• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • inclode
  • ベストアンサー率44% (12/27)

その質問は締め切られているため、答えることげできなくなっています。 左上の「okwave」ロゴの下に、その質問の状態が示されています。 今回のように、締め切り済みの質問の場合、「締切済み」と表示されます。 また、「ベストアンサー」と表示されている場合は、質問にベストアンサーが選ばれ、質問が締め切り済みだということを示しています。 「受付中」と書かれている場合には、それが回答の受付中ということを表し、答えることができる質問だということを表します。 英語は得意教科ではないので、もし以下の英文で間違っている点があればお願いします。 The question is closed and cannot be answered. The status of the question is displayed below the "okwave" logo in the upper left. Like this time, "締め切り済み" is displayed when the deadline has passed. Also, if you see a "ベストアンサー", it means that the best answer has been selected and the question has been closed. If it is written as "受付中", it means that the answer has been accepted and the question can be answered. English is not my specialty, so if there are any mistakes in the following English sentences, please do not hesitate to contact me.






    "What has an eye but can't see?" How many answers do you have to this riddle? I have 3 so far. Not cool though hehe

  • 和訳をお願いします

    im the highest bidder but just realised after looking more closely that you do not post to GB. what do i do now!

  • このような

    友達からim feeling blue for the lost friendship im trying to forget and follow my way but i miss everything... このようなときどう声をかけてあげますか?たとえばでいいのでおしえてください なるべく短くないことがいいです・・ いつもこの言葉ばかりになって知っているので他の言い方をおしえてください I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you?Remember that I am always here.

  • 日本語にして下さい

    I do remember but what I am trying to say is am I going to see you more than the last time you came? Lol. If you were here so long, how come I didn't see you often?

  • 「かな」のtype 

    Let me ask you a question about typing. Sorry that I'm writting this in English while I can't type Japanese fast. I pushed some buttons, and then something wrong with my typing board. For example, If I want to type 「な」,I usually type [na]. but now, I have to find the button of 「な」. My tyiping board doesn't accept roma-ji typing right now. How can I fix this? Could anyone help me,please?! Sorry that I can't explaine this in Japanese. I'm JAPANESE, so please answer to this in Japanese. Thank you very much.

  • I keep trying.

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より How do you cook a souffle? I keep trying.(私、挑戦し続けているんだけど。) But it never turns out right. 質問:I keep trying.についてお尋ねします。 (1)I am trying.と進行形ではいけませんか?だめならその理由を教えていただけませんか? (2)tryingは動名詞ですか?それとも現在分詞の形容詞化ですか?それとも? (3)tryingの他に「~し続ける」モノにはどんな動詞がありますか?

  • メールの訳を見てください

    訳を見て欲しいのですが、 im sorry it took me soo long to respond but i am in thailand helping the cyclone victims in burma. as far as your friend, i am very very sorry to hear that. i hope you can find the strength to get through this and i know you dont know me very well but if you ever need anything or maybe just to talk im here. sometimes people like to talk to outsiders cause they dont want to talk to those too close too them (im like that) but im very serious. im sad 4 u and i hope u can heal. god bless. ながらく返事しなくてごめん???でもわたしはいまタイでサイクロンの被害者を支援しにきている。君のともだちの話はとても残念な話だ。。。。。。。。。。。。君は私のことをよくしらないでももし何かあるなら話すといい私はここにいるから。ときどき人は身近ではない人と話す。なぜなら身近な人に話したくないから。私もそう。でも私はとても真剣だ。とても悲しいよ。君が立ち直ることを願ってる。 おしえてください

  • 添削してください。

    知人に頼まれて英作してみたのですが、いまいち自信がないので、自分の勉強も兼ねて質問させていただければと思います。どなたかよろしければ添削をお願いします。 引っ越すアパートは見てから決めたい I don't want to decide an apartment to live in until I go see it. 海外生活で私は何か変わるのかな。この1ヶ月間のホームステイで自分がどう変わるか楽しみです。 I wonder if living in a foreign country will change me somehow. I can't wait to see how I change after this one-month homestay. 父は私がアメリカに行くのを快く思っていないようだけど、自分のしたいことだからあきらめられません。 It seems my father aren't happy about my going to the U.S., but I can't give up my plan because this is what I really want to do.

  • 日本語訳で質問です。

    遠距離恋愛中の彼からのメールで分からない訳し方があったので、英語のわかる方お願いします。翻訳機はやめてください。 (1)Seriously, I do. (2)This is very important to me to be able to handle being away from each other. Like I said, this will happen again. Not me moving somewhere else and not being with you, but being gone for 6 months at a time. I know I probably sound mean or cold when I say things like that, but that's not what I'm trying to do. (3)I will try to put some pictures up once I do.

  • Can I get an Aquos Xx?

    Hey, salsberry do you know where can I get an aquos xx, their flagship phone that has the 810 snapdragon cpu and 3GB Ram?, I did try to find one on ebay but there isn't one available. Do you know where can I get one? As for the Aquos Crystal, this phone was released about a year ago so I am pretty sure sharp is not going to do anything about this, they might have forgotten about this phone themselves. I don't wan't to waste any more time trying to get this thing to get lollipop because it'll be pretty much a futile attempt. By the way the phone it's kind of slow and the resolution is 720p, so there is no future for this. The Aquos Xx is way more fitting to lollipop because it's very fast. I saw softbank is selling them but are they without contract?, I also tried ebay japan but couldn't find anything. As for your question I don't know how to remove the previous question maybe you can tell the admin to do it. ※OKWaveより補足:「シャープのスマートフォン・携帯電話」についての質問です。