into the Tokyo landscape gives rise to a mind-set that defines "community" and "neighborhood" by the flagship stores bearing the name of a multinational corporation. All this conformity is just another step along the way to creating a society regulated by greedy developers. At some point, I was probably standing on the exact spot where George's bar used to be — a tiny watering hole on the outskirts of Roppongi famous for its Motown-themed decor, and its ageless Mama-san. It's hard to exactly pinpoint the precise location of George's since the wonders of development and "progress" have destroyed every vestige of the past, burying it under a million tons of reinforced steel and concrete. Ironically, the only life within the Midtown mausoleum can be found among the centuries-old treasures on display at the Suntory Museum. Here, visitors can enjoy a welcome break from the rigors of mindless spending. The current exhibition of Edo period treasures, ranging from exquisitely painted folding screens to lacquer incense holders, is a beautiful yet sad reminder of a bygone age before the connoisseur gave way to the consumer. In contrast to the dead relics of the present, these artifacts remind us that real beauty possesses the beholder, rather than the other way around. Shukan ST: May 11, 2007

  • 英文で所々分からない箇所があります2

    質問3. 以下の部分ですが Surrounded by all this, I suddenly fear earthquakes less than the fashion disaster of my own making. I realize that if there was an earthquake and all this concrete and glass were to come crashing down on me, my dying breath would be a prayer that no one notices how cheap my shoes are. 著者は自分のファッションセンスの低さを卑下しているようですが、何故ここにこの文章を挟む必要があるのでしょうか?前後との脈絡が全くないように見えるのですが・・・ 私の英文読解力が足りないせいなのか、彼女の文章構成力が稚拙なせいなのか、それすら判断できません。 貴方の具体的で総合的な判断と説明をお聞かせ願えませんか? 面倒な質問をして申し訳ありませんが、宜しくお願い致します。 Seldom does a day go by that doesn't herald the opening of yet another retail temple devoted to the gods of shopping, where the faithful go to worship the almighty designer label and overpriced tea salon. It seems like only yesterday that I followed the crowds into Omotesando Hills, window-shopping along with tens of thousands of other drones, looking at everything on display and feeling my spirit crushed because I will never know what it's like to wake up and start my day in a tiara. And just when I thought I had found inner peace without the aid of retail religion, along comes yet another newly opened shopping center with all of the familiar enticements of luxury and convenience. Naturally, this one is no different from Tokyo's other shopping centers, all uniquely designed to frustrate the visitor with their maze-like layouts, where going from A to B requires the skills and stamina of a Sherpa guide. Surrounded by all this, I suddenly fear earthquakes less than the fashion disaster of my own making. I realize that if there was an earthquake and all this concrete and glass were to come crashing down on me, my dying breath would be a prayer that no one notices how cheap my shoes are. Tokyo's new Midtown shopping center, located on the former site of the Defense Agency, is yet another addition to Tokyo's retail jungle. But as far as shopping centers go, it's certainly not the worst of its kind. The curved footbridge, where cars instead of carp can be viewed below, and other distinctly Japanese touches are improvements over the usual bland, pre-fab American-style shopping centers that appeared during the bubble era. Its architects have clearly made an effort to create a sense of harmony with the existing neighborhood. And herein lies the problem. Midtown's seamless inclusion into the Tokyo landscape gives rise to a mind-set that defines "community" and "neighborhood" by the flagship stores bearing the name of a multinational corporation. All this conformity is just another step along the way to creating a society regulated by greedy developers. At some point, I was probably standing on the exact spot where George's bar used to be — a tiny watering hole on the outskirts of Roppongi famous for its Motown-themed decor, and its ageless Mama-san. It's hard to exactly pinpoint the precise location of George's since the wonders of development and "progress" have destroyed every vestige of the past, burying it under a million tons of reinforced steel and concrete. Ironically, the only life within the Midtown mausoleum can be found among the centuries-old treasures on display at the Suntory Museum. Here, visitors can enjoy a welcome break from the rigors of mindless spending. The current exhibition of Edo period treasures, ranging from exquisitely painted folding screens to lacquer incense holders, is a beautiful yet sad reminder of a bygone age before the connoisseur gave way to the consumer. In contrast to the dead relics of the present, these artifacts remind us that real beauty possesses the beholder, rather than the other way around.
